
1use bitvec::prelude::{BitBox, bitbox};
2use common::{
3    terrain::{MapSizeLg, TerrainChunkSize, neighbors, uniform_idx_as_vec2, vec2_as_uniform_idx},
4    vol::RectVolSize,
6use common_base::prof_span;
7use noise::{
8    MultiFractal, NoiseFn, Seedable, core::worley::*, math::vectors::*,
9    permutationtable::PermutationTable,
11use num::Float;
12use rayon::prelude::*;
13use std::sync::Arc;
14use vek::*;
16/// Calculates the smallest distance along an axis (x, y) from an edge of
17/// the world.  This value is maximal at map_size_lg.chunks() / 2 and
18/// minimized at the
19/// extremes (0 or map_size_lg.chunks() on one or more axes).  It then divides
20/// the quantity by cell_size, so the final result is 1 when we are not in a
21/// cell along the edge of the world, and ranges between 0 and 1 otherwise
22/// (lower when the chunk is closer to the edge).
23pub fn map_edge_factor(map_size_lg: MapSizeLg, posi: usize) -> f32 {
24    uniform_idx_as_vec2(map_size_lg, posi)
25        .map2(map_size_lg.chunks().map(i32::from), |e, sz| {
26            (sz / 2 - (e - sz / 2).abs()) as f32 / (16.0 / 1024.0 * sz as f32)
27        })
28        .reduce_partial_min()
29        .clamp(0.0, 1.0)
32/// Computes the cumulative distribution function of the weighted sum of k
33/// independent, uniformly distributed random variables between 0 and 1.  For
34/// each variable i, we use `weights[i]` as the weight to give `samples[i]` (the
35/// weights should all be positive).
37/// If the precondition is met, the distribution of the result of calling this
38/// function will be uniformly distributed while preserving the same information
39/// that was in the original average.
41/// For N > 33 the function will no longer return correct results since we will
42/// overflow u32.
44/// NOTE:
46/// Per [[1]], the problem of determining the CDF of
47/// the sum of uniformly distributed random variables over *different* ranges is
48/// considerably more complicated than it is for the same-range case.
49/// Fortunately, it also provides a reference to [2], which contains a complete
50/// derivation of an exact rule for the density function for this case.  The CDF
51/// is just the integral of the cumulative distribution function [[3]],
52/// which we use to convert this into a CDF formula.
54/// This allows us to sum weighted, uniform, independent random variables.
56/// At some point, we should probably contribute this back to stats-rs.
58/// 1. [][1],
59/// 2. Sadooghi-Alvandi, S., A. Nematollahi, & R. Habibi, 2009. On the
60///    Distribution of the Sum of Independent Uniform Random Variables.
61///    Statistical Papers, 50, 171-175.
62/// 3. [][3]
64/// [1]:
65/// [3]:
66pub fn cdf_irwin_hall<const N: usize>(weights: &[f32; N], samples: [f32; N]) -> f32 {
67    // Let J_k = {(j_1, ... , j_k) : 1 ≤ j_1 < j_2 < ··· < j_k ≤ N }.
68    //
69    // Let A_N = Π{k = 1 to n}a_k.
70    //
71    // The density function for N ≥ 2 is:
72    //
73    //   1/(A_N * (N - 1)!) * (x^(N-1) + Σ{k = 1 to N}((-1)^k *
74    //   Σ{(j_1, ..., j_k) ∈ J_k}(max(0, x - Σ{l = 1 to k}(a_(j_l)))^(N - 1))))
75    //
76    // So the cumulative distribution function is its integral, i.e. (I think)
77    //
78    // 1/(product{k in A}(k) * N!) * (x^N + sum(k in 1 to N)((-1)^k *
79    // sum{j in Subsets[A, {k}]}(max(0, x - sum{l in j}(l))^N)))
80    //
81    // which is also equivalent to
82    //
83    //   (letting B_k = { a in Subsets[A, {k}] : sum {l in a} l }, B_(0,1) = 0 and
84    //            H_k = { i : 1 ≤ 1 ≤ N! / (k! * (N - k)!) })
85    //
86    //   1/(product{k in A}(k) * N!) * sum(k in 0 to N)((-1)^k *
87    //   sum{l in H_k}(max(0, x - B_(k,l))^N))
88    //
89    // We should be able to iterate through the whole power set
90    // instead, and figure out K by calling count_ones(), so we can compute the
91    // result in O(2^N) iterations.
