
1use crate::{
2    block::{ZCache, block_from_structure},
3    column::{ColumnGen, ColumnSample},
4    index::IndexRef,
5    land::Land,
6    layer::spot::Spot,
7    sim::{SimChunk, WorldSim},
8    util::{Grid, Sampler, seed_expan},
10use common::{
11    calendar::Calendar,
12    generation::EntityInfo,
13    terrain::{
14        Block, BlockKind, SpriteCfg, Structure, TerrainChunk, TerrainChunkSize,
15        structure::StructureBlock,
16    },
17    vol::{ReadVol, RectVolSize, WriteVol},
19use rand::prelude::*;
20use rand_chacha::ChaChaRng;
21use std::{borrow::Cow, ops::Deref};
22use vek::*;
24#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
25pub struct CanvasInfo<'a> {
26    pub(crate) chunk_pos: Vec2<i32>,
27    pub(crate) wpos: Vec2<i32>,
28    pub(crate) column_grid: &'a Grid<Option<ZCache<'a>>>,
29    pub(crate) column_grid_border: i32,
30    pub(crate) chunks: &'a WorldSim,
31    pub(crate) index: IndexRef<'a>,
32    pub(crate) chunk: &'a SimChunk,
33    pub(crate) calendar: Option<&'a Calendar>,
36impl<'a> CanvasInfo<'a> {
37    pub fn calendar(&self) -> Option<&'a Calendar> { self.calendar }
39    pub fn wpos(&self) -> Vec2<i32> { self.wpos }
41    pub fn area(&self) -> Aabr<i32> {
42        Rect::from((
43            self.wpos(),
44            Extent2::from(|e| e as i32)),
45        ))
46        .into()
47    }
49    pub fn col(&self, wpos: Vec2<i32>) -> Option<&'a ColumnSample> {
50        self.column_grid
51            .get(self.column_grid_border + wpos - self.wpos())
52            .and_then(Option::as_ref)
53            .map(|zc| &zc.sample)
54    }
56    /// Attempt to get the data for the given column, generating it if we don't
57    /// have it.
58    ///
59    /// This function does not (currently) cache generated columns.
60    pub fn col_or_gen(&self, wpos: Vec2<i32>) -> Option<Cow<'a, ColumnSample>> {
61        self.col(wpos).map(Cow::Borrowed).or_else(|| {
62            Some(Cow::Owned(ColumnGen::new(self.chunks()).get((
63                wpos,
64                self.index(),
65                self.calendar,
66            ))?))
67        })
68    }
70    /// Find all spots within range of this canvas's chunk. Returns `(wpos,
71    /// spot, seed)`.
72    pub fn nearby_spots(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (Vec2<i32>, Spot, u32)> + '_ {
73        (-1..2)
74            .flat_map(|x| (-1..2).map(move |y| Vec2::new(x, y)))
75            .filter_map(move |pos| {
76                let pos = self.chunk_pos + pos;
77                self.chunks.get(pos).and_then(|c||spot| {
78                    let wpos = pos.map2(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE, |e, sz| {
79                        e * sz as i32 + sz as i32 / 2
80                    });
81                    // TODO: Very dumb, not this.
