
1use crate::{
2    comp::{
3        Item,
4        inventory::{
5            InvSlot,
6            item::{self, Hands, ItemDefinitionIdOwned, ItemKind, tool::Tool},
7            slot::{ArmorSlot, EquipSlot},
8        },
9    },
10    resources::Time,
12use hashbrown::HashMap;
13use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
14use std::ops::Range;
15use tracing::warn;
17pub(super) const UNEQUIP_TRACKING_DURATION: f64 = 60.0;
19#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
20pub struct Loadout {
21    slots: Vec<LoadoutSlot>,
22    // Includes time that item was unequipped at
23    #[serde(skip)]
24    // Tracks time unequipped at and number that have been unequipped (for things like dual
25    // wielding, rings, or other future cases)
26    pub(super) recently_unequipped_items: HashMap<ItemDefinitionIdOwned, (Time, u8)>,
29/// NOTE: Please don't derive a PartialEq Instance for this; that's broken!
30#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
31pub struct LoadoutSlot {
32    /// The EquipSlot that this slot represents
33    pub(super) equip_slot: EquipSlot,
34    /// The contents of the slot
35    slot: InvSlot,
36    /// The unique string that represents this loadout slot in the database (not
37    /// synced to clients)
38    #[serde(skip)]
39    persistence_key: String,
42impl LoadoutSlot {
43    fn new(equip_slot: EquipSlot, persistence_key: String) -> LoadoutSlot {
44        LoadoutSlot {
45            equip_slot,
46            slot: None,
47            persistence_key,
48        }
49    }
52pub(super) struct LoadoutSlotId {
53    // The index of the loadout item that provides this inventory slot.
54    pub loadout_idx: usize,
55    // The index of the slot within its container
56    pub slot_idx: usize,
59pub enum LoadoutError {
60    InvalidPersistenceKey,
61    NoParentAtSlot,
64impl Loadout {
65    pub(super) fn new_empty() -> Self {
66        Self {
67            slots: vec![
68                (EquipSlot::Lantern, "lantern".to_string()),
69                (EquipSlot::Glider, "glider".to_string()),
70                (
71                    EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Shoulders),
72                    "shoulder".to_string(),
73                ),
74                (EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Chest), "chest".to_string()),
75                (EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Belt), "belt".to_string()),
76                (EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Hands), "hand".to_string()),
77                (EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Legs), "pants".to_string()),
78                (EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Feet), "foot".to_string()),
79                (EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Back), "back".to_string()),
80                (EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Ring1), "ring1".to_string()),
81                (EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Ring2), "ring2".to_string()),
82                (EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Neck), "neck".to_string()),
83                (EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Head), "head".to_string()),
84                (EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Tabard), "tabard".to_string()),
85                (EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Bag1), "bag1".to_string()),
86                (EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Bag2), "bag2".to_string()),
87                (EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Bag3), "bag3".to_string()),
88                (EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Bag4), "bag4".to_string()),
89                (EquipSlot::ActiveMainhand, "active_mainhand".to_string()),
90                (EquipSlot::ActiveOffhand, "active_offhand".to_string()),
91                (EquipSlot::InactiveMainhand, "inactive_mainhand".to_string()),
92                (EquipSlot::InactiveOffhand, "inactive_offhand".to_string()),
93            ]
94            .into_iter()