92    let x: f64 = weights
93        .iter()
94        .zip(samples.iter())
95        .map(|(&weight, &sample)| weight as f64 * sample as f64)
96        .sum();
98    let mut y = 0.0f64;
99    for subset in 0u32..(1 << N) {
100        // Number of set elements
101        let k = subset.count_ones();
102        // Add together exactly the set elements to get B_subset
103        let z = weights
104            .iter()
105            .enumerate()
106            .filter(|(i, _)| subset & (1 << i) as u32 != 0)
107            .map(|(_, &k)| k as f64)
108            .sum::<f64>();
109        // Compute max(0, x - B_subset)^N
110        let z = (x - z).max(0.0).powi(N as i32);
111        // The parity of k determines whether the sum is negated.
112        y += if k & 1 == 0 { z } else { -z };
113    }
115    // Divide by the product of the weights.
116    y /= weights.iter().map(|&k| k as f64).product::<f64>();
118    // Remember to multiply by 1 / N! at the end.
119    (y / (1..(N as i32) + 1).product::<i32>() as f64) as f32
122/// First component of each element of the vector is the computed CDF of the
123/// noise function at this index (i.e. its position in a sorted list of value
124/// returned by the noise function applied to every chunk in the game).  Second
125/// component is the cached value of the noise function that generated the
126/// index.
127pub type InverseCdf<F = f32> = Box<[(f32, F)]>;
129/// NOTE: First component is estimated horizon angles at each chunk; second
130/// component is estimated       heights of maximal occluder at each chunk (used
131/// for making shadows volumetric).
132pub type HorizonMap<A, H> = (Vec<A>, Vec<H>);
134/// Compute inverse cumulative distribution function for arbitrary function f,
135/// the hard way.  We pre-generate noise values prior to worldgen, then sort
136/// them in order to determine the correct position in the sorted order.  That
137/// lets us use `(index + 1) / (WORLDSIZE.y * WORLDSIZE.x)` as a uniformly
138/// distributed (from almost-0 to 1) regularization of the chunks.  That is, if
139/// we apply the computed "function" F⁻¹(x, y) to (x, y) and get out p, it means
140/// that approximately (100 * p)% of chunks have a lower value for F⁻¹ than p.
141/// The main purpose of doing this is to make sure we are using the entire range
142/// we want, and to allow us to apply the numerous results about distributions
143/// on uniform functions to the procedural noise we generate, which lets us much
144/// more reliably control the *number* of features in the world while still
145/// letting us play with the *shape* of those features, without having arbitrary
146/// cutoff points / discontinuities (which tend to produce ugly-looking /
147/// unnatural terrain).
149/// As a concrete example, before doing this it was very hard to tweak humidity
150/// so that either most of the world wasn't dry, or most of it wasn't wet, by
151/// combining the billow noise function and the computed altitude.  This is
152/// because the billow noise function has a very unusual distribution that is
153/// heavily skewed towards 0.  By correcting for this tendency, we can start
154/// with uniformly distributed billow noise and altitudes and combine them to
155/// get uniformly distributed humidity, while still preserving the existing
156/// shapes that the billow noise and altitude functions produce.
158/// f takes an index, which represents the index corresponding to this chunk in
159/// any any SimChunk vector returned by uniform_noise, and (for convenience) the
160/// float-translated version of those coordinates.
161/// f should return a value with no NaNs.  If there is a NaN, it will panic.
162/// There are no other conditions on f.  If f returns None, the value will be
163/// set to NaN, and will be ignored for the purposes of computing the uniform
164/// range.
166/// Returns a vec of (f32, f32) pairs consisting of the percentage of chunks
167/// with a value lower than this one, and the actual noise value (we don't need
168/// to cache it, but it makes ensuring that subsequent code that needs the noise
169/// value actually uses the same one we were using here easier).  Also returns
170/// the "inverted index" pointing from a position to a noise.
171pub fn uniform_noise<F: Float + Send>(
172    map_size_lg: MapSizeLg,
173    f: impl Fn(usize, Vec2<f64>) -> Option<F> + Sync,
174) -> (InverseCdf<F>, Box<[(usize, F)]>) {
175    let mut noise = (0..map_size_lg.chunks_len())
176        .into_par_iter()
177        .filter_map(|i| {
178            f(
179                i,
180                (uniform_idx_as_vec2(map_size_lg, i)
181                    *|e| e as i32))
182                .map(|e| e as f64),
183            )
184            .map(|res| (i, res))
185        })
186        .collect::<Vec<_>>();
188    // sort_unstable_by is equivalent to sort_by here since we include a unique
189    // index in the comparison.  We could leave out the index, but this might
190    // make the order not reproduce the same way between different versions of
191    // Rust (for example).
