
1use super::{
2    SpriteKind,
3    sprite::{self, RelativeNeighborPosition},
5use crate::{
6    comp::{fluid_dynamics::LiquidKind, tool::ToolKind},
7    consts::FRIC_GROUND,
8    lottery::LootSpec,
9    make_case_elim, rtsim,
10    vol::FilledVox,
12use num_derive::FromPrimitive;
13use num_traits::FromPrimitive;
14use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
15use std::ops::Deref;
16use strum::{Display, EnumIter, EnumString};
17use vek::*;
20    block_kind,
21    #[derive(
22        Copy,
23        Clone,
24        Debug,
25        Hash,
26        Eq,
27        PartialEq,
28        Serialize,
29        Deserialize,
30        FromPrimitive,
31        EnumString,
32        EnumIter,
33        Display,
34    )]
35    #[repr(u8)]
36    pub enum BlockKind {
37        Air = 0x00, // Air counts as a fluid
38        Water = 0x01,
39        // 0x02 <= x < 0x10 are reserved for other fluids. These are 2^n aligned to allow bitwise
40        // checking of common conditions. For example, `is_fluid` is just `block_kind &
41        // 0x0F == 0` (this is a very common operation used in meshing that could do with
42        // being *very* fast).
43        Rock = 0x10,
44        WeakRock = 0x11, // Explodable
45        Lava = 0x12,     // TODO: Reevaluate whether this should be in the rock section
46        GlowingRock = 0x13,
47        GlowingWeakRock = 0x14,
48        // 0x12 <= x < 0x20 is reserved for future rocks
49        Grass = 0x20, // Note: *not* the same as grass sprites
50        Snow = 0x21,
51        // Snow to use with sites, to not attract snowfall particles
52        ArtSnow = 0x22,
53        // 0x21 <= x < 0x30 is reserved for future grasses
54        Earth = 0x30,
55        Sand = 0x31,
56        // 0x32 <= x < 0x40 is reserved for future earths/muds/gravels/sands/etc.
57        Wood = 0x40,
58        Leaves = 0x41,
59        GlowingMushroom = 0x42,
60        Ice = 0x43,
61        ArtLeaves = 0x44,
62        // 0x43 <= x < 0x50 is reserved for future tree parts
63        // Covers all other cases (we sometimes have bizarrely coloured misc blocks, and also we
64        // often want to experiment with new kinds of block without allocating them a
65        // dedicated block kind.
66        Misc = 0xFE,
67    }
70impl BlockKind {
71    #[inline]
72    pub const fn is_air(&self) -> bool { matches!(self, BlockKind::Air) }
74    /// Determine whether the block kind is a gas or a liquid. This does not
75    /// consider any sprites that may occupy the block (the definition of
76    /// fluid is 'a substance that deforms to fit containers')
77    #[inline]
78    pub const fn is_fluid(&self) -> bool { *self as u8 & 0xF0 == 0x00 }
80    #[inline]
81    pub const fn is_liquid(&self) -> bool { self.is_fluid() && !self.is_air() }
83    #[inline]
84    pub const fn liquid_kind(&self) -> Option<LiquidKind> {
85        Some(match self {
86            BlockKind::Water => LiquidKind::Water,
87            BlockKind::Lava => LiquidKind::Lava,
88            _ => return None,
89        })
90    }
92    /// Determine whether the block is filled (i.e: fully solid). Right now,
93    /// this is the opposite of being a fluid.
94    #[inline]
95    pub const fn is_filled(&self) -> bool { !self.is_fluid() }
97    /// Determine whether the block has an RGB color stored in the attribute
98    /// fields.
99    #[inline]
100    pub const fn has_color(&self) -> bool { self.is_filled() }
102    /// Determine whether the block is 'terrain-like'. This definition is
103    /// arbitrary, but includes things like rocks, soils, sands, grass, and
104    /// other blocks that might be expected to the landscape. Plant matter and
105    /// snow are *not* included.