95            .map(|(equip_slot, persistence_key)| LoadoutSlot::new(equip_slot, persistence_key))
96            .collect(),
97            recently_unequipped_items: HashMap::new(),
98        }
99    }
101    /// Replaces the item in the Loadout slot that corresponds to the given
102    /// EquipSlot and returns the previous item if any
103    pub(super) fn swap(
104        &mut self,
105        equip_slot: EquipSlot,
106        item: Option<Item>,
107        time: Time,
108    ) -> Option<Item> {
109        if let Some(item_def_id) = item.as_ref().map(|item| item.item_definition_id()) {
110            if let Some((_unequip_time, count)) =
111                self.recently_unequipped_items.get_mut(&item_def_id)
112            {
113                *count = count.saturating_sub(1);
114            }
115        }
116        self.cull_recently_unequipped_items(time);
117        let unequipped_item = self
118            .slots
119            .iter_mut()
120            .find(|x| x.equip_slot == equip_slot)
121            .and_then(|x| core::mem::replace(&mut x.slot, item));
122        if let Some(unequipped_item) = unequipped_item.as_ref() {
123            let entry = self
124                .recently_unequipped_items
125                .entry_ref(&unequipped_item.item_definition_id())
126                .or_insert((time, 0));
127            *entry = (time, entry.1.saturating_add(1));
128        }
129        unequipped_item
130    }
132    /// Returns a reference to the item (if any) equipped in the given EquipSlot
133    pub(super) fn equipped(&self, equip_slot: EquipSlot) -> Option<&Item> {
134        self.slot(equip_slot).and_then(|x| x.slot.as_ref())
135    }
137    fn slot(&self, equip_slot: EquipSlot) -> Option<&LoadoutSlot> {
138        self.slots
139            .iter()
140            .find(|loadout_slot| loadout_slot.equip_slot == equip_slot)
141    }
143    pub(super) fn loadout_idx_for_equip_slot(&self, equip_slot: EquipSlot) -> Option<usize> {
144        self.slots
145            .iter()
146            .position(|loadout_slot| loadout_slot.equip_slot == equip_slot)
147    }
149    /// Returns all loadout items paired with their persistence key
150    pub(super) fn items_with_persistence_key(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&str, Option<&Item>)> {
151        self.slots
152            .iter()
153            .map(|x| (x.persistence_key.as_str(), x.slot.as_ref()))
154    }
156    /// Sets a loadout item in the correct slot using its persistence key. Any
157    /// item that already exists in the slot is lost.
158    pub fn set_item_at_slot_using_persistence_key(
159        &mut self,
160        persistence_key: &str,
161        item: Item,
162    ) -> Result<(), LoadoutError> {
163        if let Some(slot) = self
164            .slots
165            .iter_mut()
166            .find(|x| x.persistence_key == persistence_key)
167        {
168            slot.slot = Some(item);
169            Ok(())
170        } else {
171            Err(LoadoutError::InvalidPersistenceKey)
172        }
173    }
175    pub fn get_mut_item_at_slot_using_persistence_key(
176        &mut self,
177        persistence_key: &str,
178    ) -> Result<&mut Item, LoadoutError> {
179        self.slots
180            .iter_mut()
181            .find(|loadout_slot| loadout_slot.persistence_key == persistence_key)
182            .map_or(Err(LoadoutError::InvalidPersistenceKey), |loadout_slot| {
183                loadout_slot
184                    .slot
185                    .as_mut()
186                    .ok_or(LoadoutError::NoParentAtSlot)
187            })
188    }
190    /// Swaps the contents of two loadout slots
191    pub(super) fn swap_slots(
192        &mut self,
193        equip_slot_a: EquipSlot,
194        equip_slot_b: EquipSlot,
195        time: Time,
196    ) {
197        if self.slot(equip_slot_b).is_none() || self.slot(equip_slot_b).is_none() {
198            // Currently all loadouts contain slots for all EquipSlots so this can never
199            // happen, but if loadouts with alternate slot combinations are
200            // introduced then it could.
