
1use core::ops::Not;
2use hashbrown::HashMap;
3use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
4use specs::{Component, DerefFlaggedStorage};
5use std::{cmp::Ordering, convert::TryFrom, mem, num::NonZeroU32, ops::Range};
6use tracing::{debug, trace, warn};
7use vek::Vec3;
9use crate::{
10    LoadoutBuilder,
11    comp::{
12        Item,
13        body::Body,
14        inventory::{
15            item::{
16                ItemDef, ItemDefinitionIdOwned, ItemKind, MaterialStatManifest, TagExampleInfo,
17                item_key::ItemKey, tool::AbilityMap,
18            },
19            loadout::Loadout,
20            recipe_book::RecipeBook,
21            slot::{EquipSlot, Slot, SlotError},
22        },
23        loot_owner::LootOwnerKind,
24        slot::{InvSlotId, SlotId},
25    },
26    recipe::{Recipe, RecipeBookManifest},
27    resources::Time,
28    terrain::SpriteKind,
29    uid::Uid,
32use super::FrontendItem;
34pub mod item;
35pub mod loadout;
36pub mod loadout_builder;
37pub mod recipe_book;
38pub mod slot;
39#[cfg(test)] mod test;
40#[cfg(test)] mod test_helpers;
41pub mod trade_pricing;
43pub type InvSlot = Option<Item>;
44const DEFAULT_INVENTORY_SLOTS: usize = 18;
46/// NOTE: Do not add a PartialEq instance for Inventory; that's broken!
47#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
48pub struct Inventory {
49    next_sort_order: InventorySortOrder,
50    loadout: Loadout,
51    /// The "built-in" slots belonging to the inventory itself, all other slots
52    /// are provided by equipped items
53    slots: Vec<InvSlot>,
54    /// For when slot amounts are rebalanced or the inventory otherwise does not
55    /// have enough space to hold all the items after loading from database.
56    /// These slots are "remove-only" meaning that during normal gameplay items
57    /// can only be removed from these slots and never entered.
58    overflow_items: Vec<Item>,
59    /// Recipes that are available for use
60    recipe_book: RecipeBook,
63/// Errors which the methods on `Inventory` produce
65pub enum Error {
66    /// The inventory is full and items could not be added. The extra items have
67    /// been returned.
68    Full(Vec<Item>),
71impl Error {
72    pub fn returned_items(self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Item> {
73        match self {
74            Error::Full(items) => items.into_iter(),
75        }
76    }
79#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
80pub enum InventorySortOrder {
81    Name,
82    Quality,
83    Category,
84    Tag,
85    Amount,
88impl InventorySortOrder {
89    fn next(&self) -> InventorySortOrder {
90        match self {
91            InventorySortOrder::Name => InventorySortOrder::Quality,
92            InventorySortOrder::Quality => InventorySortOrder::Tag,
93            InventorySortOrder::Tag => InventorySortOrder::Category,
94            InventorySortOrder::Category => InventorySortOrder::Amount,
95            InventorySortOrder::Amount => InventorySortOrder::Name,
96        }
97    }
100pub enum CustomOrder {
101    Name,
102    Quality,
103    KindPartial,
104    KindFull,
105    Tag,
108/// Represents the Inventory of an entity. The inventory has 18 "built-in"
109/// slots, with further slots being provided by items equipped in the Loadout
110/// sub-struct. Inventory slots are indexed by `InvSlotId` which is
111/// comprised of `loadout_idx` - the index of the loadout item that provides the
112/// slot, 0 being the built-in inventory slots, and `slot_idx` - the index of
113/// the slot within that loadout item.
115/// Currently, it is not supported for inventories to contain items that have
116/// items inside them. This is due to both game balance purposes, and the lack
117/// of a UI to show such items. Because of this, any action that would result in
118/// such an item being put into the inventory (item pickup, unequipping an item
119/// that contains items etc) must first ensure items are unloaded from the item.
120/// This is handled in `inventory\`
121impl Inventory {
122    pub fn with_empty() -> Inventory {
123        Self::with_loadout_humanoid(LoadoutBuilder::empty().build())
124    }
126    pub fn with_loadout(loadout: Loadout, body: Body) -> Inventory {
127        if let Body::Humanoid(_) = body {
128            Self::with_loadout_humanoid(loadout)
129        } else {
130            Self::with_loadout_animal(loadout)
131        }
132    }
134    pub fn with_loadout_humanoid(loadout: Loadout) -> Inventory {
135        Inventory {
136            next_sort_order: InventorySortOrder::Name,
137            loadout,
138            slots: vec![None; DEFAULT_INVENTORY_SLOTS],
139            overflow_items: Vec::new(),
140            recipe_book: RecipeBook::default(),
141        }
142    }
144    pub fn with_loadout_animal(loadout: Loadout) -> Inventory {
145        Inventory {
146            next_sort_order: InventorySortOrder::Name,
147            loadout,
148            slots: vec![None; 1],
149            overflow_items: Vec::new(),
150            recipe_book: RecipeBook::default(),
151        }
152    }
154    pub fn with_recipe_book(mut self, recipe_book: RecipeBook) -> Inventory {
155        self.recipe_book = recipe_book;
156        self
157    }
159    /// Total number of slots in in the inventory.