192    noise.par_sort_unstable_by(|f, g| (f.1, f.0).partial_cmp(&(g.1, g.0)).unwrap());
194    // Construct a vector that associates each chunk position with the 1-indexed
195    // position of the noise in the sorted vector (divided by the vector length).
196    // This guarantees a uniform distribution among the samples (excluding those
197    // that returned None, which will remain at zero).
198    let mut uniform_noise = vec![(0.0, F::nan()); map_size_lg.chunks_len()].into_boxed_slice();
199    // NOTE: Consider using try_into here and elsewhere in this function, since
200    // i32::MAX technically doesn't fit in an f32 (even if we should never reach
201    // that limit).
202    let total = noise.len() as f32;
203    for (noise_idx, &(chunk_idx, noise_val)) in noise.iter().enumerate() {
204        uniform_noise[chunk_idx] = ((1 + noise_idx) as f32 / total, noise_val);
205    }
206    (uniform_noise, noise.into_boxed_slice())
209/// Iterate through all cells adjacent and including four chunks whose top-left
210/// point is posi. This isn't just the immediate neighbors of a chunk plus the
211/// center, because it is designed to cover neighbors of a point in the chunk's
212/// "interior."
214/// This is what's used during cubic interpolation, for example, as it
215/// guarantees that for any point between the given chunk (on the top left) and
216/// its top-right/down-right/down neighbors, the twelve chunks surrounding this
217/// box (its "perimeter") are also inspected.
218pub fn local_cells(map_size_lg: MapSizeLg, posi: usize) -> impl Clone + Iterator<Item = usize> {
219    let pos = uniform_idx_as_vec2(map_size_lg, posi);
220    // NOTE: want to keep this such that the chunk index is in ascending order!
221    let grid_size = 3i32;
222    let grid_bounds = 2 * grid_size + 1;
223    (0..grid_bounds * grid_bounds)
224        .map(move |index| {
225            Vec2::new(
226                pos.x + (index % grid_bounds) - grid_size,
227                pos.y + (index / grid_bounds) - grid_size,
228            )
229        })
230        .filter(move |pos| {
231            pos.x >= 0
232                && pos.y >= 0
233                && pos.x < map_size_lg.chunks().x as i32
234                && pos.y < map_size_lg.chunks().y as i32
235        })
236        .map(move |e| vec2_as_uniform_idx(map_size_lg, e))
239// Note that we should already have okay cache locality since we have a grid.
240pub fn uphill(
241    map_size_lg: MapSizeLg,
242    dh: &[isize],
243    posi: usize,
244) -> impl Clone + Iterator<Item = usize> + '_ {
245    neighbors(map_size_lg, posi).filter(move |&posj| dh[posj] == posi as isize)
248/// Compute the neighbor "most downhill" from all chunks.
250/// TODO: See if allocating in advance is worthwhile.
251pub fn downhill<F: Float>(
252    map_size_lg: MapSizeLg,
253    h: impl Fn(usize) -> F + Sync,
254    is_ocean: impl Fn(usize) -> bool + Sync,
255) -> Box<[isize]> {
256    // Constructs not only the list of downhill nodes, but also computes an ordering
257    // (visiting nodes in order from roots to leaves).
258    (0..map_size_lg.chunks_len())
259        .into_par_iter()
260        .map(|posi| {
261            let nh = h(posi);
262            if is_ocean(posi) {
263                -2
264            } else {
265                let mut best = -1;
266                let mut besth = nh;
267                for nposi in neighbors(map_size_lg, posi) {
268                    let nbh = h(nposi);
269                    if nbh < besth {
270                        besth = nbh;
271                        best = nposi as isize;
272                    }
273                }
274                best
275            }
276        })
277        .collect::<Vec<_>>()
278        .into_boxed_slice()
281/* /// Bilinear interpolation.
283/// Linear interpolation in both directions (i.e. quadratic interpolation).
284fn get_interpolated_bilinear<T, F>(&self, pos: Vec2<i32>, mut f: F) -> Option<T>
285    where
286        T: Copy + Default + Signed + Float + Add<Output = T> + Mul<f32, Output = T>,
287        F: FnMut(Vec2<i32>) -> Option<T>,
289    // (i) Find downhill for all four points.
290    // (ii) Compute distance from each downhill point and do linear interpolation on
291    // their heights. (iii) Compute distance between each neighboring point
292    // and do linear interpolation on       their distance-interpolated
293    // heights.