106    #[inline]
107    pub const fn is_terrain(&self) -> bool {
108        matches!(
109            self,
110            BlockKind::Rock
111                | BlockKind::WeakRock
112                | BlockKind::GlowingRock
113                | BlockKind::GlowingWeakRock
114                | BlockKind::Grass
115                | BlockKind::Earth
116                | BlockKind::Sand
117        )
118    }
121/// # Format
123/// ```ignore
125/// ```
126/// - `0..8`  : BlockKind
127/// - `8..16` : Category
128/// - `16..N` : Attributes (many fields)
129/// - `N..32` : Sprite ID
131/// `N` is per-category. You can match on the category byte to find the length
132/// of the ID field.
134/// Attributes are also per-category. Each category specifies its own list of
135/// attribute fields.
137/// Why is the sprite ID at the end? Simply put, it makes masking faster and
138/// easier, which is important because extracting the `SpriteKind` is a more
139/// commonly performed operation than extracting attributes.
140#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
141pub struct Block {
142    kind: BlockKind,
143    data: [u8; 3],
146impl FilledVox for Block {
147    fn default_non_filled() -> Self { Block::air(SpriteKind::Empty) }
149    fn is_filled(&self) -> bool { self.kind.is_filled() }
152impl Deref for Block {
153    type Target = BlockKind;
155    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.kind }
158impl Block {
159    pub const MAX_HEIGHT: f32 = 3.0;
161    /* Constructors */
163    #[inline]
164    pub const fn from_raw(kind: BlockKind, data: [u8; 3]) -> Self { Self { kind, data } }
166    // TODO: Rename to `filled`, make caller guarantees stronger
167    #[inline]
168    #[track_caller]
169    pub const fn new(kind: BlockKind, color: Rgb<u8>) -> Self {
170        if kind.is_filled() {
171            Self::from_raw(kind, [color.r, color.g, color.b])
172        } else {
173            // Works because `SpriteKind::Empty` has no attributes
174            let data = (SpriteKind::Empty as u32).to_be_bytes();
175            Self::from_raw(kind, [data[1], data[2], data[3]])
176        }
177    }
179    // Only valid if `block_kind` is unfilled, so this is just a private utility
180    // method
181    #[inline]
182    pub fn unfilled(kind: BlockKind, sprite: SpriteKind) -> Self {
183        #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
184        assert!(!kind.is_filled());
186        Self::from_raw(kind, sprite.to_initial_bytes())
187    }
189    #[inline]
190    pub fn air(sprite: SpriteKind) -> Self { Self::unfilled(BlockKind::Air, sprite) }
192    #[inline]
193    pub const fn empty() -> Self {
194        // Works because `SpriteKind::Empty` has no attributes
195        let data = (SpriteKind::Empty as u32).to_be_bytes();
196        Self::from_raw(BlockKind::Air, [data[1], data[2], data[3]])
197    }
199    #[inline]
200    pub fn water(sprite: SpriteKind) -> Self { Self::unfilled(BlockKind::Water, sprite) }
202    /* Sprite decoding */
204    #[inline(always)]
205    pub const fn get_sprite(&self) -> Option<SpriteKind> {
206        if !self.kind.is_filled() {
207            SpriteKind::from_block(*self)
208        } else {
209            None
210        }
211    }
213    #[inline(always)]
214    pub(super) const fn sprite_category_byte(&self) -> u8 {[0] }
216    #[inline(always)]
217    pub const fn sprite_category(&self) -> Option<sprite::Category> {
218        if self.kind.is_filled() {
219            None
220        } else {
221            sprite::Category::from_block(*self)
222        }
223    }
225    /// Build this block with the given sprite attribute set.
226    #[inline]
227    pub fn with_attr<A: sprite::Attribute>(
228        mut self,
229        attr: A,
230    ) -> Result<Self, sprite::AttributeError<core::convert::Infallible>> {
231        match self.sprite_category() {
232            Some(category) => category.write_attr(&mut self, attr)?,
233            None => return Err(sprite::AttributeError::NotPresent),
234        }
235        Ok(self)
236    }
238    /// Set the given attribute of this block's sprite.