160    pub fn capacity(&self) -> usize { self.slots().count() }
162    /// An iterator of all inventory slots
163    pub fn slots(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &InvSlot> {
164        self.slots
165            .iter()
166            .chain(self.loadout.inv_slots_with_id().map(|(_, slot)| slot))
167    }
169    /// An iterator of all overflow slots in the inventory
170    pub fn overflow_items(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Item> { self.overflow_items.iter() }
172    /// A mutable iterator of all inventory slots
173    fn slots_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &mut InvSlot> {
174        self.slots.iter_mut().chain(self.loadout.inv_slots_mut())
175    }
177    fn slots_mut_with_mutable_recently_unequipped_items(
178        &mut self,
179    ) -> (
180        impl Iterator<Item = &mut InvSlot>,
181        &mut HashMap<ItemDefinitionIdOwned, (Time, u8)>,
182    ) {
183        let (slots_mut, recently_unequipped) = self
184            .loadout
185            .inv_slots_mut_with_mutable_recently_unequipped_items();
186        (self.slots.iter_mut().chain(slots_mut), recently_unequipped)
187    }
189    /// An iterator of all inventory slots and their position
190    pub fn slots_with_id(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (InvSlotId, &InvSlot)> {
191        self.slots
192            .iter()
193            .enumerate()
194            .map(|(i, slot)| ((InvSlotId::new(0, u16::try_from(i).unwrap())), slot))
195            .chain(
196                self.loadout
197                    .inv_slots_with_id()
198                    .map(|(loadout_slot_id, inv_slot)| (loadout_slot_id.into(), inv_slot)),
199            )
200    }
202    /// If custom_order is empty, it will always return Ordering::Equal
203    pub fn order_by_custom(custom_order: &[CustomOrder], a: &Item, b: &Item) -> Ordering {
204        let mut order = custom_order.iter();
205        let a_quality = a.quality();
206        let b_quality = b.quality();
207        let a_kind = a.kind().get_itemkind_string();
208        let b_kind = b.kind().get_itemkind_string();
209        let mut cmp = Ordering::Equal;
210        while cmp == Ordering::Equal {
211            match {
212                Some(CustomOrder::KindFull) => cmp = Ord::cmp(&a_kind, &b_kind),
213                Some(CustomOrder::KindPartial) => {
214                    cmp = Ord::cmp(
215                        &a_kind.split_once(':').unwrap().0,
216                        &b_kind.split_once(':').unwrap().0,
217                    )
218                },
219                Some(CustomOrder::Quality) => cmp = Ord::cmp(&b_quality, &a_quality),
220                #[expect(deprecated)]
221                Some(CustomOrder::Name) => cmp = Ord::cmp(&, &,
222                Some(CustomOrder::Tag) => {
223                    cmp = Ord::cmp(
224                        &a.tags().first().map_or("", |tag|,
225                        &b.tags().first().map_or("", |tag|,
226                    )
227                },
228                _ => break,
229            }
230        }
231        cmp
232    }
234    /// Sorts the inventory using the next sort order
235    pub fn sort(&mut self) {
236        let sort_order = self.next_sort_order;
237        let mut items: Vec<Item> = self.slots_mut().filter_map(mem::take).collect();
239        items.sort_by(|a, b| match sort_order {
240            #[expect(deprecated)]
241            InventorySortOrder::Name => Ord::cmp(&, &,
242            // Quality is sorted in reverse since we want high quality items first
243            InventorySortOrder::Quality => Ord::cmp(&b.quality(), &a.quality()),
244            InventorySortOrder::Category => {
245                let order = [
246                    CustomOrder::KindPartial,
247                    CustomOrder::Quality,
248                    CustomOrder::KindFull,
249                    CustomOrder::Name,
250                ];
251                Self::order_by_custom(&order, a, b)
252            },
253            InventorySortOrder::Tag => Ord::cmp(
254                &a.tags().first().map_or("", |tag|,
255                &b.tags().first().map_or("", |tag|,
256            ),
257            // Amount is sorted in reverse since we want high amounts items first
258            InventorySortOrder::Amount => Ord::cmp(&b.amount(), &a.amount()),
259        });
261        self.push_all(items.into_iter()).expect(
262            "It is impossible for there to be insufficient inventory space when sorting the \
263             inventory",
264        );
266        self.next_sort_order =;
267    }
269    /// Returns the sort order that will be used when Inventory::sort() is next
270    /// called
271    pub fn next_sort_order(&self) -> InventorySortOrder { self.next_sort_order }
273    /// Adds a new item to the fitting slots of the inventory or starts a
274    /// new group. Returns the item in an error if no space was found.
275    ///
276    /// WARNING: This **may** make inventory modifications if `Err(item)` is
277    /// returned. The second tuple field in the error is the number of items
278    /// that were successfully inserted into the inventory.
279    pub fn push(&mut self, mut item: Item) -> Result<(), (Item, Option<NonZeroU32>)> {
280        // If the item is stackable, we can increase the amount of other equal items up
281        // to max_amount before inserting a new item if there is still a remaining
282        // amount (caused by overflow or no other equal stackable being present in the
283        // inventory).
284        if item.is_stackable() {
285            let total_amount = item.amount();
287            let remaining = self
288                .slots_mut()
289                .filter_map(Option::as_mut)
290                .filter(|s| *s == &item)
291                .try_fold(total_amount, |remaining, current| {
292                    debug_assert_eq!(
293                        item.max_amount(),
294                        current.max_amount(),
295                        "max_amount of two equal items must match"
296                    );
298                    // NOTE: Invariant that current.amount <= current.max_amount(), so this
299                    // subtraction is safe.
300                    let new_remaining = remaining
301                        .checked_sub(current.max_amount() - current.amount())
302                        .filter(|&remaining| remaining > 0);
303                    if new_remaining.is_some() {
304                        // Not enough capacity left to hold all the remaining items, so we set this
305                        // one to max.
306                        current
307                            .set_amount(current.max_amount())
308                            .expect("max_amount() is always a valid amount");
309                    } else {
310                        // Enough capacity to hold all the remaining items.
311                        current.increase_amount(remaining).expect(
312                            "This item must be able to contain the remaining amount, because \
313                             remaining < current.max_amount() - current.amount()",
314                        );
315                    }
317                    new_remaining
318                });
320            if let Some(remaining) = remaining {
321                item.set_amount(remaining)
322                    .expect("Remaining is known to be > 0");
323                self.insert(item)
324                    .map_err(|item| (item, NonZeroU32::new(total_amount - remaining)))
325            } else {
326                Ok(())
327            }
328        } else {
329            // The item isn't stackable, insert it directly
330            self.insert(item).map_err(|item| (item, None))
331        }
332    }
334    /// Add a series of items to inventory, returning any which do not fit as an
335    /// error.
336    pub fn push_all<I: Iterator<Item = Item>>(&mut self, items: I) -> Result<(), Error> {
337        // Vec doesn't allocate for zero elements so this should be cheap
338        let mut leftovers = Vec::new();
339        for item in items {
340            if let Err((item, _)) = self.push(item) {
341                leftovers.push(item);
342            }
343        }
344        if !leftovers.is_empty() {
345            Err(Error::Full(leftovers))
346        } else {
347            Ok(())
348        }
349    }
351    /// Add a series of items to an inventory without giving duplicates.