295    // See
296    //
297    // Note that these are only guaranteed monotone in one dimension; fortunately,
298    // that is sufficient for our purposes.
299    let pos = pos.map2(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE, |e, sz: u32| {
300        e as f64 / sz as f64
301    });
303    // Orient the chunk in the direction of the most downhill point of the four.  If
304    // there is no "most downhill" point, then we don't care.
305    let x0 = pos.map2(Vec2::new(0, 0), |e, q| e.max(0.0) as i32 + q);
306    let y0 = f(x0)?;
308    let x1 = pos.map2(Vec2::new(1, 0), |e, q| e.max(0.0) as i32 + q);
309    let y1 = f(x1)?;
311    let x2 = pos.map2(Vec2::new(0, 1), |e, q| e.max(0.0) as i32 + q);
312    let y2 = f(x2)?;
314    let x3 = pos.map2(Vec2::new(1, 1), |e, q| e.max(0.0) as i32 + q);
315    let y3 = f(x3)?;
317    let z0 = y0
318        .mul(1.0 - pos.x.fract() as f32)
319        .mul(1.0 - pos.y.fract() as f32);
320    let z1 = y1.mul(pos.x.fract() as f32).mul(1.0 - pos.y.fract() as f32);
321    let z2 = y2.mul(1.0 - pos.x.fract() as f32).mul(pos.y.fract() as f32);
322    let z3 = y3.mul(pos.x.fract() as f32).mul(pos.y.fract() as f32);
324    Some(z0 + z1 + z2 + z3)
325} */
327/// Find all ocean tiles from a height map, using an inductive definition of
328/// ocean as one of:
329/// - posi is at the side of the world (map_edge_factor(posi) == 0.0)
330/// - posi has a neighboring ocean tile, and has a height below sea level
331///   (oldh(posi) <= 0.0).
332pub fn get_oceans<F: Float>(map_size_lg: MapSizeLg, oldh: impl Fn(usize) -> F + Sync) -> BitBox {
333    // We can mark tiles as ocean candidates by scanning row by row, since the top
334    // edge is ocean, the sides are connected to it, and any subsequent ocean
335    // tiles must be connected to it.
336    let mut is_ocean = bitbox![0; map_size_lg.chunks_len()];
337    let mut stack = Vec::new();
338    let mut do_push = |pos| {
339        let posi = vec2_as_uniform_idx(map_size_lg, pos);
340        if oldh(posi) <= F::zero() {
341            stack.push(posi);
342        }
343    };
344    for x in 0..map_size_lg.chunks().x as i32 {
345        do_push(Vec2::new(x, 0));
346        do_push(Vec2::new(x, map_size_lg.chunks().y as i32 - 1));
347    }
348    for y in 1..map_size_lg.chunks().y as i32 - 1 {
349        do_push(Vec2::new(0, y));
350        do_push(Vec2::new(map_size_lg.chunks().x as i32 - 1, y));
351    }
352    while let Some(chunk_idx) = stack.pop() {
353        // println!("Ocean chunk {:?}: {:?}", uniform_idx_as_vec2(map_size_lg,
354        // chunk_idx), oldh(chunk_idx));
355        let mut is_ocean = is_ocean.get_mut(chunk_idx).unwrap();
356        if *is_ocean {
357            continue;
358        }
359        *is_ocean = true;
360        stack.extend(neighbors(map_size_lg, chunk_idx).filter(|&neighbor_idx| {
361            // println!("Ocean neighbor: {:?}: {:?}", uniform_idx_as_vec2(map_size_lg,
362            // neighbor_idx), oldh(neighbor_idx));
363            oldh(neighbor_idx) <= F::zero()
364        }));
365    }
366    is_ocean
369/// Finds the horizon map for sunlight for the given chunks.
371pub fn get_horizon_map<F: Float + Sync, A: Send, H: Send>(
372    map_size_lg: MapSizeLg,
373    bounds: Aabr<i32>,
374    minh: F,
375    maxh: F,
376    h: impl Fn(usize) -> F + Sync,
377    to_angle: impl Fn(F) -> A + Sync,
378    to_height: impl Fn(F) -> H + Sync,
379) -> Result<[HorizonMap<A, H>; 2], ()> {
380    prof_span!("get_horizon_map");
381    if maxh < minh {
382        // maxh must be greater than minh
383        return Err(());
384    }
385    let map_size = Vec2::<i32>::from(bounds.size()).map(|e| e as usize);
386    let map_len = map_size.product();
388    // Now, do the raymarching.
