
1use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
2use std::convert::AsRef;
3use strum::{AsRefStr, EnumIter, EnumString};
5/// Represents a key that the game recognises after input mapping.
7    Clone,
8    Copy,
9    Debug,
10    PartialEq,
11    Eq,
12    PartialOrd,
13    Ord,
14    Hash,
15    Deserialize,
16    Serialize,
17    AsRefStr,
18    EnumIter,
19    EnumString,
21pub enum GameInput {
22    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-primary")]
23    Primary,
24    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-secondary")]
25    Secondary,
26    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-block")]
27    Block,
28    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-slot1")]
29    Slot1,
30    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-slot2")]
31    Slot2,
32    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-slot3")]
33    Slot3,
34    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-slot4")]
35    Slot4,
36    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-slot5")]
37    Slot5,
38    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-slot6")]
39    Slot6,
40    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-slot7")]
41    Slot7,
42    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-slot8")]
43    Slot8,
44    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-slot9")]
45    Slot9,
46    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-slot10")]
47    Slot10,
48    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-togglecursor")]
49    ToggleCursor,
50    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-moveforward")]
51    MoveForward,
52    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-moveback")]
53    MoveBack,
54    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-moveleft")]
55    MoveLeft,
56    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-moveright")]
57    MoveRight,
58    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-jump")]
59    Jump,
60    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-sit")]
61    Sit,
62    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-crawl")]
63    Crawl,
64    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-dance")]
65    Dance,
66    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-greet")]
67    Greet,
68    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-glide")]
69    Glide,
70    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-swimup")]
71    SwimUp,
72    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-swimdown")]
73    SwimDown,
74    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-fly")]
75    Fly,
76    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-sneak")]
77    Sneak,
78    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-cancelclimb")]
79    CancelClimb,
80    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-togglelantern")]
81    ToggleLantern,
82    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-mount")]
83    Mount,
84    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-stayfollow")]
85    StayFollow,
86    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-chat")]
87    Chat,
88    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-command")]
89    Command,
90    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-escape")]
91    Escape,
92    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-map")]
93    Map,
94    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-inventory")]
95    Inventory,
96    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-trade")]
97    Trade,
98    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-social")]
99    Social,
100    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-crafting")]
101    Crafting,
102    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-diary")]
103    Diary,
104    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-settings")]
105    Settings,
106    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-controls")]
107    Controls,
108    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-toggleinterface")]
109    ToggleInterface,
110    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-toggledebug")]
111    ToggleDebug,
112    #[cfg(feature = "egui-ui")]
113    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-toggle_egui_debug")]
114    ToggleEguiDebug,
115    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-togglechat")]
116    ToggleChat,
117    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-fullscreen")]
118    Fullscreen,
119    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-screenshot")]
120    Screenshot,
121    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-toggleingameui")]
122    ToggleIngameUi,
123    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-roll")]
124    Roll,
125    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-giveup")]
126    GiveUp,
127    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-respawn")]
128    Respawn,
129    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-interact")]
130    Interact,
131    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-togglewield")]
132    ToggleWield,
133    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-swaploadout")]
134    SwapLoadout,
135    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-freelook")]
136    FreeLook,
137    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-autowalk")]
138    AutoWalk,
139    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-zoomin")]
140    ZoomIn,
141    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-zoomout")]
142    ZoomOut,
143    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-zoomlock")]
144    ZoomLock,
145    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-cameraclamp")]
146    CameraClamp,
147    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-cyclecamera")]
148    CycleCamera,
149    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-select")]
150    Select,
151    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-acceptgroupinvite")]
152    AcceptGroupInvite,
153    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-declinegroupinvite")]
154    DeclineGroupInvite,
155    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-mapzoomin")]
156    MapZoomIn,
157    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-mapzoomout")]
158    MapZoomOut,
159    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-map-locationmarkerbutton")]
160    MapSetMarker,
161    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-spectatespeedboost")]
162    SpectateSpeedBoost,
163    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-spectateviewpoint")]
164    SpectateViewpoint,
165    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-mutemaster")]
166    MuteMaster,
167    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-muteinactivemaster")]
168    MuteInactiveMaster,
169    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-mutemusic")]
170    MuteMusic,
171    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-mutesfx")]
172    MuteSfx,
173    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-muteambience")]
174    MuteAmbience,
175    #[strum(serialize = "gameinput-togglewalk")]
176    ToggleWalk,
179impl GameInput {
180    pub fn get_localization_key(&self) -> &str { self.as_ref() }
182    /// Return true if `a` and `b` are able to be bound to the same key at the
183    /// same time without conflict. For example, the player can't jump and climb
184    /// at the same time, so these can be bound to the same key.
185    pub fn can_share_bindings(a: GameInput, b: GameInput) -> bool {
186        a.get_representative_binding() == b.get_representative_binding()
187    }
189    /// If two GameInputs are able to be bound at the same time, then they will
190    /// return the same value from this function (the representative value for
191    /// that set). This models the Find operation of a disjoint-set data
192    /// structure.
193    fn get_representative_binding(&self) -> GameInput {
194        match self {
195            GameInput::Jump => GameInput::Jump,
196            GameInput::SwimUp => GameInput::Jump,
197            GameInput::Respawn => GameInput::Jump,
199            GameInput::FreeLook => GameInput::FreeLook,
200            GameInput::AutoWalk => GameInput::FreeLook,
202            _ => *self,
203        }
204    }