352    /// (n * m complexity)
353    ///
354    /// Error if inventory cannot contain the items (is full), returning the
355    /// un-added items. This is a lazy inefficient implementation, as it
356    /// iterates over the inventory more times than necessary (n^2) and with
357    /// the proper structure wouldn't need to iterate at all, but because
358    /// this should be fairly cold code, clarity has been favored over
359    /// efficiency.
360    pub fn push_all_unique<I: Iterator<Item = Item>>(&mut self, mut items: I) -> Result<(), Error> {
361        let mut leftovers = Vec::new();
362        for item in &mut items {
363            if self.contains(&item).not() {
364                if let Err((overflow, _)) = self.push(item) {
365                    leftovers.push(overflow);
366                }
367            } // else drop item if it was already in
368        }
369        if !leftovers.is_empty() {
370            Err(Error::Full(leftovers))
371        } else {
372            Ok(())
373        }
374    }
376    /// Replaces an item in a specific slot of the inventory. Returns the old
377    /// item or the same item again if that slot was not found.
378    pub fn insert_at(&mut self, inv_slot_id: InvSlotId, item: Item) -> Result<Option<Item>, Item> {
379        match self.slot_mut(inv_slot_id) {
380            Some(slot) => Ok(mem::replace(slot, Some(item))),
381            None => Err(item),
382        }
383    }
385    /// Merge the stack of items at src into the stack at dst if the items are
386    /// compatible and stackable, and return whether anything was changed
387    pub fn merge_stack_into(&mut self, src: InvSlotId, dst: InvSlotId) -> bool {
388        let mut amount = None;
389        if let (Some(srcitem), Some(dstitem)) = (self.get(src), self.get(dst)) {
390            // The equality check ensures the items have the same definition, to avoid e.g.
391            // transmuting coins to diamonds, and the stackable check avoids creating a
392            // stack of swords
393            if srcitem == dstitem && srcitem.is_stackable() {
394                amount = Some(srcitem.amount());
395            }
396        }
397        if let Some(amount) = amount {
398            let dstitem = self
399                .get_mut(dst)
400                .expect("self.get(dst) was Some right above this");
401            dstitem
402                .increase_amount(amount)
403                .map(|_| {
404                    // Suceeded in adding the item, so remove it from `src`.
405                    self.remove(src).expect("Already verified that src was populated.");
406                })
407                // Can fail if we exceed `max_amount`
408                .is_ok()
409        } else {
410            false
411        }
412    }
414    /// Checks if inserting item exists in given cell. Inserts an item if it
415    /// exists.
416    pub fn insert_or_stack_at(
417        &mut self,
418        inv_slot_id: InvSlotId,
419        item: Item,
420    ) -> Result<Option<Item>, Item> {
421        if item.is_stackable() {
422            match self.slot_mut(inv_slot_id) {
423                Some(Some(slot_item)) => {
424                    Ok(if slot_item == &item {
425                        slot_item
426                            .increase_amount(item.amount())
427                            .err()
428                            .and(Some(item))
429                    } else {
430                        let old_item = mem::replace(slot_item, item);
431                        // No need to recount--we know the count is the same.
432                        Some(old_item)
433                    })
434                },
435                Some(None) => self.insert_at(inv_slot_id, item),
436                None => Err(item),
437            }
438        } else {
439            self.insert_at(inv_slot_id, item)
440        }
441    }
443    /// Attempts to equip the item into a compatible, unpopulated loadout slot.
444    /// If no slot is available the item is returned.
445    #[must_use = "Returned item will be lost if not used"]
446    pub fn try_equip(&mut self, item: Item) -> Result<(), Item> { self.loadout.try_equip(item) }
448    pub fn populated_slots(&self) -> usize { self.slots().filter_map(|slot| slot.as_ref()).count() }
450    pub fn free_slots(&self) -> usize { self.slots().filter(|slot| slot.is_none()).count() }
452    /// Check if an item is in this inventory.
453    pub fn contains(&self, item: &Item) -> bool {
454        self.slots().any(|slot| slot.as_ref() == Some(item))
455    }
457    /// Return the first slot id containing the item
458    pub fn get_slot_of_item(&self, item: &Item) -> Option<InvSlotId> {
459        self.slots_with_id()
460            .find(|&(_, it)| {
461                if let Some(it) = it {
462                    it.item_definition_id() == item.item_definition_id()
463                } else {
464                    false
465                }
466            })
467            .map(|(slot, _)| slot)
468    }
470    pub fn get_slot_of_item_by_def_id(
471        &self,
472        item_def_id: &item::ItemDefinitionIdOwned,
473    ) -> Option<InvSlotId> {
474        self.slots_with_id()
475            .find(|&(_, it)| {
476                if let Some(it) = it {
477                    it.item_definition_id() == *item_def_id
478                } else {
479                    false
480                }
481            })
482            .map(|(slot, _)| slot)
483    }
485    /// Get content of a slot
486    pub fn get(&self, inv_slot_id: InvSlotId) -> Option<&Item> {
487        self.slot(inv_slot_id).and_then(Option::as_ref)
488    }
490    /// Get content of an overflow slot
491    pub fn get_overflow(&self, overflow: usize) -> Option<&Item> {
492        self.overflow_items.get(overflow)
493    }
495    /// Get content of any kind of slot
496    pub fn get_slot(&self, slot: Slot) -> Option<&Item> {
497        match slot {
498            Slot::Inventory(inv_slot) => self.get(inv_slot),
499            Slot::Equip(equip) => self.equipped(equip),
500            Slot::Overflow(overflow) => self.get_overflow(overflow),
501        }
502    }
504    /// Get item from inventory
505    pub fn get_by_hash(&self, item_hash: u64) -> Option<&Item> {
506        self.slots().flatten().find(|i| i.item_hash() == item_hash)
507    }
509    /// Get slot from hash
510    pub fn get_slot_from_hash(&self, item_hash: u64) -> Option<InvSlotId> {
511        let slot_with_id = self.slots_with_id().find(|slot| match slot.1 {
512            None => false,
513            Some(item) => item.item_hash() == item_hash,
514        });
515|s| s.0)
516    }
518    /// Mutably get content of a slot
519    fn get_mut(&mut self, inv_slot_id: InvSlotId) -> Option<&mut Item> {
520        self.slot_mut(inv_slot_id).and_then(Option::as_mut)
521    }
523    /// Returns a reference to the item (if any) equipped in the given EquipSlot
524    pub fn equipped(&self, equip_slot: EquipSlot) -> Option<&Item> {
525        self.loadout.equipped(equip_slot)
526    }
528    pub fn loadout_items_with_persistence_key(
529        &self,
530    ) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&str, Option<&Item>)> {
531        self.loadout.items_with_persistence_key()
532    }
534    /// Returns the range of inventory slot indexes that a particular equipped
535    /// item provides (used for UI highlighting of inventory slots when hovering
536    /// over a loadout item)
537    pub fn get_slot_range_for_equip_slot(&self, equip_slot: EquipSlot) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
538        // The slot range returned from `Loadout` must be offset by the number of slots
539        // that the inventory itself provides.