239    #[inline]
240    pub fn set_attr<A: sprite::Attribute>(
241        &mut self,
242        attr: A,
243    ) -> Result<(), sprite::AttributeError<core::convert::Infallible>> {
244        match self.sprite_category() {
245            Some(category) => category.write_attr(self, attr),
246            None => Err(sprite::AttributeError::NotPresent),
247        }
248    }
250    /// Get the given attribute of this block's sprite.
251    #[inline]
252    pub fn get_attr<A: sprite::Attribute>(&self) -> Result<A, sprite::AttributeError<A::Error>> {
253        match self.sprite_category() {
254            Some(category) => category.read_attr(*self),
255            None => Err(sprite::AttributeError::NotPresent),
256        }
257    }
259    #[inline(always)]
260    pub(super) const fn data(&self) -> [u8; 3] { }
262    #[inline(always)]
263    pub(super) const fn with_data(mut self, data: [u8; 3]) -> Self {
264 = data;
265        self
266    }
268    #[inline(always)]
269    pub(super) const fn to_be_u32(self) -> u32 {
270        u32::from_be_bytes([self.kind as u8,[0],[1],[2]])
271    }
273    #[inline]
274    pub fn get_color(&self) -> Option<Rgb<u8>> {
275        if self.has_color() {
276            Some(
277        } else {
278            None
279        }
280    }
282    // TODO: phase out use of this method in favour of `block.get_attr::<Ori>()`
283    #[inline]
284    pub fn get_ori(&self) -> Option<u8> { self.get_attr::<sprite::Ori>().ok().map(|ori| ori.0) }
286    /// Returns the rtsim resource, if any, that this block corresponds to. If
287    /// you want the scarcity of a block to change with rtsim's resource
288    /// depletion tracking, you can do so by editing this function.
289    #[inline]
290    pub fn get_rtsim_resource(&self) -> Option<rtsim::ChunkResource> {
291        match self.get_sprite()? {
292            SpriteKind::Stones => Some(rtsim::ChunkResource::Stone),
293            SpriteKind::Twigs
294                | SpriteKind::Wood
295                | SpriteKind::Bamboo
296                | SpriteKind::Hardwood
297                | SpriteKind::Ironwood
298                | SpriteKind::Frostwood
299                | SpriteKind::Eldwood => Some(rtsim::ChunkResource::Wood),
300            SpriteKind::Amethyst
301                | SpriteKind::Ruby
302                | SpriteKind::Sapphire
303                | SpriteKind::Emerald
304                | SpriteKind::Topaz
305                | SpriteKind::Diamond
306                | SpriteKind::CrystalHigh
307                | SpriteKind::CrystalLow => Some(rtsim::ChunkResource::Gem),
308            SpriteKind::Bloodstone
309                | SpriteKind::Coal
310                | SpriteKind::Cobalt
311                | SpriteKind::Copper
312                | SpriteKind::Iron
313                | SpriteKind::Tin
314                | SpriteKind::Silver
315                | SpriteKind::Gold => Some(rtsim::ChunkResource::Ore),
317            SpriteKind::LongGrass
318                | SpriteKind::MediumGrass
319                | SpriteKind::ShortGrass
320                | SpriteKind::LargeGrass
321                | SpriteKind::GrassBlue
322                | SpriteKind::SavannaGrass
323                | SpriteKind::TallSavannaGrass
324                | SpriteKind::RedSavannaGrass
325                | SpriteKind::JungleRedGrass
326                | SpriteKind::Fern => Some(rtsim::ChunkResource::Grass),
327            SpriteKind::BlueFlower
328                | SpriteKind::PinkFlower
329                | SpriteKind::PurpleFlower
330                | SpriteKind::RedFlower
331                | SpriteKind::WhiteFlower
332                | SpriteKind::YellowFlower
333                | SpriteKind::Sunflower
334                | SpriteKind::Moonbell
