
1use crate::data::{AbilityData, ActionMode, AgentData, AttackData, Path, ReadData, TargetData};
2use common::{
3    comp::{
4        Agent, Alignment, Body, Controller, InputKind, Pos, Scale,
5        ability::AbilityInput,
6        agent::Psyche,
7        buff::BuffKind,
8        item::{ItemDesc, ItemTag, tool::AbilityContext},
9    },
10    consts::GRAVITY,
11    terrain::Block,
12    uid::Uid,
13    util::Dir,
14    vol::ReadVol,
16use core::f32::consts::PI;
17use rand::Rng;
18use specs::Entity as EcsEntity;
19use vek::*;
21pub fn is_dead_or_invulnerable(entity: EcsEntity, read_data: &ReadData) -> bool {
22    is_dead(entity, read_data) || is_invulnerable(entity, read_data)
25pub fn is_dead(entity: EcsEntity, read_data: &ReadData) -> bool {
26    let health = read_data.healths.get(entity);
27    health.is_some_and(|a| a.is_dead)
30// FIXME: The logic that is used in this function and throughout the code
31// shouldn't be used to mean that a character is in a safezone.
32pub fn is_invulnerable(entity: EcsEntity, read_data: &ReadData) -> bool {
33    let buffs = read_data.buffs.get(entity);
35    buffs.is_some_and(|b| b.kinds[BuffKind::Invulnerability].is_some())
38pub fn is_steering(entity: EcsEntity, read_data: &ReadData) -> bool {
39    read_data
40        .is_volume_riders
41        .get(entity)
42        .is_some_and(|r| r.is_steering_entity())
45/// Gets alignment of owner if alignment given is `Owned`.
46/// Returns original alignment if not owned.
47pub fn try_owner_alignment<'a>(
48    alignment: Option<&'a Alignment>,
49    read_data: &'a ReadData,
50) -> Option<&'a Alignment> {
51    if let Some(&Alignment::Owned(owner_uid)) = alignment {
52        if let Some(owner) = get_entity_by_id(owner_uid, read_data) {
53            return read_data.alignments.get(owner);
54        }
55    }
56    alignment
59/// Projectile motion: Returns the direction to aim for the projectile to reach
60/// target position. Does not take any forces but gravity into account.
61pub fn aim_projectile(speed: f32, pos: Vec3<f32>, tgt: Vec3<f32>) -> Option<Dir> {
62    let mut to_tgt = tgt - pos;
63    let dist_sqrd = to_tgt.xy().magnitude_squared();
64    let u_sqrd = speed.powi(2);
65    to_tgt.z = (u_sqrd
66        - (u_sqrd.powi(2) - GRAVITY * (GRAVITY * dist_sqrd + 2.0 * to_tgt.z * u_sqrd))
67            .sqrt()
68            .max(0.0))
69        / GRAVITY;
71    Dir::from_unnormalized(to_tgt)
74pub fn get_entity_by_id(uid: Uid, read_data: &ReadData) -> Option<EcsEntity> {
75    read_data.id_maps.uid_entity(uid)
78/// Calculates whether the agent should continue chase or let the target escape.
80/// Will return true when score of letting target escape is higher then the
81/// score of continuing the pursue, false otherwise.
82pub fn stop_pursuing(
83    dist_to_target_sqrd: f32,
84    dist_to_home_sqrd: f32,
85    own_health_fraction: f32,
86    target_health_fraction: f32,
87    dur_since_last_attacked: f64,
88    psyche: &Psyche,
89) -> bool {
90    psyche.should_stop_pursuing
91        && should_let_target_escape(
92            dist_to_home_sqrd,
93            dur_since_last_attacked,
94            own_health_fraction,
95        ) > should_continue_to_pursue(dist_to_target_sqrd, psyche, target_health_fraction)
98/// Scores the benefit of continuing the pursue in value from 0 to infinity.
99fn should_continue_to_pursue(
100    dist_to_target_sqrd: f32,
101    psyche: &Psyche,
102    target_health_fraction: f32,
103) -> f32 {
104    let aggression_score = (1.0 / psyche.flee_health.max(0.25))
105        * psyche.aggro_dist.unwrap_or(psyche.sight_dist)
106        * psyche.sight_dist;
108    (100.0 * aggression_score) / (dist_to_target_sqrd * target_health_fraction)
111/// Scores the benefit of letting the target escape in a value from 0 to
112/// infinity.