540        let offset = self.slots.len();
541        self.loadout
542            .slot_range_for_equip_slot(equip_slot)
543            .map(|loadout_range| (loadout_range.start + offset)..(loadout_range.end + offset))
544    }
546    /// Swap the items inside of two slots
547    pub fn swap_slots(&mut self, a: InvSlotId, b: InvSlotId) {
548        if self.slot(a).is_none() || self.slot(b).is_none() {
549            warn!("swap_slots called with non-existent inventory slot(s)");
550            return;
551        }
553        let slot_a = mem::take(self.slot_mut(a).unwrap());
554        let slot_b = mem::take(self.slot_mut(b).unwrap());
555        *self.slot_mut(a).unwrap() = slot_b;
556        *self.slot_mut(b).unwrap() = slot_a;
557    }
559    /// Moves an item from an overflow slot to an inventory slot
560    pub fn move_overflow_item(&mut self, overflow: usize, inv_slot: InvSlotId) {
561        match self.slot(inv_slot) {
562            Some(Some(_)) => {
563                warn!("Attempted to move from overflow slot to a filled inventory slot");
564                return;
565            },
566            None => {
567                warn!("Attempted to move from overflow slot to a non-existent inventory slot");
568                return;
569            },
570            Some(None) => {},
571        };
573        let item = self.overflow_items.remove(overflow);
574        *self.slot_mut(inv_slot).unwrap() = Some(item);
575    }
577    /// Remove an item from the slot
578    pub fn remove(&mut self, inv_slot_id: InvSlotId) -> Option<Item> {
579        self.slot_mut(inv_slot_id).and_then(|item| item.take())
580    }
582    /// Remove an item from an overflow slot
583    #[must_use = "Returned items will be lost if not used"]
584    pub fn overflow_remove(&mut self, overflow_slot: usize) -> Option<Item> {
585        if overflow_slot < self.overflow_items.len() {
586            Some(self.overflow_items.remove(overflow_slot))
587        } else {
588            None
589        }
590    }
592    /// Remove just one item from the slot
593    pub fn take(
594        &mut self,
595        inv_slot_id: InvSlotId,
596        ability_map: &AbilityMap,
597        msm: &MaterialStatManifest,
598    ) -> Option<Item> {
599        if let Some(Some(item)) = self.slot_mut(inv_slot_id) {
600            let mut return_item = item.duplicate(ability_map, msm);
602            if item.is_stackable() && item.amount() > 1 {
603                item.decrease_amount(1).ok()?;
604                return_item
605                    .set_amount(1)
606                    .expect("Items duplicated from a stackable item must be stackable.");
607                Some(return_item)
608            } else {
609                self.remove(inv_slot_id)
610            }
611        } else {
612            None
613        }
614    }
616    /// Takes an amount of items from a slot. If the amount to take is larger
617    /// than the item amount, the item amount will be returned instead.
618    pub fn take_amount(
619        &mut self,
620        inv_slot_id: InvSlotId,
621        amount: NonZeroU32,
622        ability_map: &AbilityMap,
623        msm: &MaterialStatManifest,
624    ) -> Option<Item> {
625        if let Some(Some(item)) = self.slot_mut(inv_slot_id) {
626            if item.is_stackable() && item.amount() > amount.get() {
627                let mut return_item = item.duplicate(ability_map, msm);
628                let return_amount = amount.get();
629                // Will never overflow since we know item.amount() > amount.get()
630                let new_amount = item.amount() - return_amount;
632                return_item
633                    .set_amount(return_amount)
634                    .expect("We know that 0 < return_amount < item.amount()");
635                item.set_amount(new_amount)
636                    .expect("new_amount must be > 0 since return item is < item.amount");
638                Some(return_item)
639            } else {
640                // If return_amount == item.amount or the item's amount is one, we
641                // can just pop it from the inventory
642                self.remove(inv_slot_id)
643            }
644        } else {
645            None
646        }
647    }
649    /// Takes half of the items from a slot in the inventory
650    #[must_use = "Returned items will be lost if not used"]
651    pub fn take_half(
652        &mut self,
653        inv_slot_id: InvSlotId,
654        ability_map: &AbilityMap,
655        msm: &MaterialStatManifest,
656    ) -> Option<Item> {
657        if let Some(Some(item)) = self.slot_mut(inv_slot_id) {
658            item.take_half(ability_map, msm)
659                .or_else(|| self.remove(inv_slot_id))
660        } else {
661            None
662        }
663    }
665    /// Takes half of the items from an overflow slot
666    #[must_use = "Returned items will be lost if not used"]
667    pub fn overflow_take_half(
668        &mut self,
669        overflow_slot: usize,
670        ability_map: &AbilityMap,
671        msm: &MaterialStatManifest,
672    ) -> Option<Item> {
673        if let Some(item) = self.overflow_items.get_mut(overflow_slot) {
674            item.take_half(ability_map, msm)
675                .or_else(|| self.overflow_remove(overflow_slot))
676        } else {
677            None
678        }
679    }
681    /// Takes all items from the inventory
682    pub fn drain(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Item> + '_ {
683        self.slots_mut()
684            .filter(|x| x.is_some())
685            .filter_map(mem::take)
686    }
688    /// Determine how many of a particular item there is in the inventory.