335                | SpriteKind::Pyrebloom => Some(rtsim::ChunkResource::Flower),
336            SpriteKind::Reed
337                | SpriteKind::Flax
338                | SpriteKind::WildFlax
339                | SpriteKind::Cotton
340                | SpriteKind::Corn
341                | SpriteKind::WheatYellow
342                | SpriteKind::WheatGreen => Some(rtsim::ChunkResource::Plant),
343            SpriteKind::Apple
344                | SpriteKind::Pumpkin
345                | SpriteKind::Beehive // TODO: Not a fruit, but kind of acts like one
346                | SpriteKind::Coconut => Some(rtsim::ChunkResource::Fruit),
347            SpriteKind::Cabbage
348                | SpriteKind::Carrot
349                | SpriteKind::Tomato
350                | SpriteKind::Radish
351                | SpriteKind::Turnip => Some(rtsim::ChunkResource::Vegetable),
352            SpriteKind::Mushroom
353                | SpriteKind::CaveMushroom
354                | SpriteKind::CeilingMushroom
355                | SpriteKind::RockyMushroom
356                | SpriteKind::LushMushroom
357                | SpriteKind::GlowMushroom => Some(rtsim::ChunkResource::Mushroom),
359            SpriteKind::Chest
360                | SpriteKind::ChestBuried
361                | SpriteKind::PotionMinor
362                | SpriteKind::DungeonChest0
363                | SpriteKind::DungeonChest1
364                | SpriteKind::DungeonChest2
365                | SpriteKind::DungeonChest3
366                | SpriteKind::DungeonChest4
367                | SpriteKind::DungeonChest5
368                | SpriteKind::CoralChest
369                | SpriteKind::HaniwaUrn
370                | SpriteKind::TerracottaChest
371                | SpriteKind::SahaginChest
372                | SpriteKind::Crate => Some(rtsim::ChunkResource::Loot),
373            _ => None,
374        }
375    }
377    #[inline]
378    pub fn get_glow(&self) -> Option<u8> {
379        let glow_level = match self.kind() {
380            BlockKind::Lava => 24,
381            BlockKind::GlowingRock | BlockKind::GlowingWeakRock => 10,
382            BlockKind::GlowingMushroom => 20,
383            _ => match self.get_sprite()? {
384                SpriteKind::StreetLamp | SpriteKind::StreetLampTall | SpriteKind::BonfireMLit => 24,
385                SpriteKind::Ember | SpriteKind::FireBlock => 20,
386                SpriteKind::WallLamp
387                | SpriteKind::WallLampSmall
388                | SpriteKind::WallLampWizard
389                | SpriteKind::WallLampMesa
390                | SpriteKind::WallSconce
391                | SpriteKind::FireBowlGround
392                | SpriteKind::MesaLantern
393                | SpriteKind::LampTerracotta
394                | SpriteKind::ChristmasOrnament
395                | SpriteKind::CliffDecorBlock
396                | SpriteKind::Orb
397                | SpriteKind::Candle => 16,
398                SpriteKind::DiamondLight => 30,
399                SpriteKind::Velorite
400                | SpriteKind::VeloriteFrag
401                | SpriteKind::GrassBlueShort
402                | SpriteKind::GrassBlueMedium
403                | SpriteKind::GrassBlueLong
404                | SpriteKind::CavernLillypadBlue
405                | SpriteKind::MycelBlue
406                | SpriteKind::Mold
407                | SpriteKind::CeilingMushroom => 6,
408                SpriteKind::CaveMushroom
409                | SpriteKind::GlowMushroom
410                | SpriteKind::CookingPot
411                | SpriteKind::CrystalHigh
412                | SpriteKind::LanternFlower
413                | SpriteKind::CeilingLanternFlower
414                | SpriteKind::LanternPlant