113fn should_let_target_escape(
114    dist_to_home_sqrd: f32,
115    dur_since_last_attacked: f64,
116    own_health_fraction: f32,
117) -> f32 {
118    (dist_to_home_sqrd / own_health_fraction) * dur_since_last_attacked as f32 * 0.005
121pub fn entity_looks_like_cultist(entity: EcsEntity, read_data: &ReadData) -> bool {
122    let number_of_cultist_items_equipped = read_data.inventories.get(entity).map_or(0, |inv| {
123        inv.equipped_items()
124            .filter(|item| item.tags().contains(&ItemTag::Cultist))
125            .count()
126    });
128    number_of_cultist_items_equipped > 2
131// FIXME: `Alignment::Npc` doesn't necessarily mean villager.
132pub fn is_villager(alignment: Option<&Alignment>) -> bool {
133    alignment.is_some_and(|alignment| matches!(alignment, Alignment::Npc))
136pub fn is_village_guard(entity: EcsEntity, read_data: &ReadData) -> bool {
137    read_data
138        .stats
139        .get(entity)
140        .is_some_and(|stats| == "Guard")
143pub fn are_our_owners_hostile(
144    our_alignment: Option<&Alignment>,
145    their_alignment: Option<&Alignment>,
146    read_data: &ReadData,
147) -> bool {
148    try_owner_alignment(our_alignment, read_data).is_some_and(|our_owners_alignment| {
149        try_owner_alignment(their_alignment, read_data).is_some_and(|their_owners_alignment| {
150            our_owners_alignment.hostile_towards(*their_owners_alignment)
151        })
152    })
155pub fn entities_have_line_of_sight(
156    pos: &Pos,
157    body: Option<&Body>,
158    scale: f32,
159    other_pos: &Pos,
160    other_body: Option<&Body>,
161    other_scale: Option<&Scale>,
162    read_data: &ReadData,
163) -> bool {
164    let get_eye_pos = |pos: &Pos, body: Option<&Body>, scale: f32| {
165        let eye_offset = body.map_or(0.0, |b| b.eye_height(scale));
167        Pos(pos.0.with_z(pos.0.z + eye_offset))
168    };
169    let eye_pos = get_eye_pos(pos, body, scale);
170    let other_eye_pos = get_eye_pos(other_pos, other_body, other_scale.map_or(1.0, |s| s.0));
172    positions_have_line_of_sight(&eye_pos, &other_eye_pos, read_data)
175pub fn positions_have_line_of_sight(pos_a: &Pos, pos_b: &Pos, read_data: &ReadData) -> bool {
176    let dist_sqrd = pos_b.0.distance_squared(pos_a.0);
178    read_data
179        .terrain
180        .ray(pos_a.0, pos_b.0)
181        .until(Block::is_opaque)
182        .cast()
183        .0
184        .powi(2)
185        >= (dist_sqrd - 0.01)
188pub fn is_dressed_as_cultist(entity: EcsEntity, read_data: &ReadData) -> bool {
189    read_data.inventories.get(entity).is_some_and(|inventory| {
190        inventory
191            .equipped_items()
192            .filter(|item| item.tags().contains(&ItemTag::Cultist))
193            .count()
194            > 2
195    })
198pub fn get_attacker(entity: EcsEntity, read_data: &ReadData) -> Option<EcsEntity> {
199    read_data
200        .healths
201        .get(entity)
202        .filter(|health| health.last_change.amount < 0.0)
203        .and_then(|health| health.last_change.damage_by())
204        .and_then(|damage_contributor| get_entity_by_id(damage_contributor.uid(), read_data))
207impl AgentData<'_> {
208    pub fn has_buff(&self, read_data: &ReadData, buff: BuffKind) -> bool {
209        read_data
210            .buffs
211            .get(*self.entity)
212            .is_some_and(|b| b.kinds[buff].is_some())
213    }
215    pub fn extract_ability(&self, input: AbilityInput) -> Option<AbilityData> {
216        let context = AbilityContext::from(self.stance, Some(self.inventory), self.combo);
217        AbilityData::from_ability(
218            &self
219                .active_abilities
220                .activate_ability(
221                    input,
222                    Some(self.inventory),
223                    self.skill_set,
224                    self.body,
225                    Some(self.char_state),
226                    &context,
227                    self.stats,
228                )
229                .map_or(Default::default(), |a| a.0),
230        )
231    }
234// Probably works best for melee (or maybe only for melee considering its
235// reliance on blocking?)
236/// Handles whether an agent should attack and how the agent moves around.
