
1use crate::api::{StreamError, StreamParams};
2use bytes::Bytes;
3#[cfg(feature = "compression")]
4use network_protocol::Promises;
5use serde::{Serialize, de::DeserializeOwned};
6use std::io;
7#[cfg(all(feature = "compression", debug_assertions))]
8use tracing::warn;
10/// Support struct used for optimising sending the same Message to multiple
11/// [`Stream`]
13/// For an example usage see: [`send_raw`]
15/// [`Stream`]: crate::api::Stream
16/// [`send_raw`]: crate::api::Stream::send_raw
17pub struct Message {
18    pub(crate) data: Bytes,
19    #[cfg(feature = "compression")]
20    pub(crate) compressed: bool,
23impl Message {
24    /// This serializes any message, according to the [`Streams`] [`Promises`].
25    /// You can reuse this `Message` and send it via other [`Streams`], if the
26    /// [`Promises`] match. E.g. Sending a `Message` via a compressed and
27    /// uncompressed Stream is dangerous, unless the remote site knows about
28    /// this.
29    ///
30    /// # Example
31    /// for example coding, see [`send_raw`]
32    ///
33    /// [`send_raw`]: crate::api::Stream::send_raw
34    /// [`Participants`]: crate::api::Participant
35    /// [`compress`]: lz_fear::raw::compress2
36    /// [`Message::serialize`]: crate::message::Message::serialize
37    ///
38    /// [`Streams`]: crate::api::Stream
39    pub fn serialize<M: Serialize + ?Sized>(message: &M, stream_params: StreamParams) -> Self {
40        //this will never fail:
41        let serialized_data = bincode::serialize(message).unwrap();
43        #[cfg(feature = "compression")]
44        let compressed = stream_params.promises.contains(Promises::COMPRESSED);
45        #[cfg(feature = "compression")]
46        let data = if compressed {
47            let mut compressed_data = Vec::with_capacity(serialized_data.len() / 4 + 10);
48            let mut table = lz_fear::raw::U32Table::default();
49            lz_fear::raw::compress2(&serialized_data, 0, &mut table, &mut compressed_data).unwrap();
50            compressed_data
51        } else {
52            serialized_data
53        };
54        #[cfg(not(feature = "compression"))]
55        let data = serialized_data;
56        #[cfg(not(feature = "compression"))]
57        let _stream_params = stream_params;
59        Self {
60            data: Bytes::from(data),
61            #[cfg(feature = "compression")]
62            compressed,
63        }
64    }
66    /// deserialize this `Message`. This consumes the struct, as deserialization
67    /// is only expected once. Use this when deserialize a [`recv_raw`]
68    /// `Message`. If you are resending this message, deserialization might need
69    /// to copy memory
70    ///
71    /// # Example
72    /// ```
73    /// # use veloren_network::{Network, ListenAddr, ConnectAddr, Pid};
74    /// # use veloren_network::Promises;
75    /// # use tokio::runtime::Runtime;
76    /// # use std::sync::Arc;
77    ///
78    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
79    /// // Create a Network, listen on Port `2300` and wait for a Stream to be opened, then listen on it
80    /// # let runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
81    /// # let mut network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
82    /// # let remote = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
83    /// # runtime.block_on(async {
84    ///     # network.listen(ListenAddr::Tcp("".parse().unwrap())).await?;
85    ///     # let remote_p = remote.connect(ConnectAddr::Tcp("".parse().unwrap())).await?;
86    ///     # let mut stream_p =, Promises::ORDERED | Promises::CONSISTENCY, 0).await?;
87    ///     # stream_p.send("Hello World");
88    ///     # let mut participant_a = network.connected().await?;
89    ///     let mut stream_a = participant_a.opened().await?;
90    ///     //Recv  Message
91    ///     let msg = stream_a.recv_raw().await?;
92    ///     println!("Msg is {}", msg.deserialize::<String>()?);
93    ///     drop(network);
94    ///     # drop(remote);
95    ///     # Ok(())
96    /// # })
97    /// # }
98    /// ```
99    ///
100    /// [`recv_raw`]: crate::api::Stream::recv_raw
101    pub fn deserialize<M: DeserializeOwned>(self) -> Result<M, StreamError> {
102        #[cfg(not(feature = "compression"))]
103        let uncompressed_data =;
105        #[cfg(feature = "compression")]
106        let uncompressed_data = if self.compressed {
107            {
108                let mut uncompressed_data = Vec::with_capacity( * 2);
109                if let Err(e) = lz_fear::raw::decompress_raw(
110                    &,
111                    &[0; 0],
112                    &mut uncompressed_data,
113                    usize::MAX,
114                ) {
115                    return Err(StreamError::Compression(e));
116                }
117                Bytes::from(uncompressed_data)