415                | SpriteKind::CeilingLanternPlant
416                | SpriteKind::CrystalLow => 10,
417                SpriteKind::SewerMushroom => 16,
418                SpriteKind::Amethyst
419                | SpriteKind::Ruby
420                | SpriteKind::Sapphire
421                | SpriteKind::Diamond
422                | SpriteKind::Emerald
423                | SpriteKind::Topaz => 3,
424                SpriteKind::Lantern | SpriteKind::LanternpostWoodLantern => 24,
425                SpriteKind::TerracottaStatue => 8,
426                SpriteKind::SeashellLantern | SpriteKind::GlowIceCrystal => 16,
427                SpriteKind::SeaDecorEmblem => 12,
428                SpriteKind::SeaDecorBlock
429                | SpriteKind::HaniwaKeyDoor
430                | SpriteKind::VampireKeyDoor => 10,
431                _ => return None,
432            },
433        };
435        if self
436            .get_attr::<sprite::LightEnabled>()
437            .map_or(true, |l| l.0)
438        {
439            Some(glow_level)
440        } else {
441            None
442        }
443    }
445    // minimum block, attenuation
446    #[inline]
447    pub fn get_max_sunlight(&self) -> (u8, f32) {
448        match self.kind() {
449            BlockKind::Water => (0, 0.4),
450            BlockKind::Leaves => (9, 255.0),
451            BlockKind::ArtLeaves => (9, 255.0),
452            BlockKind::Wood => (6, 2.0),
453            BlockKind::Snow => (6, 2.0),
454            BlockKind::ArtSnow => (6, 2.0),
455            BlockKind::Ice => (4, 2.0),
456            _ if self.is_opaque() => (0, 255.0),
457            _ => (0, 0.0),
458        }
459    }
461    // Filled blocks or sprites
462    #[inline]
463    pub fn is_solid(&self) -> bool {
464        self.get_sprite()
465            .map(|s| s.solid_height().is_some())
466            .unwrap_or(!matches!(self.kind, BlockKind::Lava))
467    }
469    pub fn valid_collision_dir(
470        &self,
471        entity_aabb: Aabb<f32>,
472        block_aabb: Aabb<f32>,
473        move_dir: Vec3<f32>,
474    ) -> bool {
475        self.get_sprite().is_none_or(|sprite| {
476            sprite.valid_collision_dir(entity_aabb, block_aabb, move_dir, self)
477        })
478    }
480    /// Can this block be exploded? If so, what 'power' is required to do so?
481    /// Note that we don't really define what 'power' is. Consider the units
482    /// arbitrary and only important when compared to one-another.
483    #[inline]
484    pub fn explode_power(&self) -> Option<f32> {
485        // Explodable means that the terrain sprite will get removed anyway,
486        // so all is good for empty fluids.
487        match self.kind() {
488            BlockKind::Leaves => Some(0.25),
489            BlockKind::ArtLeaves => Some(0.25),
490            BlockKind::Grass => Some(0.5),
491            BlockKind::WeakRock => Some(0.75),
492            BlockKind::Snow => Some(0.1),
493            BlockKind::Ice => Some(0.5),
494            BlockKind::Wood => Some(4.5),
495            BlockKind::Lava => None,
496            _ => self.get_sprite().and_then(|sprite| match sprite {
497                sprite if sprite.is_container() => None,
498                SpriteKind::Keyhole
499                | SpriteKind::KeyDoor
500                | SpriteKind::BoneKeyhole
501                | SpriteKind::BoneKeyDoor
502                | SpriteKind::OneWayWall
503                | SpriteKind::KeyholeBars
504                | SpriteKind::DoorBars => None,
505                SpriteKind::Anvil
506                | SpriteKind::Cauldron
507                | SpriteKind::CookingPot
508                | SpriteKind::CraftingBench
509                | SpriteKind::Forge