201            warn!("Cannot swap slots for non-existent equip slot");
202            return;
203        }
205        let item_a = self.swap(equip_slot_a, None, time);
206        let item_b = self.swap(equip_slot_b, item_a, time);
207        assert_eq!(self.swap(equip_slot_a, item_b, time), None);
209        // Check if items are valid in their new positions
210        if !self.slot_can_hold(
211            equip_slot_a,
212            self.equipped(equip_slot_a).map(|x| x.kind()).as_deref(),
213        ) || !self.slot_can_hold(
214            equip_slot_b,
215            self.equipped(equip_slot_b).map(|x| x.kind()).as_deref(),
216        ) {
217            // If not, revert the swap
218            let item_a = self.swap(equip_slot_a, None, time);
219            let item_b = self.swap(equip_slot_b, item_a, time);
220            assert_eq!(self.swap(equip_slot_a, item_b, time), None);
221        }
222    }
224    /// Gets a slot that an item of a particular `ItemKind` can be equipped
225    /// into. The first empty slot compatible with the item will be
226    /// returned, or if there are no free slots then the first occupied slot
227    /// will be returned. The bool part of the tuple indicates whether an item
228    /// is already equipped in the slot.
229    pub(super) fn get_slot_to_equip_into(&self, item_kind: &ItemKind) -> Option<EquipSlot> {
230        let mut suitable_slots = self
231            .slots
232            .iter()
233            .filter(|s| self.slot_can_hold(s.equip_slot, Some(item_kind)));
235        let first =;
237        first
238            .into_iter()
239            .chain(suitable_slots)
240            .find(|loadout_slot| loadout_slot.slot.is_none())
241            .map(|x| x.equip_slot)
242            .or_else(|||x| x.equip_slot))
243    }
245    /// Returns all items currently equipped that an item of the given ItemKind
246    /// could replace
247    pub(super) fn equipped_items_replaceable_by<'a>(
248        &'a self,
249        item_kind: &'a ItemKind,
250    ) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a Item> {
251        self.slots
252            .iter()
253            .filter(move |s| self.slot_can_hold(s.equip_slot, Some(item_kind)))
254            .filter_map(|s| s.slot.as_ref())
255    }
257    /// Returns the `InvSlot` for a given `LoadoutSlotId`
258    pub(super) fn inv_slot(&self, loadout_slot_id: LoadoutSlotId) -> Option<&InvSlot> {
259        self.slots
260            .get(loadout_slot_id.loadout_idx)
261            .and_then(|loadout_slot| loadout_slot.slot.as_ref())
262            .and_then(|item| item.slot(loadout_slot_id.slot_idx))
263    }
265    /// Returns the `InvSlot` for a given `LoadoutSlotId`
266    pub(super) fn inv_slot_mut(&mut self, loadout_slot_id: LoadoutSlotId) -> Option<&mut InvSlot> {
267        self.slots
268            .get_mut(loadout_slot_id.loadout_idx)
269            .and_then(|loadout_slot| loadout_slot.slot.as_mut())
270            .and_then(|item| item.slot_mut(loadout_slot_id.slot_idx))
271    }
273    /// Returns all inventory slots provided by equipped loadout items, along
274    /// with their `LoadoutSlotId`
275    pub(super) fn inv_slots_with_id(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (LoadoutSlotId, &InvSlot)> {
276        self.slots
277            .iter()
278            .enumerate()
279            .filter_map(|(i, loadout_slot)| {
280                loadout_slot.slot.as_ref().map(|item| (i, item.slots()))
281            })
282            .flat_map(|(loadout_slot_index, loadout_slots)| {
283                loadout_slots
284                    .iter()
285                    .enumerate()
286                    .map(move |(item_slot_index, inv_slot)| {
287                        (
288                            LoadoutSlotId {
289                                loadout_idx: loadout_slot_index,
