
1use crate::{
2    RtState, Rule, RuleError,
3    data::{Site, npc::Profession},
4    event::OnSetup,
6use rand::prelude::*;
7use rand_chacha::ChaChaRng;
8use tracing::warn;
9use world::site::SiteKind;
11/// This rule runs at rtsim startup and broadly acts to perform some primitive
12/// migration/sanitisation in order to ensure that the state of rtsim is mostly
13/// sensible.
14pub struct Migrate;
16impl Rule for Migrate {
17    fn start(rtstate: &mut RtState) -> Result<Self, RuleError> {
18        rtstate.bind::<Self, OnSetup>(|ctx| {
19            let data = &mut *ctx.state.data_mut();
21            let mut rng = ChaChaRng::from_seed(thread_rng().gen::<[u8; 32]>());
23            // Delete rtsim sites that don't correspond to a world site
24            data.sites.sites.retain(|site_id, site| {
25                if let Some((world_site_id, _)) = ctx
26                    .index
27                    .sites
28                    .iter()
29                    .find(|(_, world_site)| world_site.get_origin() == site.wpos)
30                {
31                    site.world_site = Some(world_site_id);
32                    data.sites.world_site_map.insert(world_site_id, site_id);
33                    true
34                } else {
35                    warn!(
36                        "{:?} is no longer valid because the site it was derived from no longer \
37                         exists. It will now be deleted.",
38                        site_id
39                    );
40                    false
41                }
42            });
44            // Generate rtsim sites for world sites that don't have a corresponding rtsim
45            // site yet
46            for (world_site_id, _) in ctx.index.sites.iter() {
47                if !data.sites.values().any(|site| {
48                    site.world_site
49                        .expect("Rtsim site not assigned to world site")
50                        == world_site_id
51                }) {
52                    warn!(
53                        "{:?} is new and does not have a corresponding rtsim site. One will now \
54                         be generated afresh.",
55                        world_site_id
56                    );
57                    data.sites.create(Site::generate(
58                        world_site_id,
59              ,
60                        ctx.index,
61                        &[],
62                        &data.factions,
63                        &mut rng,
64                    ));
65                }
66            }
68            // Reassign NPCs to sites if their old one was deleted. If they were already
69            // homeless, no need to do anything.
70            // Keep track of airship captains separately, as they need to be handled
71            // differently.
72            let mut airship_captains = Vec::new();
73            for (key, npc) in data.npcs.iter_mut() {
74                // For airships, just collect the captains for now
75                if matches!(npc.profession(), Some(Profession::Captain)) {
76                    airship_captains.push(key);
77                } else if let Some(home) = npc.home
78                    && !data.sites.contains_key(home)
79                {
80                    // Choose the closest habitable site as the new home for the NPC
81                    npc.home = data
82                        .sites
83                        .sites
84                        .iter()
85                        .filter(|(_, site)| {
86                            // TODO: This is a bit silly, but needs to wait on the removal of site1
87                            site.world_site.is_some_and(|ws| {
88                                matches!(
89                                    &ctx.index.sites.get(ws).kind,
90                                    SiteKind::Refactor(_)
91                                        | SiteKind::CliffTown(_)
92                                        | SiteKind::SavannahTown(_)
93                                        | SiteKind::CoastalTown(_)
94                                        | SiteKind::DesertCity(_)
95                                )
96                            })
97                        })
98                        .min_by_key(|(_, site)| {
99                            site.wpos.as_().distance_squared(npc.wpos.xy()) as i32
100                        })
101                        .map(|(site_id, _)| site_id);
102                }
103            }
105            /*
106               When rtsim is first generated, the airship captain NPCs will have been assigned a route at this point.
107               When loading existing rtsim data, the captain NPCs will have no route assigned at this point.
108               If the world has changed, the routes may have changed.
110               First, get all the location where airships can spawn. All available spawning points for airships must be used.
111               It does not matter that site ids may be moved around. A captain may be assigned to any site, and
112               it does not have to be the site that was previously assigned to the captain.
114               First, use all existing captains:
115               For each captain
116                   If captain is not assigned to a route
117                       if a spawning point is available
118                           Register the captain for the route that uses the spawning point.
119                           Remove the spawning point from the list of available spawning points.
120                       else
121                           Delete the captain (& airship) pair
122                       end
123                   End
124               End
126               Then use all remaining spawning points:
127               while there are available spawning points
128                   spawn a new captain/airship pair (there won't be existing captains for these)
129                   Register the captain for the route that uses the spawning point.
130                   Remove the spawning point from the list of available spawning points
131               End
132            */
134            // get all the places to spawn an airship
135            let mut spawning_locations = data.airship_spawning_locations(, ctx.index);
137            // The captains can't be registered inline with this code because it requires
138            // mutable access to data.
139            let mut captains_to_register = Vec::new();
140            for captain_id in airship_captains.iter() {
141                if let Some(mount_link) = data.npcs.mounts.get_mount_link(*captain_id) {
142                    let airship_id = mount_link.mount;
143                    if data.airship_sim.assigned_routes.get(captain_id).is_none() {
144                        if let Some(spawning_location) = spawning_locations.pop() {
145                            captains_to_register.push((*captain_id, airship_id, spawning_location));
146                        } else {
147                            // delete the captain (& airship) pair
148                            data.npcs.remove(*captain_id);
149                            data.npcs.remove(airship_id);
150                        }
151                    }
152                }
153            }
154            // All spawning points must be filled, so spawn new airships for any remaining
155            // points.
156            while let Some(spawning_location) = spawning_locations.pop() {
157                let (captain_id, airship_id) = data.spawn_airship(&spawning_location, &mut rng);
158                captains_to_register.push((captain_id, airship_id, spawning_location));
159            }
161            // Register all of the airship captains with airship operations. This can't be
162            // done inside the previous loop because this requires mutable
163            // access to this (data).
164            for (captain_id, airship_id, spawning_location) in captains_to_register.iter() {
165                // The airship position returned by register_airship_captain is the approach
166                // final position. From there, the airship will fly a transition
167                // phase to directly above the docking position.
168                if let Some(airship_pos) = data.airship_sim.register_airship_captain(
169          |i| i as f32),
170                    *captain_id,
171                    *airship_id,
172                    ctx.index.index,
173                    &,
174                ) {
175                    // move the airship (the captain is the rider) into position
176                    let airship = data.npcs.get_mut(*airship_id).unwrap();
177                    airship.wpos = airship_pos;
178                }
179            }
181            // Group the airship captains by route
182            data.airship_sim
183                .configure_route_pilots(&;
184        });
186        Ok(Self)
187    }