237/// Returns whether the agent should attack (so that individual tactics can
238/// determine what specific attack to use)
239pub fn handle_attack_aggression(
240    agent_data: &AgentData,
241    agent: &mut Agent,
242    controller: &mut Controller,
243    attack_data: &AttackData,
244    tgt_data: &TargetData,
245    read_data: &ReadData,
246    rng: &mut impl Rng,
247    timer_pos_timeout_index: usize,
248    timer_guarded_cycle_index: usize,
249    fcounter_guarded_timer_index: usize,
250    icounter_action_mode_index: usize,
251    condition_guarded_defend_index: usize,
252    condition_rolling_breakthrough_index: usize,
253    position_guarded_cover_index: usize,
254    position_flee_index: usize,
255) -> bool {
256    if let Some(health) = {
257        agent.combat_state.int_counters[icounter_action_mode_index] = if health.fraction() < 0.1 {
258            agent.combat_state.positions[position_guarded_cover_index] = None;
259            ActionMode::Fleeing as u8
260        } else if health.fraction() < 0.9 {
261            agent.combat_state.positions[position_flee_index] = None;
262            ActionMode::Guarded as u8
263        } else {
264            agent.combat_state.positions[position_guarded_cover_index] = None;
265            agent.combat_state.positions[position_flee_index] = None;
266            ActionMode::Reckless as u8
267        };
268    }
270    // If agent has not moved, assume agent was unable to move and reset attempted
271    // path positions if occurs for too long
272    if agent_data.vel.0.magnitude_squared() < 1_f32.powi(2) {
273        agent.combat_state.timers[timer_pos_timeout_index] += read_data.dt.0;
274    } else {
275        agent.combat_state.timers[timer_pos_timeout_index] = 0.0;
276    }
278    if agent.combat_state.timers[timer_pos_timeout_index] > 2.0 {
279        agent.combat_state.positions[position_guarded_cover_index] = None;
280        agent.combat_state.positions[position_flee_index] = None;
281        agent.combat_state.timers[timer_pos_timeout_index] = 0.0;
282    }
284    match ActionMode::from_u8(agent.combat_state.int_counters[icounter_action_mode_index]) {
285        ActionMode::Reckless => true,
286        ActionMode::Guarded => {
287            agent.combat_state.timers[timer_guarded_cycle_index] += read_data.dt.0;
288            if agent.combat_state.timers[timer_guarded_cycle_index]
289                > agent.combat_state.counters[fcounter_guarded_timer_index]
290            {
291                agent.combat_state.timers[timer_guarded_cycle_index] = 0.0;
292                agent.combat_state.conditions[condition_guarded_defend_index] ^= true;
293                agent.combat_state.counters[fcounter_guarded_timer_index] =
294                    if agent.combat_state.conditions[condition_guarded_defend_index] {
295                        rng.gen_range(3.0..6.0)
296                    } else {
297                        rng.gen_range(6.0..10.0)
298                    };
299            }
300            if let Some(pos) = agent.combat_state.positions[position_guarded_cover_index] {
301                if pos.distance_squared(agent_data.pos.0) < 3_f32.powi(2) {
302                    agent.combat_state.positions[position_guarded_cover_index] = None;
303                }
304            }
305            if !agent.combat_state.conditions[condition_guarded_defend_index] {
306                agent.combat_state.positions[position_guarded_cover_index] = None;
307                true
308            } else {
309                if attack_data.dist_sqrd > 10_f32.powi(2) {
310                    // Choose random point to either side when looking at target and move
311                    // towards it
312                    if let Some(pos) = agent.combat_state.positions[position_guarded_cover_index] {
313                        if pos.distance_squared(agent_data.pos.0) < 5_f32.powi(2) {
314                            agent.combat_state.positions[position_guarded_cover_index] = None;
315                        }
316                        agent_data.path_toward_target(
317                            agent,
318                            controller,
319                            pos,
320                            read_data,
321                            Path::Separate,
322                            None,
323                        );
324                    } else {
325                        agent.combat_state.positions[position_guarded_cover_index] = {
326                            let rand_dir = {
327                                let dir = (tgt_data.pos.0 - agent_data.pos.0)
328                                    .try_normalized()
329                                    .unwrap_or(Vec3::unit_x())
330                                    .xy();
331                                if rng.gen_bool(0.5) {
332                                    dir.rotated_z(PI / 2.0 + rng.gen_range(-0.75..0.0))
333                                } else {
334                                    dir.rotated_z(-PI / 2.0 + rng.gen_range(-0.0..0.75))
335                                }
336                            };
337                            let attempted_dist = rng.gen_range(6.0..16.0);
338                            let actual_dist = read_data
339                                .terrain
340                                .ray(
341                                    agent_data.pos.0 + Vec3::unit_z() * 0.5,
342                                    agent_data.pos.0
343                                        + Vec3::unit_z() * 0.5
344                                        + rand_dir * attempted_dist,
345                                )
346                                .until(Block::is_solid)
347                                .cast()
348                                .0
349                                - 1.0;
350                            Some(agent_data.pos.0 + rand_dir * actual_dist)