290                                slot_idx: item_slot_index,
291                            },
292                            inv_slot,
293                        )
294                    })
295            })
296    }
298    /// Returns all inventory slots provided by equipped loadout items
299    pub(super) fn inv_slots_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &mut InvSlot> {
300        self.slots.iter_mut()
301            .filter_map(|x| x.slot.as_mut().map(|item| item.slots_mut()))  // Discard loadout items that have no slots of their own
302            .flat_map(|loadout_slots| loadout_slots.iter_mut()) //Collapse iter of Vec<InvSlot> to iter of InvSlot
303    }
305    pub(super) fn inv_slots_mut_with_mutable_recently_unequipped_items(
306        &mut self,
307    ) -> (
308        impl Iterator<Item = &mut InvSlot>,
309        &mut HashMap<ItemDefinitionIdOwned, (Time, u8)>,
310    ) {
311        let slots_mut = self.slots.iter_mut()
312            .filter_map(|x| x.slot.as_mut().map(|item| item.slots_mut()))  // Discard loadout items that have no slots of their own
313            .flat_map(|loadout_slots| loadout_slots.iter_mut()); //Collapse iter of Vec<InvSlot> to iter of InvSlot
314        (slots_mut, &mut self.recently_unequipped_items)
315    }
317    /// Gets the range of loadout-provided inventory slot indexes that are
318    /// provided by the item in the given `EquipSlot`
319    pub(super) fn slot_range_for_equip_slot(&self, equip_slot: EquipSlot) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
320        self.slots
321            .iter()
322            .map(|loadout_slot| {
323                (
324                    loadout_slot.equip_slot,
325                    loadout_slot
326                        .slot
327                        .as_ref()
328                        .map_or(0, |item| item.slots().len()),
329                )
330            })
331            .scan(0, |acc_len, (equip_slot, len)| {
332                let res = Some((equip_slot, len, *acc_len));
333                *acc_len += len;
334                res
335            })
336            .find(|(e, len, _)| *e == equip_slot && len > &0)
337            .map(|(_, slot_len, start)| start..start + slot_len)
338    }
340    /// Attempts to equip the item into a compatible, unpopulated loadout slot.
341    /// If no slot is available the item is returned.
342    #[must_use = "Returned item will be lost if not used"]
343    pub(super) fn try_equip(&mut self, item: Item) -> Result<(), Item> {
344        let loadout_slot = self
345            .slots
346            .iter()
347            .find(|s| s.slot.is_none() && self.slot_can_hold(s.equip_slot, Some(&*item.kind())))
348            .map(|s| s.equip_slot);
349        if let Some(slot) = self
350            .slots
351            .iter_mut()
352            .find(|s| Some(s.equip_slot) == loadout_slot)
353        {
354            slot.slot = Some(item);
355            Ok(())
356        } else {
357            Err(item)
358        }
359    }
361    pub(super) fn items(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Item> {
362        self.slots.iter().filter_map(|x| x.slot.as_ref())
363    }
365    pub(super) fn items_with_slot(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (EquipSlot, &Item)> {
366        self.slots
367            .iter()
368            .filter_map(|x| x.slot.as_ref().map(|i| (x.equip_slot, i)))
369    }
371    /// Checks that a slot can hold a given item
372    pub(super) fn slot_can_hold(
373        &self,
374        equip_slot: EquipSlot,
375        item_kind: Option<&ItemKind>,
376    ) -> bool {
377        // Disallow equipping incompatible weapon pairs (i.e a two-handed weapon and a
378        // one-handed weapon)
379        if !(match equip_slot {
