Crate veloren_network_protocol

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Network Protocol

a I/O-Free protocol for the veloren network crate. This crate defines multiple different protocols over UnreliableDrain and UnreliableSink traits, which allows it to define the behavior of a protocol separated from the actual io.

For example we define the TCP protocol on top of Drains and Sinks that can send chunks of bytes. You can now implement your own Drain And Sink that sends the data via tokio’s or std’s implementation. Or you just use a std::mpsc::channel for unit tests without needing a actual tcp socket.

This crate currently defines:

  • TCP
  • MPSC
  • QUIC

eventually a pure UDP implementation will follow

warning: don’t mix protocol, using the TCP variant for actual UDP socket will result in dropped data using UDP with a TCP socket will be a waste of resources.

A channel in this crate is defined as a combination of read and write protocol.

§adding a protocol

We start by defining our DataFormat. For most this is prob Vec<u8> or Bytes. MPSC can directly send a msg without serialisation.

Create 2 structs, one for the receiving and sending end. Based on a generic Drain/Sink with your required DataFormat. Implement the SendProtocol and RecvProtocol traits respectively.

Implement the Handshake: InitProtocol, alternatively you can also implement ReliableDrain and ReliableSink, by this, you use the default Handshake.

This crate also contains consts and definitions for the network protocol.

For an example see TcpDrain and TcpSink in the






  • Handshake: Used to connect 2 Channels.
  • Generic Network Recv Protocol. See: SendProtocol
  • Generic Network Send Protocol. Implement this for your Protocol of choice ( tcp, udp, mpsc, quic) Allows the creation/deletions of Streams and sending messages via ProtocolEvent.
  • This crate makes use of UnreliableDrains, they are expected to provide the same guarantees like their IO-counterpart. E.g. ordered messages for TCP and nothing for UDP. The respective Protocol needs then to handle this. This trait is an abstraction above multiple Drains, e.g. tokio async-std std or even async-channel
  • Sink counterpart of UnreliableDrain

Type Aliases§

  • guaranteed Bandwidth. See Prio
  • ChannelID, unique ID per Channel (Protocol)
  • Every Stream has a Prio and guaranteed Bandwidth. Every send, the guarantees part is used first. If there is still bandwidth left, it will be shared by all Streams with the same priority. Prio 0 will be send first, then 1, … till the last prio 7 is send. Prio must be < 8!