689    pub fn item_count(&self, item_def: &ItemDef) -> u64 {
690        self.slots()
691            .flatten()
692            .filter(|it| it.is_same_item_def(item_def))
693            .map(|it| u64::from(it.amount()))
694            .sum()
695    }
697    /// Determine whether the inventory has space to contain the given item, of
698    /// the given amount.
699    pub fn has_space_for(&self, item_def: &ItemDef, amount: u32) -> bool {
700        let mut free_space = 0u32;
701        self.slots().any(|i| {
702            free_space = free_space.saturating_add(if let Some(item) = i {
703                if item.is_same_item_def(item_def) {
704                    // Invariant amount <= max_amount *should* take care of this, but let's be
705                    // safe
706                    item.max_amount().saturating_sub(item.amount())
707                } else {
708                    0
709                }
710            } else {
711                // A free slot can hold ItemDef::max_amount items!
712                item_def.max_amount()
713            });
714            free_space >= amount
715        })
716    }
718    /// Remove the given amount of the given item from the inventory.
719    ///
720    /// The returned items will have arbitrary amounts, but their sum will be
721    /// `amount`.
722    ///
723    /// If the inventory does not contain sufficient items, `None` will be
724    /// returned.
725    pub fn remove_item_amount(
726        &mut self,
727        item_def: &ItemDef,
728        amount: u32,
729        ability_map: &AbilityMap,
730        msm: &MaterialStatManifest,
731    ) -> Option<Vec<Item>> {
732        let mut amount = amount;
733        if self.item_count(item_def) >= u64::from(amount) {
734            let mut removed_items = Vec::new();
735            for slot in self.slots_mut() {
736                if amount == 0 {
737                    // We've collected enough
738                    return Some(removed_items);
739                } else if let Some(item) = slot
740                    && item.is_same_item_def(item_def)
741                {
742                    if amount < item.amount() {
743                        // Remove just the amount we need to finish off
744                        // Note: Unwrap is fine, we've already checked that amount > 0
745                        removed_items.push(item.take_amount(ability_map, msm, amount).unwrap());
746                        return Some(removed_items);
747                    } else {
748                        // Take the whole item and keep going
749                        amount -= item.amount();
750                        removed_items.push(slot.take().unwrap());
751                    }
752                }
753            }
754            debug_assert_eq!(amount, 0);
755            Some(removed_items)
756        } else {
757            None
758        }
759    }
761    /// Adds a new item to the first empty slot of the inventory. Returns the
762    /// item again in an Err if no free slot was found, otherwise returns a
763    /// reference to the item.
764    fn insert(&mut self, item: Item) -> Result<(), Item> {
765        match self.slots_mut().find(|slot| slot.is_none()) {
766            Some(slot) => {
767                *slot = Some(item);
768                Ok(())
769            },
770            None => Err(item),
771        }
772    }
774    pub fn slot(&self, inv_slot_id: InvSlotId) -> Option<&InvSlot> {
775        match SlotId::from(inv_slot_id) {
776            SlotId::Inventory(slot_idx) => self.slots.get(slot_idx),
777            SlotId::Loadout(loadout_slot_id) => self.loadout.inv_slot(loadout_slot_id),
778        }
779    }
781    pub fn slot_mut(&mut self, inv_slot_id: InvSlotId) -> Option<&mut InvSlot> {
782        match SlotId::from(inv_slot_id) {
783            SlotId::Inventory(slot_idx) => self.slots.get_mut(slot_idx),
784            SlotId::Loadout(loadout_slot_id) => self.loadout.inv_slot_mut(loadout_slot_id),
785        }
786    }
788    /// Returns the number of free slots in the inventory ignoring any slots
789    /// granted by the item (if any) equipped in the provided EquipSlot.
790    pub fn free_slots_minus_equipped_item(&self, equip_slot: EquipSlot) -> usize {
791        if let Some(mut equip_slot_idx) = self.loadout.loadout_idx_for_equip_slot(equip_slot) {
792            // Offset due to index 0 representing built-in inventory slots
793            equip_slot_idx += 1;
795            self.slots_with_id()
796                .filter(|(inv_slot_id, slot)| {
797                    inv_slot_id.loadout_idx() != equip_slot_idx && slot.is_none()
798                })
799                .count()
800        } else {
801            // TODO: return Option<usize> and evaluate to None here
802            warn!(
803                "Attempted to fetch loadout index for non-existent EquipSlot: {:?}",
804                equip_slot
805            );
806            0
807        }
808    }
810    pub fn equipped_items(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Item> { self.loadout.items() }
812    pub fn equipped_items_with_slot(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (EquipSlot, &Item)> {
813        self.loadout.items_with_slot()
814    }
816    /// Replaces the loadout item (if any) in the given EquipSlot with the
817    /// provided item, returning the item that was previously in the slot.
818    pub fn replace_loadout_item(
819        &mut self,
820        equip_slot: EquipSlot,
821        replacement_item: Option<Item>,
822        time: Time,
823    ) -> Option<Item> {
824        self.loadout.swap(equip_slot, replacement_item, time)
825    }
827    /// Equip an item from a slot in inventory. The currently equipped item will
828    /// go into inventory. If the item is going to mainhand, put mainhand in
829    /// offhand and place offhand into inventory.