510                | SpriteKind::Loom
511                | SpriteKind::SpinningWheel
512                | SpriteKind::DismantlingBench
513                | SpriteKind::RepairBench
514                | SpriteKind::TanningRack
515                | SpriteKind::Chest
516                | SpriteKind::DungeonChest0
517                | SpriteKind::DungeonChest1
518                | SpriteKind::DungeonChest2
519                | SpriteKind::DungeonChest3
520                | SpriteKind::DungeonChest4
521                | SpriteKind::DungeonChest5
522                | SpriteKind::CoralChest
523                | SpriteKind::HaniwaUrn
524                | SpriteKind::HaniwaKeyDoor
525                | SpriteKind::HaniwaKeyhole
526                | SpriteKind::VampireKeyDoor
527                | SpriteKind::VampireKeyhole
528                | SpriteKind::MyrmidonKeyDoor
529                | SpriteKind::MyrmidonKeyhole
530                | SpriteKind::MinotaurKeyhole
531                | SpriteKind::HaniwaTrap
532                | SpriteKind::HaniwaTrapTriggered
533                | SpriteKind::ChestBuried
534                | SpriteKind::TerracottaChest
535                | SpriteKind::SahaginChest
536                | SpriteKind::SeaDecorBlock
537                | SpriteKind::SeaDecorChain
538                | SpriteKind::SeaDecorWindowHor
539                | SpriteKind::SeaDecorWindowVer
540                | SpriteKind::WitchWindow
541                | SpriteKind::Rope
542                | SpriteKind::MetalChain
543                | SpriteKind::IronSpike
544                | SpriteKind::HotSurface
545                | SpriteKind::FireBlock
546                | SpriteKind::GlassBarrier
547                | SpriteKind::GlassKeyhole
548                | SpriteKind::SahaginKeyhole
549                | SpriteKind::SahaginKeyDoor
550                | SpriteKind::TerracottaKeyDoor
551                | SpriteKind::TerracottaKeyhole
552                | SpriteKind::TerracottaStatue
553                | SpriteKind::TerracottaBlock => None,
554                SpriteKind::EnsnaringVines
555                | SpriteKind::EnsnaringWeb
556                | SpriteKind::SeaUrchin
557                | SpriteKind::IceSpike
558                | SpriteKind::DiamondLight => Some(0.1),
559                _ => Some(0.25),
560            }),
561        }
562    }
564    #[inline]
565    pub fn collectible_id(&self) -> Option<Option<LootSpec<&'static str>>> {
566        self.get_sprite()
567            .map(|s| s.collectible_id())
568            .unwrap_or(None)
569    }
571    #[inline]
572    pub fn is_collectible(&self) -> bool {
573        self.collectible_id().is_some() && self.mine_tool().is_none()
574    }
576    #[inline]
577    pub fn is_mountable(&self) -> bool { self.mount_offset().is_some() }
579    /// Get the position and direction to mount this block if any.
580    pub fn mount_offset(&self) -> Option<(Vec3<f32>, Vec3<f32>)> {
581        self.get_sprite().and_then(|sprite| sprite.mount_offset())
582    }
584    pub fn is_controller(&self) -> bool {
585        self.get_sprite()
586            .is_some_and(|sprite| sprite.is_controller())
587    }
589    #[inline]
590    pub fn is_bonkable(&self) -> bool {
591        match self.get_sprite() {
592            Some(
593                SpriteKind::Apple | SpriteKind::Beehive | SpriteKind::Coconut | SpriteKind::Bomb,
594            ) => self.is_solid(),
595            _ => false,
596        }
597    }
599    #[inline]
600    pub fn is_owned(&self) -> bool {
601        self.get_attr::<sprite::Owned>()
602            .is_ok_and(|sprite::Owned(b)| b)
603    }
605    /// The tool required to mine this block. For blocks that cannot be mined,
606    /// `None` is returned.
