
2macro_rules! sprites {
3    (
4        $($category_name:ident = $category_disc:literal $(has $($attr:ident),* $(,)?)? {
5            $($sprite_name:ident = $sprite_id:literal),* $(,)?
6        }),* $(,)?
7    ) => {
8        make_case_elim!(
9            category,
10            #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Hash, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize, EnumIter, FromPrimitive)]
11            #[repr(u32)]
12            pub enum Category {
13                $($category_name = $category_disc,)*
14            }
15        );
17        impl Category {
18            #[inline] pub const fn all() -> &'static [Self] {
19                &[$(Self::$category_name,)*]
20            }
22            #[cfg(test)]
23            #[inline] const fn all_sprites(&self) -> &'static [SpriteKind] {
24                match self {
25                    $(Self::$category_name => &[$(SpriteKind::$sprite_name,)*],)*
26                }
27            }
29            // Size, in bits, of the sprite ID
30            #[inline] pub const fn sprite_id_mask(&self) -> u32 {
31                match self {
32                    $(Self::$category_name => ((0u32 $(| $sprite_id)*) + 1).next_power_of_two() - 1,)*
33                }
34            }
36            // Size, in bits, of the sprite ID
37            #[inline] pub const fn sprite_id_size(&self) -> u32 { self.sprite_id_mask().count_ones() }
39            // The mask that, when applied to the block data, yields the sprite kind
40            #[inline(always)] pub const fn sprite_kind_mask(&self) -> u32 { 0x00FF0000 | self.sprite_id_mask() }
42            /// Note that this function assumes that the `BlockKind` of `block` permits sprite inhabitants
43            /// (i.e: is unfilled).
44            #[expect(non_upper_case_globals)]
45            #[inline] pub(super) const fn from_block(block: Block) -> Option<Self> {
46                $(const $category_name: u8 = Category::$category_name as u8;)*
47                match block.sprite_category_byte() {
48                    $($category_name => Some(Self::$category_name),)*
49                    _ => None,
50                }
51            }
53            // TODO: It would be nice to use `NonZeroU8` here for the space saving, but `0` is a valid
54            // offset for categories with only one SpriteKind (i.e: the sprite ID is zero-length and so
55            // attributes can go right up to the end of the block data). However, we could decide that an
56            // offset of, say, 0xFF (which would obviously be far out of bounds anyway) represents 'this
57            // attribute has no presence in this category'.
58            #[inline] pub const fn attr_offsets(&self) -> &[Option<u8>; Attributes::all().len()] {
59                match self {
60                    $(Self::$category_name => {
61                        #[allow(unused_mut, unused_variables, unused_assignments)]
62                        const fn gen_attr_offsets() -> [Option<u8>; Attributes::all().len()] {
63                            let mut lut = [None; Attributes::all().len()];
64                            // Don't take up space used by the sprite ID
65                            let mut offset = Category::$category_name.sprite_id_size();
66                            $($({
67                                // Perform basic checks
68                                if offset + $attr::BITS as u32 > 16 {
69                                    panic!("Sprite category has an attribute set that will not fit in the block data");
70                                } else if lut[$attr::INDEX].is_some() {
71                                    panic!("Sprite category cannot have more than one instance of an attribute");
72                                } else if offset > (!0u8) as u32 {
73                                    panic!("Uhhh");
74                                }
75                                lut[$attr::INDEX] = Some(offset as u8);
76                                offset += $attr::BITS as u32;
77                            })*)*
78                            lut
79                        }
80                        const ATTR_OFFSETS: [Option<u8>; Attributes::all().len()] = gen_attr_offsets();
81                        &ATTR_OFFSETS
82                    },)*
83                }
84            }
86            /// Returns `true` if this category of sprite has the given attribute.
87            #[inline] pub fn has_attr<A: Attribute>(&self) -> bool {
88                self.attr_offsets()[A::INDEX].is_some()
89            }
91            /// Read an attribute from the given block.
92            ///
93            /// Note that this function assumes that the category of `self` matches that of the block, but does
94            /// not validate this.
95            #[inline] pub(super) fn read_attr<A: Attribute>(&self, block: Block) -> Result<A, AttributeError<A::Error>> {
96                let offset = match self.attr_offsets()[A::INDEX] {
97                    Some(offset) => offset,
98                    None => return Err(AttributeError::NotPresent),
99                };
100                let bits = (block.to_be_u32() >> offset as u32) & ((1 << A::BITS as u32) - 1);
101                A::from_bits(bits as u16).map_err(AttributeError::Attribute)
102            }
104            /// Write an attribute to the given block.