389    let chunk_x = if let Vec2 { x: Some(x), .. } = {
390        x
391    } else {
392        return Err(());
393    };
394    // let epsilon = F::epsilon() * if let x = F::from(map_size.x) { x } else {
395    // return Err(()) };
396    let march = |dx: isize, maxdx: fn(isize, map_size_lg: MapSizeLg) -> isize| {
397        let mut angles = Vec::with_capacity(map_len);
398        let mut heights = Vec::with_capacity(map_len);
399        (0..map_len)
400            .into_par_iter()
401            .map(|posi| {
402                let wposi =
403                    bounds.min + Vec2::new((posi % map_size.x) as i32, (posi / map_size.x) as i32);
404                if wposi.reduce_partial_min() < 0
405                    || wposi.x as usize >= usize::from(map_size_lg.chunks().x)
406                    || wposi.y as usize >= usize::from(map_size_lg.chunks().y)
407                {
408                    return (to_angle(F::zero()), to_height(F::zero()));
409                }
410                let posi = vec2_as_uniform_idx(map_size_lg, wposi);
411                // March in the given direction.
412                let maxdx = maxdx(wposi.x as isize, map_size_lg);
413                let mut slope = F::zero();
414                let h0 = h(posi);
415                let h = if h0 < minh {
416                    F::zero()
417                } else {
418                    let mut max_height = F::zero();
419                    let maxdz = maxh - h0;
420                    let posi = posi as isize;
421                    for deltax in 1..maxdx {
422                        let posj = (posi + deltax * dx) as usize;
423                        let deltax = chunk_x * F::from(deltax).unwrap();
424                        let h_j_est = slope * deltax;
425                        if h_j_est > maxdz {
426                            break;
427                        }
428                        let h_j_act = h(posj) - h0;
429                        if
430                        /* h_j_est - h_j_act <= epsilon */
431                        h_j_est <= h_j_act {
432                            slope = h_j_act / deltax;
433                            max_height = h_j_act;
434                        }
435                    }
436                    h0 - minh + max_height
437                };
438                let a = slope;
439                (to_angle(a), to_height(h))
440            })
441            .unzip_into_vecs(&mut angles, &mut heights);
442        (angles, heights)
443    };
444    let west = march(-1, |x, _| x);
445    let east = march(1, |x, map_size_lg| {
446        (usize::from(map_size_lg.chunks().x) - x as usize) as isize
447    });
448    Ok([west, east])
451fn build_sources<Source>(seed: u32, octaves: usize) -> Vec<Source>
453    Source: Default + Seedable,
455    let mut sources = Vec::with_capacity(octaves);
456    for x in 0..octaves {
457        let source = Source::default();
458        sources.push(source.set_seed(seed + x as u32));
459    }
460    sources
463/// Noise function that outputs hybrid Multifractal noise.
465/// The result of this multifractal noise is that valleys in the noise should
466/// have smooth bottoms at all altitudes.
468/// Copied from noise crate to add offset.
469#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
470pub struct HybridMulti<T> {
471    /// Total number of frequency octaves to generate the noise with.
472    ///
473    /// The number of octaves control the _amount of detail_ in the noise
474    /// function. Adding more octaves increases the detail, with the drawback
475    /// of increasing the calculation time.
476    pub octaves: usize,
478    /// The number of cycles per unit length that the noise function outputs.
479    pub frequency: f64,
481    /// A multiplier that determines how quickly the frequency increases for
482    /// each successive octave in the noise function.
483    ///
484    /// The frequency of each successive octave is equal to the product of the
485    /// previous octave's frequency and the lacunarity value.
486    ///
487    /// A lacunarity of 2.0 results in the frequency doubling every octave. For
488    /// almost all cases, 2.0 is a good value to use.
489    pub lacunarity: f64,
491    /// A multiplier that determines how quickly the amplitudes diminish for
492    /// each successive octave in the noise function.
493    ///
494    /// The amplitude of each successive octave is equal to the product of the
495    /// previous octave's amplitude and the persistence value. Increasing the
496    /// persistence produces "rougher" noise.
497    ///
498    /// H = 1.0 - fractal increment = -ln(persistence) / ln(lacunarity).  For
499    /// a fractal increment between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive), keep
500    /// persistence between 1 / lacunarity (inclusive, for low fractal
501    /// dimension) and 1 (exclusive, for high fractal dimension).
502    pub persistence: f64,
504    /// An offset that is added to the output of each sample of the underlying
505    /// Perlin noise function.  Because each successive octave is weighted in
506    /// part by the previous signal's output, increasing the offset will weight
507    /// the output more heavily towards 1.0.