607    #[inline]
608    pub fn mine_tool(&self) -> Option<ToolKind> {
609        match self.kind() {
610            BlockKind::WeakRock | BlockKind::Ice | BlockKind::GlowingWeakRock => {
611                Some(ToolKind::Pick)
612            },
613            _ => self.get_sprite().and_then(|s| s.mine_tool()),
614        }
615    }
617    #[inline]
618    pub fn is_opaque(&self) -> bool {
619        match self.get_sprite() {
620            Some(
621                SpriteKind::Keyhole
622                | SpriteKind::KeyDoor
623                | SpriteKind::KeyholeBars
624                | SpriteKind::DoorBars,
625            ) => true,
626            Some(_) => false,
627            None => self.kind().is_filled(),
628        }
629    }
631    #[inline]
632    pub fn solid_height(&self) -> f32 {
633        self.get_sprite()
634            .map(|s| s.solid_height().unwrap_or(0.0))
635            .unwrap_or(1.0)
636    }
638    /// Get the friction constant used to calculate surface friction when
639    /// walking/climbing. Currently has no units.
640    #[inline]
641    pub fn get_friction(&self) -> f32 {
642        match self.kind() {
643            BlockKind::Ice => FRIC_GROUND * 0.1,
644            _ => FRIC_GROUND,
645        }
646    }
648    /// Get the traction permitted by this block as a proportion of the friction
649    /// applied.
650    ///
651    /// 1.0 = default, 0.0 = completely inhibits movement, > 1.0 = potential for
652    /// infinite acceleration (in a vacuum).
653    #[inline]
654    pub fn get_traction(&self) -> f32 {
655        match self.kind() {
656            BlockKind::Snow | BlockKind::ArtSnow => 0.8,
657            _ => 1.0,
658        }
659    }
661    /// Apply a light toggle to this block, if possible
662    pub fn with_toggle_light(self, enable: bool) -> Option<Self> {
663        self.with_attr(sprite::LightEnabled(enable)).ok()
664    }
666    #[inline]
667    pub fn kind(&self) -> BlockKind { self.kind }
669    /// If possible, copy the sprite/color data of the other block.
670    #[inline]
671    #[must_use]
672    pub fn with_data_of(mut self, other: Block) -> Self {
673        if self.is_filled() == other.is_filled() {
674            self = self.with_data(;
675        }
676        self
677    }
679    /// If this block is a fluid, replace its sprite.
680    #[inline]
681    #[must_use]
682    pub fn with_sprite(mut self, sprite: SpriteKind) -> Self {
683        if !self.is_filled() {
684            self = Self::unfilled(self.kind, sprite);
685        }
686        self
687    }
689    /// If this block can have orientation, give it a new orientation.
690    #[inline]
691    #[must_use]
692    pub fn with_ori(self, ori: u8) -> Option<Self> { self.with_attr(sprite::Ori(ori)).ok() }
694    /// If this block can have adjacent sprites, give it its AdjacentType
695    #[inline]
696    #[must_use]
697    pub fn with_adjacent_type(self, adj: RelativeNeighborPosition) -> Option<Self> {
698        self.with_attr(sprite::AdjacentType(adj as u8)).ok()
699    }
701    /// Remove the terrain sprite or solid aspects of a block
702    #[inline]
703    #[must_use]
704    pub fn into_vacant(self) -> Self {
705        if self.is_fluid() {
706            Block::unfilled(self.kind(), SpriteKind::Empty)
707        } else {
708            // FIXME: Figure out if there's some sensible way to determine what medium to
709            // replace a filled block with if it's removed.
710            Block::air(SpriteKind::Empty)
711        }
712    }
714    /// Attempt to convert a [`u32`] to a block
715    #[inline]
716    #[must_use]
717    pub fn from_u32(x: u32) -> Option<Self> {
718        let [bk, r, g, b] = x.to_le_bytes();
719        let block = Self {
720            kind: BlockKind::from_u8(bk)?,
721            data: [r, g, b],
722        };
724        (block.kind.is_filled() || SpriteKind::from_block(block).is_some()).then_some(block)
725    }
727    #[inline]
728    pub fn to_u32(self) -> u32 {
729        u32::from_le_bytes([self.kind as u8,[0],[1],[2]])
730    }
733const _: () = assert!(core::mem::size_of::<BlockKind>() == 1);
734const _: () = assert!(core::mem::size_of::<Block>() == 4);