82                    let seed = pos.x as u32 | (pos.y as u32).wrapping_shl(16);
84                    (wpos, spot, seed ^ 0xA801D82E)
85                })
86            })
87    }
89    pub fn index(&self) -> IndexRef<'a> { self.index }
91    pub fn chunk(&self) -> &'a SimChunk { self.chunk }
93    pub fn chunks(&self) -> &'a WorldSim { self.chunks }
95    pub fn land(&self) -> Land<'_> { Land::from_sim(self.chunks) }
97    pub fn with_mock_canvas_info<A, F: for<'b> FnOnce(&CanvasInfo<'b>) -> A>(
98        index: IndexRef<'a>,
99        sim: &'a WorldSim,
100        f: F,
101    ) -> A {
102        let zcache_grid = Grid::populate_from(Vec2::broadcast(1), |_| None);
103        let sim_chunk = SimChunk {
104            chaos: 0.0,
105            alt: 0.0,
106            basement: 0.0,
107            water_alt: 0.0,
108            downhill: None,
109            flux: 0.0,
110            temp: 0.0,
111            humidity: 0.0,
112            rockiness: 0.0,
113            tree_density: 0.0,
114            forest_kind: crate::all::ForestKind::Palm,
115            spawn_rate: 0.0,
116            river: Default::default(),
117            surface_veg: 0.0,
118            sites: Vec::new(),
119            place: None,
120            poi: None,
121            path: Default::default(),
122            cliff_height: 0.0,
123            contains_waypoint: false,
124            spot: None,
125        };
126        f(&CanvasInfo {
127            chunk_pos: Vec2::zero(),
128            wpos: Vec2::zero(),
129            column_grid: &zcache_grid,
130            column_grid_border: 0,
131            chunks: sim,
132            index,
133            chunk: &sim_chunk,
134            calendar: None,
135        })
136    }
139pub struct Canvas<'a> {
140    pub(crate) info: CanvasInfo<'a>,
141    pub(crate) chunk: &'a mut TerrainChunk,
142    pub(crate) entities: Vec<EntityInfo>,
143    pub(crate) rtsim_resource_blocks: Vec<Vec3<i32>>,
146impl<'a> Canvas<'a> {
147    /// The borrow checker complains at immutable features of canvas (column
148    /// sampling, etc.) being used at the same time as mutable features
149    /// (writing blocks). To avoid this, this method extracts the
150    /// inner `CanvasInfo` such that it may be used independently.
151    pub fn info(&mut self) -> CanvasInfo<'a> { }
153    pub fn get(&self, pos: Vec3<i32>) -> Block {
154        self.chunk
155            .get(pos - self.wpos())
156            .ok()
157            .copied()
158            .unwrap_or_else(Block::empty)
159    }
161    /// Set a block in the canvas chunk. Note that if the block is a resource
162    /// (see [`Block::get_rtsim_resource`]) then [`Canvas::map_resource`] should
163    /// be used instead.
164    pub fn set(&mut self, pos: Vec3<i32>, block: Block) {
165        if block.get_rtsim_resource().is_some() {
166            self.rtsim_resource_blocks.push(pos);
167        }
168        let _ = self.chunk.set(pos - self.wpos(), block);
169    }
171    /// Map a block in the canvas chunk. Note that if the block is a resource
172    /// (see [`Block::get_rtsim_resource`]) then [`Canvas::map_resource`] should
173    /// be used instead.
174    pub fn map(&mut self, pos: Vec3<i32>, f: impl FnOnce(Block) -> Block) {
175        let _ = - self.wpos(), f);
176    }
178    /// Like [`Canvas::map`], except allows marking resource-containing blocks
179    /// appropriately.
180    pub fn map_resource(&mut self, pos: Vec3<i32>, f: impl FnOnce(Block) -> Block) {
181        let _ = - self.wpos(), |b| {
182            let new_block = f(b);
183            if new_block.get_rtsim_resource().is_some() {
184                self.rtsim_resource_blocks.push(pos);
185            }
186            new_block
187        });
188    }
190    pub fn set_sprite_cfg(&mut self, pos: Vec3<i32>, sprite_cfg: SpriteCfg) {
191        let rpos = pos - self.wpos();
192        self.chunk.meta_mut().set_sprite_cfg_at(rpos, sprite_cfg);
193    }
195    pub fn foreach_col_area(
196        &mut self,
197        aabr: Aabr<i32>,
198        mut f: impl FnMut(&mut Self, Vec2<i32>, &ColumnSample),
199    ) {
200        let chunk_aabr = Aabr {
201            min: self.wpos(),
202            max: self.wpos() + Vec2::from(self.area().size()),
203        };
205        for y in chunk_aabr.min.y.max(aabr.min.y)..chunk_aabr.max.y.min(aabr.max.y) {
206            for x in chunk_aabr.min.x.max(aabr.min.x)..chunk_aabr.max.x.min(aabr.max.x) {
207                let wpos2d = Vec2::new(x, y);
208                let info =;
209                let col = if let Some(col) = info.col(wpos2d) {
210                    col
211                } else {
212                    return;
213                };
214                f(self, wpos2d, col);
215            }
216        }
217    }
219    /// Execute an operation upon each column in this canvas.