508    pub offset: f64,
510    seed: u32,
511    sources: Vec<T>,
512    //scale_factor: f64,
515impl<T> HybridMulti<T>
517    T: Default + Seedable,
519    pub const DEFAULT_FREQUENCY: f64 = 2.0;
520    pub const DEFAULT_LACUNARITY: f64 = /* std::f64::consts::PI * 2.0 / 3.0 */ 2.0;
521    pub const DEFAULT_OCTAVES: usize = 6;
522    pub const DEFAULT_OFFSET: f64 = /* 0.25 *//* 0.5 */ 0.7;
523    // -ln(2^(-0.25))/ln(2) = 0.25
524    // 2^(-0.25) ~ 13/16
525    pub const DEFAULT_PERSISTENCE: f64 = /* 0.25 *//* 0.5 */ 13.0 / 16.0;
526    pub const DEFAULT_SEED: u32 = 0;
527    pub const MAX_OCTAVES: usize = 32;
529    pub fn new(seed: u32) -> Self {
530        Self {
531            seed,
532            octaves: Self::DEFAULT_OCTAVES,
533            frequency: Self::DEFAULT_FREQUENCY,
534            lacunarity: Self::DEFAULT_LACUNARITY,
535            persistence: Self::DEFAULT_PERSISTENCE,
536            offset: Self::DEFAULT_OFFSET,
537            sources: build_sources(seed, Self::DEFAULT_OCTAVES),
538            //scale_factor: Self::calc_scale_factor(Self::DEFAULT_PERSISTENCE,
539            // Self::DEFAULT_OCTAVES),
540        }
541    }
543    pub fn set_offset(self, offset: f64) -> Self { Self { offset, ..self } }
545    #[expect(dead_code)]
546    pub fn set_sources(self, sources: Vec<T>) -> Self { Self { sources, ..self } }
547    /*fn calc_scale_factor(persistence: f64, octaves: usize) -> f64 {
548        let mut result = persistence;
550        // Do octave 0
551        let mut amplitude = persistence;
552        let mut weight = result;
553        let mut signal = amplitude;
554        weight *= signal;
556        result += signal;
558        if octaves >= 1 {
559            result += (1..=octaves).fold(0.0, |acc, _| {
560                amplitude *= persistence;
561                weight = weight.max(1.0);
562                signal = amplitude;
563                weight *= signal;
564                acc + signal
565            });
566        }
568        2.0 / result
569    }*/
572impl<T> Default for HybridMulti<T>
574    T: Default + Seedable,
576    fn default() -> Self { Self::new(Self::DEFAULT_SEED) }
579impl<T> MultiFractal for HybridMulti<T>
581    T: Default + Seedable,
583    fn set_octaves(self, mut octaves: usize) -> Self {
584        if self.octaves == octaves {
585            return self;
586        }
588        octaves = octaves.clamp(1, Self::MAX_OCTAVES);
589        Self {
590            octaves,
591            sources: build_sources(self.seed, octaves),
592            //scale_factor: Self::calc_scale_factor(self.persistence, octaves),
593            ..self
594        }
595    }
597    fn set_frequency(self, frequency: f64) -> Self { Self { frequency, ..self } }
599    fn set_lacunarity(self, lacunarity: f64) -> Self { Self { lacunarity, ..self } }
601    fn set_persistence(self, persistence: f64) -> Self {
602        Self {
603            persistence,
604            //scale_factor: Self::calc_scale_factor(persistence, self.octaves),
605            ..self
606        }
607    }
610impl<T> Seedable for HybridMulti<T>
612    T: Default + Seedable,
614    fn set_seed(self, seed: u32) -> Self {
615        if self.seed == seed {
616            return self;
617        }
619        Self {
620            seed,
621            sources: build_sources(seed, self.octaves),
622            ..self
623        }
624    }
626    fn seed(&self) -> u32 { self.seed }
629/// 2-dimensional `HybridMulti` noise
630impl<T> NoiseFn<f64, 2> for HybridMulti<T>
632    T: NoiseFn<f64, 2>,
634    fn get(&self, point: [f64; 2]) -> f64 {
635        let mut point = Vector2::from(point);
637        let mut attenuation = self.persistence;
639        // First unscaled octave of function; later octaves are scaled.
640        point *= self.frequency;
641        // Offset and bias to scale into [offset - 1.0, 1.0 + offset] range.
642        let bias = 1.0;
643        let mut result =
644            (self.sources[0].get(point.into_array()) + self.offset) * bias * self.persistence;
645        let mut scale = self.persistence;
646        let mut weight = result;
648        // Spectral construction inner loop, where the fractal is built.