118            }
119        } else {
121        };
123        match bincode::deserialize(&uncompressed_data) {
124            Ok(m) => Ok(m),
125            Err(e) => Err(StreamError::Deserialize(e)),
126        }
127    }
129    #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
130    pub(crate) fn verify(&self, params: StreamParams) {
131        #[cfg(not(feature = "compression"))]
132        let _params = params;
133        #[cfg(feature = "compression")]
134        if self.compressed != params.promises.contains(Promises::COMPRESSED) {
135            warn!(
136                ?params,
137                "verify failed, msg is {} and it doesn't match with stream", self.compressed
138            );
139        }
140    }
143///wouldn't trust this aaaassss much, fine for tests
144pub(crate) fn partial_eq_io_error(first: &io::Error, second: &io::Error) -> bool {
145    if let Some(f) = first.raw_os_error() {
146        if let Some(s) = second.raw_os_error() {
147            f == s
148        } else {
149            false
150        }
151    } else {
152        let fk = first.kind();
153        fk == second.kind() && fk != io::ErrorKind::Other
154    }
157pub(crate) fn partial_eq_bincode(first: &bincode::ErrorKind, second: &bincode::ErrorKind) -> bool {
158    use bincode::ErrorKind::*;
159    match *first {
160        Io(ref f) => matches!(*second, Io(ref s) if partial_eq_io_error(f, s)),
161        InvalidUtf8Encoding(f) => matches!(*second, InvalidUtf8Encoding(s) if f == s),
162        InvalidBoolEncoding(f) => matches!(*second, InvalidBoolEncoding(s) if f == s),
163        InvalidCharEncoding => matches!(*second, InvalidCharEncoding),
164        InvalidTagEncoding(f) => matches!(*second, InvalidTagEncoding(s) if f == s),
165        DeserializeAnyNotSupported => matches!(*second, DeserializeAnyNotSupported),
166        SizeLimit => matches!(*second, SizeLimit),
167        SequenceMustHaveLength => matches!(*second, SequenceMustHaveLength),
168        Custom(ref f) => matches!(*second, Custom(ref s) if f == s),
169    }
173mod tests {
174    use crate::{api::StreamParams, message::*};
176    fn stub_stream(compressed: bool) -> StreamParams {
177        #[cfg(feature = "compression")]
178        let promises = if compressed {
179            Promises::COMPRESSED
180        } else {
181            Promises::empty()
182        };
184        #[cfg(not(feature = "compression"))]
185        let promises = Promises::empty();
187        StreamParams { promises }
188    }
190    #[test]
191    fn serialize_test() {
192        let msg = Message::serialize("abc", stub_stream(false));
193        assert_eq!(, 11);
194        assert_eq!([0], 3);
195        assert_eq!([1..7], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
196        assert_eq!([8], b'a');
197        assert_eq!([9], b'b');
198        assert_eq!([10], b'c');
199    }
201    #[cfg(feature = "compression")]
202    #[test]
203    fn serialize_compress_small() {
204        let msg = Message::serialize("abc", stub_stream(true));
205        assert_eq!(, 12);
206        assert_eq!([0], 176);
207        assert_eq!([1], 3);
208        assert_eq!([2..8], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
209        assert_eq!([9], b'a');
210        assert_eq!([10], b'b');
211        assert_eq!([11], b'c');
212    }
214    #[cfg(feature = "compression")]
215    #[test]
216    fn serialize_compress_medium() {
217        let msg = (
218            "abccc",
219            100u32,
220            80u32,
221            "DATA",
222            4,
223            0,
224            0,
225            0,
226            "assets/data/plants/flowers/greenrose.ron",
227        );
228        let msg = Message::serialize(&msg, stub_stream(true));
229        assert_eq!(, 79);
230        assert_eq!([0], 34);
231        assert_eq!([1], 5);
232        assert_eq!([2], 0);
233        assert_eq!([3], 1);
234        assert_eq!([20], 20);
235        assert_eq!([40], 115);
236        assert_eq!([60], 111);
237    }
239    #[cfg(feature = "compression")]
240    #[test]
241    fn serialize_compress_large() {
242        use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng};
243        let mut seed = [0u8; 32];
244        seed[8] = 13;
245        seed[9] = 37;
246        let mut rnd = rand::rngs::StdRng::from_seed(seed);
247        let mut msg = vec![0u8; 10000];
248        for (i, s) in msg.iter_mut().enumerate() {
249            match i.rem_euclid(32) {
250                2 => *s = 128,
251                3 => *s = 128 + 16,
252                4 => *s = 150,
253                11 => *s = 64,
254                12 => *s = rnd.gen::<u8>() / 32,
255                _ => {},
256            }
257        }
258        let msg = Message::serialize(&msg, stub_stream(true));
259        assert_eq!(, 1331);
260    }