380            EquipSlot::ActiveMainhand => Loadout::is_valid_weapon_pair(
381                item_kind,
382                self.equipped(EquipSlot::ActiveOffhand)
383                    .map(|x| x.kind())
384                    .as_deref(),
385            ),
386            EquipSlot::ActiveOffhand => Loadout::is_valid_weapon_pair(
387                self.equipped(EquipSlot::ActiveMainhand)
388                    .map(|x| x.kind())
389                    .as_deref(),
390                item_kind,
391            ),
392            EquipSlot::InactiveMainhand => Loadout::is_valid_weapon_pair(
393                item_kind,
394                self.equipped(EquipSlot::InactiveOffhand)
395                    .map(|x| x.kind())
396                    .as_deref(),
397            ),
398            EquipSlot::InactiveOffhand => Loadout::is_valid_weapon_pair(
399                self.equipped(EquipSlot::InactiveMainhand)
400                    .map(|x| x.kind())
401                    .as_deref(),
402                item_kind,
403            ),
404            _ => true,
405        }) {
406            return false;
407        }
409        item_kind.is_none_or(|item| equip_slot.can_hold(item))
410    }
412    #[rustfmt::skip]
413    fn is_valid_weapon_pair(main_hand: Option<&ItemKind>, off_hand: Option<&ItemKind>) -> bool {
414        matches!((main_hand, off_hand),
415            (Some(ItemKind::Tool(Tool { hands: Hands::One, .. })), None) |
416            (Some(ItemKind::Tool(Tool { hands: Hands::Two, .. })), None) |
417            (Some(ItemKind::Tool(Tool { hands: Hands::One, .. })), Some(ItemKind::Tool(Tool { hands: Hands::One, .. }))) |
418            (None, None))
419    }
421    pub(super) fn swap_equipped_weapons(&mut self, time: Time) {
422        // Checks if a given slot can hold an item right now, defaults to true if
423        // nothing is equipped in slot
424        let valid_slot = |equip_slot| {
425            self.equipped(equip_slot)
426                .is_none_or(|i| self.slot_can_hold(equip_slot, Some(&*i.kind())))
427        };
429        // If every weapon is currently in a valid slot, after this change they will
430        // still be in a valid slot. This is because active mainhand and
431        // inactive mainhand, and active offhand and inactive offhand have the same
432        // requirements on what can be equipped.
433        if valid_slot(EquipSlot::ActiveMainhand)
434            && valid_slot(EquipSlot::ActiveOffhand)
435            && valid_slot(EquipSlot::InactiveMainhand)
436            && valid_slot(EquipSlot::InactiveOffhand)
437        {
438            // Get weapons from each slot
439            let active_mainhand = self.swap(EquipSlot::ActiveMainhand, None, time);
440            let active_offhand = self.swap(EquipSlot::ActiveOffhand, None, time);
441            let inactive_mainhand = self.swap(EquipSlot::InactiveMainhand, None, time);
442            let inactive_offhand = self.swap(EquipSlot::InactiveOffhand, None, time);
443            // Equip weapons into new slots
444            assert!(
445                self.swap(EquipSlot::ActiveMainhand, inactive_mainhand, time)
446                    .is_none()
447            );
448            assert!(
449                self.swap(EquipSlot::ActiveOffhand, inactive_offhand, time)
450                    .is_none()
451            );
452            assert!(
453                self.swap(EquipSlot::InactiveMainhand, active_mainhand, time)
454                    .is_none()
455            );
456            assert!(
457                self.swap(EquipSlot::InactiveOffhand, active_offhand, time)
458                    .is_none()
459            );
460        }
461    }
463    /// Update internal computed state of all top level items in this loadout.
464    /// Used only when loading in persistence code.