649        for x in 1..self.octaves {
650            // Prevent divergence.
651            weight = weight.min(1.0);
653            // Raise the spatial frequency.
654            point *= self.lacunarity;
656            // Get noise value, and scale it to the [offset - 1.0, 1.0 + offset] range.
657            let mut signal = (self.sources[x].get(point.into_array()) + self.offset) * bias;
659            // Scale the amplitude appropriately for this frequency.
660            signal *= attenuation;
662            scale += attenuation;
664            // Increase the attenuation for the next octave, to be equal to persistence ^ (x
665            // + 1)
666            attenuation *= self.persistence;
668            // Add it in, weighted by previous octave's noise value.
669            result += weight * signal;
671            // Update the weighting value.
672            weight *= signal;
673        }
675        // Scale the result to the [-1,1] range
676        //result * self.scale_factor
677        (result / scale) / bias - self.offset
678    }
681/// 3-dimensional `HybridMulti` noise
682impl<T> NoiseFn<f64, 3> for HybridMulti<T>
684    T: NoiseFn<f64, 3>,
686    fn get(&self, point: [f64; 3]) -> f64 {
687        let mut point = Vector3::from(point);
689        let mut attenuation = self.persistence;
691        // First unscaled octave of function; later octaves are scaled.
692        point *= self.frequency;
693        // Offset and bias to scale into [offset - 1.0, 1.0 + offset] range.
694        let bias = 1.0;
695        let mut result =
696            (self.sources[0].get(point.into_array()) + self.offset) * bias * self.persistence;
697        let mut scale = self.persistence;
698        let mut weight = result;
700        // Spectral construction inner loop, where the fractal is built.
701        for x in 1..self.octaves {
702            // Prevent divergence.
703            weight = weight.min(1.0);
705            // Raise the spatial frequency.
706            point *= self.lacunarity;
708            // Get noise value, and scale it to the [0, 1.0] range.
709            let mut signal = (self.sources[x].get(point.into_array()) + self.offset) * bias;
711            // Scale the amplitude appropriately for this frequency.
712            signal *= attenuation;
714            scale += attenuation;
716            // Increase the attenuation for the next octave, to be equal to persistence ^ (x
717            // + 1)
718            attenuation *= self.persistence;
720            // Add it in, weighted by previous octave's noise value.
721            result += weight * signal;
723            // Update the weighting value.
724            weight *= signal;
725        }
727        // Scale the result to the [-1,1] range
728        //result * self.scale_factor
729        (result / scale) / bias - self.offset
730    }
733/// 4-dimensional `HybridMulti` noise
734impl<T> NoiseFn<f64, 4> for HybridMulti<T>
736    T: NoiseFn<f64, 4>,
738    fn get(&self, point: [f64; 4]) -> f64 {
739        let mut point = Vector4::from(point);
741        let mut attenuation = self.persistence;
743        // First unscaled octave of function; later octaves are scaled.
744        point *= self.frequency;
745        // Offset and bias to scale into [offset - 1.0, 1.0 + offset] range.
746        let bias = 1.0;
747        let mut result =
748            (self.sources[0].get(point.into_array()) + self.offset) * bias * self.persistence;
749        let mut scale = self.persistence;
750        let mut weight = result;
752        // Spectral construction inner loop, where the fractal is built.
753        for x in 1..self.octaves {
754            // Prevent divergence.
755            weight = weight.min(1.0);
757            // Raise the spatial frequency.
758            point *= self.lacunarity;
760            // Get noise value, and scale it to the [0, 1.0] range.
761            let mut signal = (self.sources[x].get(point.into_array()) + self.offset) * bias;
763            // Scale the amplitude appropriately for this frequency.
764            signal *= attenuation;
766            scale += attenuation;
768            // Increase the attenuation for the next octave, to be equal to persistence ^ (x
769            // + 1)
770            attenuation *= self.persistence;
772            // Add it in, weighted by previous octave's noise value.
773            result += weight * signal;
775            // Update the weighting value.
776            weight *= signal;
777        }
779        // Scale the result to the [-1,1] range
780        //result * self.scale_factor
781        (result / scale) / bias - self.offset
782    }
785/* code used by sharp in future – note: NoiseFn impl probably broken by noise crate upgrade from 0.7 to 0.9
786/// Noise function that applies a scaling factor and a bias to the output value
787/// from the source function.
789/// The function retrieves the output value from the source function, multiplies
790/// it with the scaling factor, adds the bias to it, then outputs the value.