830    /// Since loadout slots cannot currently hold items with an amount larger
831    /// than one, only one item will be taken from the inventory and
832    /// equipped
833    #[must_use = "Returned items will be lost if not used"]
834    pub fn equip(
835        &mut self,
836        inv_slot: InvSlotId,
837        time: Time,
838        ability_map: &AbilityMap,
839        msm: &MaterialStatManifest,
840    ) -> Vec<Item> {
841        if let Some(item) = self.get(inv_slot) {
842            if let Some(equip_slot) = self.loadout.get_slot_to_equip_into(&item.kind()) {
843                let equipped_item = self.equipped(equip_slot);
844                let equipped_also_in_inv = equipped_item
845                    .and_then(|item| self.get_slot_of_item(item))
846                    .is_some();
848                if equipped_also_in_inv
849                    || (item.amount() > 1 && (equipped_item.is_none() || self.free_slots() >= 1))
850                {
851                    let item = self.take(inv_slot, ability_map, msm);
852                    let previously_equipped = self.replace_loadout_item(equip_slot, item, time);
854                    if let Some(previously_equipped) = previously_equipped {
855                        let item_failed_to_push = self.push(previously_equipped);
856                        debug_assert!(
857                            item_failed_to_push.is_ok(),
858                            "Pushing to inventory cannot fail since we know there is at least one \
859                             slot the item can be put into",
860                        );
861                    }
862                } else {
863                    return self.swap_inventory_loadout(inv_slot, equip_slot, time);
864                }
865            }
866        }
868        Vec::new()
869    }
871    /// Determines how many free inventory slots will be left after equipping an
872    /// item (because it could be swapped with an already equipped item that
873    /// provides more inventory slots than the item being equipped)
874    pub fn free_after_equip(&self, inv_slot: InvSlotId) -> i32 {
875        let (inv_slot_for_equipped, slots_from_equipped) = self
876            .get(inv_slot)
877            .and_then(|item| self.loadout.get_slot_to_equip_into(&item.kind()))
878            .and_then(|equip_slot| self.equipped(equip_slot))
879            .map_or((1, 0), |item| (0, item.slots().len()));
881        let slots_from_inv = self
882            .get(inv_slot)
883            .map(|item| item.slots().len())
884            .unwrap_or(0);
886        i32::try_from(self.capacity()).expect("Inventory with more than i32::MAX slots")
887            - i32::try_from(slots_from_equipped)
888                .expect("Equipped item with more than i32::MAX slots")
889            + i32::try_from(slots_from_inv).expect("Inventory item with more than i32::MAX slots")
890            - i32::try_from(self.populated_slots())
891                .expect("Inventory item with more than i32::MAX used slots")
892            + inv_slot_for_equipped // If there is no item already in the equip slot we gain 1 slot
893    }
895    /// Handles picking up an item, unloading any items inside the item being
896    /// picked up and pushing them to the inventory to ensure that items
897    /// containing items aren't inserted into the inventory as this is not
898    /// currently supported.
899    ///
900    /// WARNING: The `Err(_)` variant may still cause inventory modifications,
901    /// note on [`Inventory::push`]
902    pub fn pickup_item(&mut self, mut item: Item) -> Result<(), (Item, Option<NonZeroU32>)> {
903        if item.is_stackable() {
904            return self.push(item);
905        }
907        if self.free_slots() < item.populated_slots() + 1 {
908            return Err((item, None));
909        }
911        // Unload any items contained within the item, and push those items and the item
912        // itself into the inventory. We already know that there are enough free slots
913        // so push will never give us an item back.
914        item.drain().for_each(|item| {
915            self.push(item).unwrap();
916        });
917        self.push(item)
918    }
920    /// Unequip an item from slot and place into inventory. Will leave the item
921    /// equipped if inventory has no slots available.
922    #[must_use = "Returned items will be lost if not used"]
923    #[expect(clippy::needless_collect)] // This is a false positive, the collect is needed
924    pub fn unequip(
925        &mut self,
926        equip_slot: EquipSlot,
927        time: Time,
928    ) -> Result<Option<Vec<Item>>, SlotError> {
929        // Ensure there is enough space in the inventory to place the unequipped item
930        if self.free_slots_minus_equipped_item(equip_slot) == 0 {
931            return Err(SlotError::InventoryFull);
932        }
934        Ok(self
935            .loadout
936            .swap(equip_slot, None, time)
937            .and_then(|mut unequipped_item| {
938                let unloaded_items: Vec<Item> = unequipped_item.drain().collect();
939                self.push(unequipped_item)
940                    .expect("Failed to push item to inventory, precondition failed?");
942                // Unload any items that were inside the equipped item into the inventory, with
943                // any that don't fit to be to be dropped on the floor by the caller
944                match self.push_all(unloaded_items.into_iter()) {
945                    Err(Error::Full(leftovers)) => Some(leftovers),
946                    Ok(()) => None,
947                }
948            }))
949    }
951    /// Determines how many free inventory slots will be left after unequipping
952    /// an item
953    pub fn free_after_unequip(&self, equip_slot: EquipSlot) -> i32 {
954        let (inv_slot_for_unequipped, slots_from_equipped) = self
955            .equipped(equip_slot)
956            .map_or((0, 0), |item| (1, item.slots().len()));
958        i32::try_from(self.capacity()).expect("Inventory with more than i32::MAX slots")
959            - i32::try_from(slots_from_equipped)
960                .expect("Equipped item with more than i32::MAX slots")
961            - i32::try_from(self.populated_slots())
962                .expect("Inventory item with more than i32::MAX used slots")
963            - inv_slot_for_unequipped // If there is an item being unequipped we lose 1 slot
964    }
966    /// Swaps items from two slots, regardless of if either is inventory or
967    /// loadout.