465    pub fn persistence_update_all_item_states(
466        &mut self,
467        ability_map: &item::tool::AbilityMap,
468        msm: &item::MaterialStatManifest,
469    ) {
470        self.slots.iter_mut().for_each(|slot| {
471            if let Some(item) = &mut slot.slot {
472                item.update_item_state(ability_map, msm);
473            }
474        });
475    }
477    /// Increments durability by 1 of all valid items
478    pub(super) fn damage_items(
479        &mut self,
480        ability_map: &item::tool::AbilityMap,
481        msm: &item::MaterialStatManifest,
482    ) {
483        self.slots
484            .iter_mut()
485            .filter_map(|slot| slot.slot.as_mut())
486            .filter(|item| item.has_durability())
487            .for_each(|item| item.increment_damage(ability_map, msm));
488    }
490    /// Resets durability of item in specified slot
491    pub(super) fn repair_item_at_slot(
492        &mut self,
493        equip_slot: EquipSlot,
494        ability_map: &item::tool::AbilityMap,
495        msm: &item::MaterialStatManifest,
496    ) {
497        if let Some(item) = self
498            .slots
499            .iter_mut()
500            .find(|slot| slot.equip_slot == equip_slot)
501            .and_then(|slot| slot.slot.as_mut())
502        {
503            item.reset_durability(ability_map, msm);
504        }
505    }
507    pub(super) fn cull_recently_unequipped_items(&mut self, time: Time) {
508        self.recently_unequipped_items
509            .retain(|_def, (unequip_time, count)| {
510                // If somehow time went backwards or faulty unequip time supplied, set unequip
511                // time to minimum of current time and unequip time
512                if time.0 < unequip_time.0 {
513                    *unequip_time = time;
514                }
516                (time.0 - unequip_time.0 < UNEQUIP_TRACKING_DURATION) && *count > 0
517            });
518    }
522mod tests {
523    use crate::{
524        comp::{
525            Item,
526            inventory::{
527                item::{
528                    ItemKind,
529                    armor::{Armor, ArmorKind, Protection},
530                },
531                loadout::Loadout,
532                slot::{ArmorSlot, EquipSlot},
533                test_helpers::get_test_bag,
534            },
535        },
536        resources::Time,
537    };
539    #[test]
540    fn test_slot_range_for_equip_slot() {
541        let mut loadout = Loadout::new_empty();
543        let bag1_slot = EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Bag1);
544        let bag = get_test_bag(18);
545        loadout.swap(bag1_slot, Some(bag), Time(0.0));
547        let result = loadout.slot_range_for_equip_slot(bag1_slot).unwrap();
549        assert_eq!(0..18, result);
550    }
552    #[test]
553    fn test_slot_range_for_equip_slot_no_item() {
554        let loadout = Loadout::new_empty();
555        let result = loadout.slot_range_for_equip_slot(EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Bag1));
557        assert_eq!(None, result);
558    }
560    #[test]
561    fn test_slot_range_for_equip_slot_item_without_slots() {
562        let mut loadout = Loadout::new_empty();
564        let feet_slot = EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Feet);
565        let boots = Item::new_from_asset_expect("common.items.testing.test_boots");
566        loadout.swap(feet_slot, Some(boots), Time(0.0));
567        let result = loadout.slot_range_for_equip_slot(feet_slot);
569        assert_eq!(None, result);
570    }
572    #[test]
573    fn test_get_slot_to_equip_into_second_bag_slot_free() {
574        let mut loadout = Loadout::new_empty();
576        loadout.swap(
577            EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Bag1),
578            Some(get_test_bag(1)),
579            Time(0.0),
580        );
582        let result = loadout
583            .get_slot_to_equip_into(&ItemKind::Armor(Armor::test_armor(
584                ArmorKind::Bag,
585                Protection::Normal(0.0),
586                Protection::Normal(0.0),
587            )))
588            .unwrap();
590        assert_eq!(EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Bag2), result);
591    }
593    #[test]
594    fn test_get_slot_to_equip_into_no_bag_slots_free() {
595        let mut loadout = Loadout::new_empty();
597        loadout.swap(
598            EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Bag1),
599            Some(get_test_bag(1)),
600            Time(0.0),
601        );
602        loadout.swap(
603            EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Bag2),
604            Some(get_test_bag(1)),
605            Time(0.0),
606        );
607        loadout.swap(
608            EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Bag3),
609            Some(get_test_bag(1)),
610            Time(0.0),
611        );
612        loadout.swap(
613            EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Bag4),
614            Some(get_test_bag(1)),
615            Time(0.0),
616        );
618        let result = loadout
619            .get_slot_to_equip_into(&ItemKind::Armor(Armor::test_armor(
620                ArmorKind::Bag,
621                Protection::Normal(0.0),
622                Protection::Normal(0.0),
623            )))
624            .unwrap();
626        assert_eq!(EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Bag1), result);
627    }