105            ///
106            /// Note that this function assumes that the category of `self` matches that of the block, but does
107            /// not validate this.
108            #[inline] pub(super) fn write_attr<A: Attribute>(&self, block: &mut Block, attr: A) -> Result<(), AttributeError<core::convert::Infallible>> {
109                let offset = match self.attr_offsets()[A::INDEX] {
110                    Some(offset) => offset,
111                    None => return Err(AttributeError::NotPresent),
112                };
113                let bits = attr.into_bits() as u32;
114                #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
115                assert!(bits < (1 << A::BITS as u32), "The bit representation of the attribute {} must fit within {} bits, but the representation was {:0b}", core::any::type_name::<A>(), A::BITS, bits);
116                let data = ((block.to_be_u32() & (!(((1 << A::BITS as u32) - 1) << offset as u32))) | (bits << offset as u32)).to_be_bytes();
117                *block = block.with_data([data[1], data[2], data[3]]);
118                Ok(())
119            }
120        }
122        #[inline] const fn gen_discriminant(category: Category, id: u16) -> u32 {
123            (category as u32) << 16 | id as u32
124        }
126        make_case_elim!(
127            sprite_kind,
128            #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Hash, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize, EnumIter, FromPrimitive)]
129            #[repr(u32)]
130            pub enum SpriteKind {
131                $($($sprite_name = $crate::terrain::sprite::gen_discriminant($crate::terrain::sprite::Category::$category_name, $sprite_id),)*)*
132            }
133        );
135        impl SpriteKind {
136            #[inline] pub const fn all() -> &'static [Self] {
137                &[$($(Self::$sprite_name,)*)*]
138            }
140            #[inline] pub const fn category(&self) -> Category {
141                match self {
142                    $($(Self::$sprite_name => Category::$category_name,)*)*
143                }
144            }
146            /// Note that this function assumes that the category of `self` matches that of the block data, but does
147            /// not validate this.
148            #[expect(non_upper_case_globals)]
149            #[inline] pub(super) const fn from_block(block: Block) -> Option<Self> {
150                match block.sprite_category() {
151                    None => None,
152                    $(Some(category @ Category::$category_name) => {
153                        $(const $sprite_name: u32 = SpriteKind::$sprite_name as u32;)*
154                        match block.to_be_u32() & category.sprite_kind_mask() {
155                            $($sprite_name => Some(Self::$sprite_name),)*
156                            _ => None,
157                        }
158                    },)*
159                }
160            }
162            #[inline] pub(super) fn to_initial_bytes(self) -> [u8; 3] {
163                let sprite_bytes = (self as u32).to_be_bytes();
164                let block = Block::from_raw(super::BlockKind::Air, [sprite_bytes[1], sprite_bytes[2], sprite_bytes[3]]);
165                match self.category() {
166                    $(Category::$category_name => block$($(.with_attr($attr::default()).unwrap())*)?,)*
167                }
168                    .data()
169            }
170        }
171    };
175pub enum AttributeError<E> {
176    /// The attribute was not present for the given block data's category.
177    NotPresent,
178    /// An attribute-specific error occurred when performing extraction.
179    Attribute(E),
182pub trait Attribute: Default + Sized {
183    /// The unique index assigned to this attribute, used to index offset
184    /// arrays.
185    const INDEX: usize;
186    /// The number of bits required to represent this attribute.
187    const BITS: u8;
188    /// The error that might occur when decoding the attribute from bits.
189    type Error: core::fmt::Debug;
190    fn from_bits(bits: u16) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>;
191    fn into_bits(self) -> u16;
195macro_rules! attributes {
196    ($(
197        $name:ident { bits: $bits:literal, err: $err:path, from: $from_bits:expr, into: $into_bits:expr $(,)? }
198    ),* $(,)?) => {
199        #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
200        #[repr(u16)]
201        pub enum Attributes {
202            $($name,)*
203        }
205        impl Attributes {
206            #[inline] pub const fn all() -> &'static [Self] {
207                &[$(Self::$name,)*]
208            }
209        }
211        $(
212            impl Attribute for $name {
213                const INDEX: usize = Attributes::$name as usize;
214                const BITS: u8 = $bits;
215                type Error = $err;
216                #[inline(always)] fn from_bits(bits: u16) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> { $from_bits(bits) }
217                #[inline(always)] fn into_bits(self) -> u16 { $into_bits(self) }
218            }
219        )*
220    };