968    #[must_use = "Returned items will be lost if not used"]
969    pub fn swap(&mut self, slot_a: Slot, slot_b: Slot, time: Time) -> Vec<Item> {
970        match (slot_a, slot_b) {
971            (Slot::Inventory(slot_a), Slot::Inventory(slot_b)) => {
972                self.swap_slots(slot_a, slot_b);
973                Vec::new()
974            },
975            (Slot::Inventory(inv_slot), Slot::Equip(equip_slot))
976            | (Slot::Equip(equip_slot), Slot::Inventory(inv_slot)) => {
977                self.swap_inventory_loadout(inv_slot, equip_slot, time)
978            },
979            (Slot::Equip(slot_a), Slot::Equip(slot_b)) => {
980                self.loadout.swap_slots(slot_a, slot_b, time);
981                Vec::new()
982            },
983            (Slot::Overflow(overflow_slot), Slot::Inventory(inv_slot))
984            | (Slot::Inventory(inv_slot), Slot::Overflow(overflow_slot)) => {
985                self.move_overflow_item(overflow_slot, inv_slot);
986                Vec::new()
987            },
988            // Items from overflow slots cannot be equipped until moved into a real inventory slot
989            (Slot::Overflow(_), Slot::Equip(_)) | (Slot::Equip(_), Slot::Overflow(_)) => Vec::new(),
990            // Items cannot be moved between overflow slots
991            (Slot::Overflow(_), Slot::Overflow(_)) => Vec::new(),
992        }
993    }
995    /// Determines how many free inventory slots will be left after swapping two
996    /// item slots
997    pub fn free_after_swap(&self, equip_slot: EquipSlot, inv_slot: InvSlotId) -> i32 {
998        let (inv_slot_for_equipped, slots_from_equipped) = self
999            .equipped(equip_slot)
1000            .map_or((0, 0), |item| (1, item.slots().len()));
1001        let (inv_slot_for_inv_item, slots_from_inv_item) = self
1002            .get(inv_slot)
1003            .map_or((0, 0), |item| (1, item.slots().len()));
1005        // Return the number of inventory slots that will be free once this slot swap is
1006        // performed
1007        i32::try_from(self.capacity())
1008            .expect("inventory with more than i32::MAX slots")
1009            - i32::try_from(slots_from_equipped)
1010            .expect("equipped item with more than i32::MAX slots")
1011            + i32::try_from(slots_from_inv_item)
1012            .expect("inventory item with more than i32::MAX slots")
1013            - i32::try_from(self.populated_slots())
1014            .expect("inventory with more than i32::MAX used slots")
1015            - inv_slot_for_equipped // +1 inventory slot required if an item was unequipped
1016            + inv_slot_for_inv_item // -1 inventory slot required if an item was equipped
1017    }
1019    /// Swap item in an inventory slot with one in a loadout slot.
1020    #[must_use = "Returned items will be lost if not used"]
1021    pub fn swap_inventory_loadout(
1022        &mut self,
1023        inv_slot_id: InvSlotId,
1024        equip_slot: EquipSlot,
1025        time: Time,
1026    ) -> Vec<Item> {
1027        if !self.can_swap(inv_slot_id, equip_slot) {
1028            return Vec::new();
1029        }
1031        // Take the item from the inventory
1032        let from_inv = self.remove(inv_slot_id);
1034        // Swap the equipped item for the item from the inventory
1035        let from_equip = self.loadout.swap(equip_slot, from_inv, time);
1037        let unloaded_items = from_equip
1038            .map(|mut from_equip| {
1039                // Unload any items held inside the previously equipped item
1040                let mut items: Vec<Item> = from_equip.drain().collect();
1042                // Attempt to put the unequipped item in the same slot that the inventory item
1043                // was in - if that slot no longer exists (because a large container was
1044                // swapped for a smaller one) then we will attempt to push it to the inventory
1045                // with the rest of the unloaded items.
1046                if let Err(returned) = self.insert_at(inv_slot_id, from_equip) {
1047                    items.insert(0, returned);
1048                }
1050                items
1051            })
1052            .unwrap_or_default();
1054        // If 2 1h weapons are equipped, and mainhand weapon removed, move offhand into
1055        // mainhand
1056        match equip_slot {
1057            EquipSlot::ActiveMainhand => {
1058                if self.loadout.equipped(EquipSlot::ActiveMainhand).is_none()
1059                    && self.loadout.equipped(EquipSlot::ActiveOffhand).is_some()
1060                {
1061                    let offhand = self.loadout.swap(EquipSlot::ActiveOffhand, None, time);
1062                    assert!(
1063                        self.loadout
1064                            .swap(EquipSlot::ActiveMainhand, offhand, time)
1065                            .is_none()
1066                    );
1067                }
1068            },
1069            EquipSlot::InactiveMainhand => {
1070                if self.loadout.equipped(EquipSlot::InactiveMainhand).is_none()
1071                    && self.loadout.equipped(EquipSlot::InactiveOffhand).is_some()
1072                {
1073                    let offhand = self.loadout.swap(EquipSlot::InactiveOffhand, None, time);
1074                    assert!(
1075                        self.loadout
1076                            .swap(EquipSlot::InactiveMainhand, offhand, time)
1077                            .is_none()
1078                    );
1079                }
1080            },
1081            _ => {},
1082        }
1084        // Attempt to put any items unloaded from the unequipped item into empty
1085        // inventory slots and return any that don't fit to the caller where they
1086        // will be dropped on the ground
1087        match self.push_all(unloaded_items.into_iter()) {
1088            Err(Error::Full(leftovers)) => leftovers,
1089            Ok(()) => Vec::new(),
1090        }
1091    }
1093    /// Determines if an inventory and loadout slot can be swapped, taking into
1094    /// account whether there will be free space in the inventory for the
1095    /// loadout item once any slots that were provided by it have been
1096    /// removed.
1097    pub fn can_swap(&self, inv_slot_id: InvSlotId, equip_slot: EquipSlot) -> bool {
1098        // Check if loadout slot can hold item
1099        if !self
1100            .get(inv_slot_id)
1101            .is_none_or(|item| self.loadout.slot_can_hold(equip_slot, Some(&*item.kind())))
1102        {
1103            trace!("can_swap = false, equip slot can't hold item");
1104            return false;
1105        }
1107        if self.slot(inv_slot_id).is_none() {
1108            debug!(
1109                "can_swap = false, tried to swap into non-existent inventory slot: {:?}",
1110                inv_slot_id
1111            );
1112            return false;
1113        }
1115        if self.get(inv_slot_id).is_some_and(|item| item.amount() > 1) {
1116            trace!("can_swap = false, equip slot can't hold more than one item");
1117            return false;
1118        }
1120        true
1121    }
1123    pub fn equipped_items_replaceable_by<'a>(
1124        &'a self,
1125        item_kind: &'a ItemKind,
1126    ) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a Item> {
1127        self.loadout.equipped_items_replaceable_by(item_kind)
1128    }
1130    pub fn swap_equipped_weapons(&mut self, time: Time) { self.loadout.swap_equipped_weapons(time) }
1132    /// Update internal computed state of all top level items in this loadout.
1133    /// Used only when loading in persistence code.