351                        };
352                    }
353                } else if let Some(pos) = agent.combat_state.positions[position_guarded_cover_index]
354                {
355                    agent_data.path_toward_target(
356                        agent,
357                        controller,
358                        pos,
359                        read_data,
360                        Path::Separate,
361                        None,
362                    );
363                    if agent.combat_state.conditions[condition_rolling_breakthrough_index] {
364                        controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Roll);
365                        agent.combat_state.conditions[condition_rolling_breakthrough_index] = false;
366                    }
367                    if tgt_data.char_state.is_some_and(|cs| cs.is_melee_attack()) {
368                        controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Block);
369                    }
370                } else {
371                    agent.combat_state.positions[position_guarded_cover_index] = {
372                        let backwards = (agent_data.pos.0 - tgt_data.pos.0)
373                            .try_normalized()
374                            .unwrap_or(Vec3::unit_x())
375                            .xy();
376                        let pos = if read_data
377                            .terrain
378                            .ray(
379                                agent_data.pos.0 + Vec3::unit_z() * 0.5,
380                                agent_data.pos.0 + Vec3::unit_z() * 0.5 + backwards * 6.0,
381                            )
382                            .until(Block::is_solid)
383                            .cast()
384                            .0
385                            > 5.0
386                        {
387                            agent_data.pos.0 + backwards * 5.0
388                        } else {
389                            agent.combat_state.conditions[condition_rolling_breakthrough_index] =
390                                true;
391                            agent_data.pos.0
392                                - backwards
393                                    * read_data
394                                        .terrain
395                                        .ray(
396                                            agent_data.pos.0 + Vec3::unit_z() * 0.5,
397                                            agent_data.pos.0 + Vec3::unit_z() * 0.5
398                                                - backwards * 10.0,
399                                        )
400                                        .until(Block::is_solid)
401                                        .cast()
402                                        .0
403                                - 1.0
404                        };
405                        Some(pos)
406                    }
407                }
408                false
409            }
410        },
411        ActionMode::Fleeing => {
412            if agent.combat_state.conditions[condition_rolling_breakthrough_index] {
413                controller.push_basic_input(InputKind::Roll);
414                agent.combat_state.conditions[condition_rolling_breakthrough_index] = false;
415            }
416            if let Some(pos) = agent.combat_state.positions[position_flee_index] {
417                if let Some(dir) = Dir::from_unnormalized(pos - agent_data.pos.0) {
418                    controller.inputs.look_dir = dir;
419                }
420                if pos.distance_squared(agent_data.pos.0) < 5_f32.powi(2) {
421                    agent.combat_state.positions[position_flee_index] = None;
422                }
423                agent_data.path_toward_target(
424                    agent,
425                    controller,
426                    pos,
427                    read_data,
428                    Path::Separate,
429                    None,
430                );
431            } else {
432                agent.combat_state.positions[position_flee_index] = {
433                    let rand_dir = {
434                        let dir = (agent_data.pos.0 - tgt_data.pos.0)
435                            .try_normalized()
436                            .unwrap_or(Vec3::unit_x())
437                            .xy();
438                        dir.rotated_z(rng.gen_range(-0.75..0.75))
439                    };
440                    let attempted_dist = rng.gen_range(16.0..26.0);
441                    let actual_dist = read_data
442                        .terrain
443                        .ray(
444                            agent_data.pos.0 + Vec3::unit_z() * 0.5,
445                            agent_data.pos.0 + Vec3::unit_z() * 0.5 + rand_dir * attempted_dist,
446                        )
447                        .until(Block::is_solid)
448                        .cast()
449                        .0
450                        - 1.0;
451                    if actual_dist < 10.0 {
452                        let dist = read_data
453                            .terrain
454                            .ray(
455                                agent_data.pos.0 + Vec3::unit_z() * 0.5,
456                                agent_data.pos.0 + Vec3::unit_z() * 0.5 - rand_dir * attempted_dist,
457                            )
458                            .until(Block::is_solid)
459                            .cast()
460                            .0
461                            - 1.0;
462                        agent.combat_state.conditions[condition_rolling_breakthrough_index] = true;
463                        Some(agent_data.pos.0 - rand_dir * dist)
464                    } else {
465                        Some(agent_data.pos.0 + rand_dir * actual_dist)
466                    }
467                };
468            }
469            false
470        },
471    }