791pub struct ScaleBias<'a, F: 'a> {
792    /// Outputs a value.
793    pub source: &'a F,
795    /// Scaling factor to apply to the output value from the source function.
796    /// The default value is 1.0.
797    pub scale: f64,
799    /// Bias to apply to the scaled output value from the source function.
800    /// The default value is 0.0.
801    pub bias: f64,
804impl<'a, F> ScaleBias<'a, F> {
805    pub fn new(source: &'a F) -> Self {
806        ScaleBias {
807            source,
808            scale: 1.0,
809            bias: 0.0,
810        }
811    }
813    pub fn set_scale(self, scale: f64) -> Self { ScaleBias { scale, ..self } }
815    pub fn set_bias(self, bias: f64) -> Self { ScaleBias { bias, ..self } }
818impl<'a, F: NoiseFn<T> + 'a, T> NoiseFn<T> for ScaleBias<'a, F> {
819    #[cfg(not(target_os = "emscripten"))]
820    fn get(&self, point: T) -> f64 { (self.source.get(point)).mul_add(self.scale, self.bias) }
822    #[cfg(target_os = "emscripten")]
823    fn get(&self, point: T) -> f64 { (self.source.get(point) * self.scale) + self.bias }
825 */
827/// Noise function that outputs Worley noise.
829/// Copied from noise crate to make thread-safe.
831pub struct Worley {
832    /// Specifies the distance function to use when calculating the boundaries
833    /// of the cell.
834    pub distance_function: Arc<DistanceFunction>,
836    /// Signifies whether the distance from the borders of the cell should be
837    /// returned, or the value for the cell.
838    pub return_type: ReturnType,
840    /// Frequency of the seed points.
841    pub frequency: f64,
843    seed: u32,
844    perm_table: PermutationTable,
847type DistanceFunction = dyn Fn(&[f64], &[f64]) -> f64 + Sync + Send;
849impl Worley {
850    //pub const DEFAULT_SEED: u32 = 0;
851    pub const DEFAULT_FREQUENCY: f64 = 1.0;
853    pub fn new(seed: u32) -> Self {
854        Self {
855            perm_table: PermutationTable::new(seed),
856            seed,
857            distance_function: Arc::new(distance_functions::euclidean),
858            return_type: ReturnType::Value,
859            frequency: Self::DEFAULT_FREQUENCY,
860        }
861    }
863    /// Sets the distance function used by the Worley cells.
864    pub fn set_distance_function<F>(self, function: F) -> Self
865    where
866        F: Fn(&[f64], &[f64]) -> f64 + 'static + Sync + Send,
867    {
868        Self {
869            distance_function: Arc::new(function),
870            ..self
871        }
872    }
874    /// Enables or disables applying the distance from the nearest seed point
875    /// to the output value.
876    #[expect(dead_code)]
877    pub fn set_return_type(self, return_type: ReturnType) -> Self {
878        Self {
879            return_type,
880            ..self
881        }
882    }
884    /// Sets the frequency of the seed points.
885    pub fn set_frequency(self, frequency: f64) -> Self { Self { frequency, ..self } }
888impl Default for Worley {
889    fn default() -> Self { Self::new(0) }
892impl Seedable for Worley {
893    /// Sets the seed value used by the Worley cells.
894    fn set_seed(self, seed: u32) -> Self {
895        // If the new seed is the same as the current seed, just return self.
896        if self.seed == seed {
897            return self;
898        }
900        // Otherwise, regenerate the permutation table based on the new seed.
901        Self {
902            perm_table: PermutationTable::new(seed),
903            seed,
904            ..self
905        }
906    }
908    fn seed(&self) -> u32 { self.seed }
911impl NoiseFn<f64, 2> for Worley {
912    fn get(&self, point: [f64; 2]) -> f64 {
913        worley_2d(
914            &self.perm_table,
915            &*self.distance_function,
916            self.return_type,
917            Vector2::from(point) * self.frequency,
918        )
919    }
922impl NoiseFn<f64, 3> for Worley {
923    fn get(&self, point: [f64; 3]) -> f64 {
924        worley_3d(
925            &self.perm_table,
926            &*self.distance_function,
927            self.return_type,
928            Vector3::from(point) * self.frequency,
929        )
930    }
933impl NoiseFn<f64, 4> for Worley {
934    fn get(&self, point: [f64; 4]) -> f64 {
935        worley_4d(
936            &self.perm_table,
937            &*self.distance_function,
938            self.return_type,
939            Vector4::from(point) * self.frequency,
940        )
941    }