1134    pub fn persistence_update_all_item_states(
1135        &mut self,
1136        ability_map: &AbilityMap,
1137        msm: &MaterialStatManifest,
1138    ) {
1139        self.slots_mut().for_each(|slot| {
1140            if let Some(item) = slot {
1141                item.update_item_state(ability_map, msm);
1142            }
1143        });
1144        self.overflow_items
1145            .iter_mut()
1146            .for_each(|item| item.update_item_state(ability_map, msm));
1147    }
1149    /// Increments durability lost for all valid items equipped in loadout and
1150    /// recently unequipped from loadout by 1
1151    pub fn damage_items(
1152        &mut self,
1153        ability_map: &item::tool::AbilityMap,
1154        msm: &item::MaterialStatManifest,
1155        time: Time,
1156    ) {
1157        self.loadout.damage_items(ability_map, msm);
1158        self.loadout.cull_recently_unequipped_items(time);
1160        let (slots_mut, recently_unequipped_items) =
1161            self.slots_mut_with_mutable_recently_unequipped_items();
1162        slots_mut.filter_map(|slot| slot.as_mut()).for_each(|item| {
1163            if item
1164                .durability_lost()
1165                .is_some_and(|dur| dur < Item::MAX_DURABILITY)
1166                && let Some((_unequip_time, count)) =
1167                    recently_unequipped_items.get_mut(&item.item_definition_id())
1168                && *count > 0
1169            {
1170                *count -= 1;
1171                item.increment_damage(ability_map, msm);
1172            }
1173        });
1174    }
1176    /// Resets durability of item in specified slot
1177    pub fn repair_item_at_slot(
1178        &mut self,
1179        slot: Slot,
1180        ability_map: &item::tool::AbilityMap,
1181        msm: &item::MaterialStatManifest,
1182    ) {
1183        match slot {
1184            Slot::Inventory(invslot) => {
1185                if let Some(Some(item)) = self.slot_mut(invslot) {
1186                    item.reset_durability(ability_map, msm);
1187                }
1188            },
1189            Slot::Equip(equip_slot) => {
1190                self.loadout
1191                    .repair_item_at_slot(equip_slot, ability_map, msm);
1192            },
1193            // Items in overflow slots cannot be repaired until they are moved to a real slot
1194            Slot::Overflow(_) => {},
1195        }
1196    }
1198    /// When loading a character from the persistence system, pushes any items
1199    /// to overflow_items that were not able to be loaded into or pushed to the
1200    /// inventory
1201    pub fn persistence_push_overflow_items<I: Iterator<Item = Item>>(&mut self, overflow_items: I) {
1202        self.overflow_items.extend(overflow_items);
1203    }
1205    pub fn recipes_iter(&self) -> impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = &String> { self.recipe_book.iter() }
1207    pub fn recipe_groups_iter(&self) -> impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = &Item> {
1208        self.recipe_book.iter_groups()
1209    }
1211    pub fn available_recipes_iter<'a>(
1212        &'a self,
1213        rbm: &'a RecipeBookManifest,
1214    ) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&'a String, &'a Recipe)> + 'a {
1215        self.recipe_book.get_available_iter(rbm)
1216    }
1218    pub fn recipe_book_len(&self) -> usize { self.recipe_book.len() }
1220    pub fn get_recipe<'a>(
1221        &'a self,
1222        recipe_key: &str,
1223        rbm: &'a RecipeBookManifest,
1224    ) -> Option<&'a Recipe> {
1225        self.recipe_book.get(recipe_key, rbm)
1226    }
1228    pub fn push_recipe_group(&mut self, recipe_group: Item) -> Result<(), Item> {
1229        self.recipe_book.push_group(recipe_group)
1230    }
1232    /// Returns whether the specified recipe can be crafted and the sprite, if
1233    /// any, that is required to do so.
1234    pub fn can_craft_recipe(
1235        &self,
1236        recipe_key: &str,
1237        amount: u32,
1238        rbm: &RecipeBookManifest,
1239    ) -> (bool, Option<SpriteKind>) {
1240        if let Some(recipe) = self.recipe_book.get(recipe_key, rbm) {
1241            (
1242                recipe.inventory_contains_ingredients(self, amount).is_ok(),
1243                recipe.craft_sprite,
1244            )
1245        } else {
1246            (false, None)
1247        }
1248    }
1250    pub fn recipe_is_known(&self, recipe_key: &str) -> bool {
1251        self.recipe_book.is_known(recipe_key)
1252    }
1254    pub fn reset_recipes(&mut self) { self.recipe_book.reset(); }
1256    pub fn persistence_recipes_iter_with_index(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (usize, &Item)> {
1257        self.recipe_book.persistence_recipes_iter_with_index()
1258    }
1261impl Component for Inventory {
1262    type Storage = DerefFlaggedStorage<Self, specs::VecStorage<Self>>;
1265#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
1266pub enum CollectFailedReason {
1267    InventoryFull,
1268    LootOwned {
1269        owner: LootOwnerKind,
1270        expiry_secs: u64,
1271    },
1274#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
1275pub enum InventoryUpdateEvent {
1276    Init,
1277    Used,
1278    Consumed(ItemKey),
1279    Gave,
1280    Given,
1281    Swapped,
1282    Dropped,
1283    Collected(FrontendItem),
1284    BlockCollectFailed {
1285        pos: Vec3<i32>,
1286        reason: CollectFailedReason,
1287    },
1288    EntityCollectFailed {
1289        entity: Uid,
1290        reason: CollectFailedReason,
1291    },
1292    Possession,
1293    Debug,
1294    Craft,
1297impl Default for InventoryUpdateEvent {
1298    fn default() -> Self { Self::Init }
1301#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)]
1302pub struct InventoryUpdate {
1303    events: Vec<InventoryUpdateEvent>,
1306impl InventoryUpdate {
1307    pub fn new(event: InventoryUpdateEvent) -> Self {
1308        Self {
1309            events: vec![event],
1310        }
1311    }
1313    pub fn push(&mut self, event: InventoryUpdateEvent) {; }
1315    pub fn take_events(&mut self) -> Vec<InventoryUpdateEvent> { std::mem::take(&mut }
1318impl Component for InventoryUpdate {
1319    // TODO: This could probabably be `DenseVecStorage` (except we call clear on
1320    // this and that essentially leaks for `DenseVecStorage` atm afaict).
1321    type Storage = specs::VecStorage<Self>;