220    pub fn foreach_col(&mut self, f: impl FnMut(&mut Self, Vec2<i32>, &ColumnSample)) {
221        self.foreach_col_area(
222            Aabr {
223                min: Vec2::broadcast(i32::MIN),
224                max: Vec2::broadcast(i32::MAX),
225            },
226            f,
227        );
228    }
230    /// Blit a structure on to the canvas at the given position.
231    ///
232    /// Note that this function should be called with identical parameters by
233    /// all chunks within the bounds of the structure to avoid cut-offs
234    /// occurring at chunk borders. Deterministic RNG is advised!
235    pub fn blit_structure(
236        &mut self,
237        origin: Vec3<i32>,
238        structure: &Structure,
239        seed: u32,
240        units: Vec2<Vec2<i32>>,
241        with_snow: bool,
242    ) {
243        let mut entities: Vec<(Vec3<f32>, String)> = Vec::new();
244        let mut rng = ChaChaRng::from_seed(seed_expan::rng_state(seed));
245        let info =;
246        self.foreach_col(|canvas, wpos2d, col| {
247            let rpos2d = wpos2d - origin.xy();
248            let rpos2d = units.x * rpos2d.x + units.y * rpos2d.y;
250            let mut above = true;
251            for z in (structure.get_bounds().min.z..structure.get_bounds().max.z).rev() {
252                if let Ok(sblock) = structure.get(rpos2d.with_z(z)) {
253                    let mut add_snow = false;
254                    let mut new_sprite_cfg = None;
255                    let wpos = wpos2d.with_z(origin.z + z);
256          , |block| {
257                        if let Some((new_block, sprite_cfg)) = block_from_structure(
258                            info.index,
259                            sblock,
260                            wpos2d.with_z(origin.z + z),
261                            origin.xy(),
262                            seed,
263                            col,
264                            |sprite| block.with_sprite(sprite),
265                            info.calendar,
266                            &units,
267                        ) {
268                            new_sprite_cfg = sprite_cfg;
269                            if !new_block.is_air() {
270                                if with_snow && col.snow_cover && above {
271                                    add_snow = true;
272                                }
273                                above = false;
274                            }
275                            new_block
276                        } else {
277                            block
278                        }
279                    });
281                    // Add sprite configuration for those that need it
282                    if let Some(sprite_cfg) = new_sprite_cfg {
283                        canvas.set_sprite_cfg(wpos, sprite_cfg);
284                    }
286                    // Spawn NPCs at the pos of this block
287                    if let StructureBlock::EntitySpawner(spec, spawn_chance) = sblock {
288                        if rng.gen::<f32>() < *spawn_chance {
289                            entities.push((
290                                wpos2d.with_z(origin.z + z).map(|e| e as f32)
291                                    + Vec3::new(0.5, 0.5, 0.0),
292                                spec.clone(),
293                            ));
294                        }
295                    }
297                    if add_snow {
298                        canvas.set(
299                            wpos2d.with_z(origin.z + z + 1),
300                            Block::new(BlockKind::Snow, Rgb::new(210, 210, 255)),
301                        );
302                    }
303                }
304            }
305        });
306        for (pos, spec) in entities.drain(..) {
307            self.spawn(EntityInfo::at(pos).with_asset_expect(&spec, &mut rng, None));
308        }
309    }
311    pub fn find_spawn_pos(&self, wpos: Vec3<i32>) -> Option<Vec3<i32>> {
312        let height = 2;
313        let search_dist: i32 = 8;
315        (1..search_dist * 2 + 1)
316            .rev()
317            .map(|z| wpos.z + if z % 2 != 0 { z / 2 } else { -(z / 2) })
318            .find(|&z| {
319                self.get(wpos.xy().with_z(z - 1)).is_solid()
320                    && (0..height).all(|z_offs| self.get(wpos.xy().with_z(z + z_offs)).is_fluid())
321            })
322            .map(|z| wpos.xy().with_z(z))
323    }
325    pub fn spawn(&mut self, entity: EntityInfo) { self.entities.push(entity); }
328impl<'a> Deref for Canvas<'a> {
329    type Target = CanvasInfo<'a>;
331    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { & }