- Client
Chat Command Iter - An iterator over the variants of ClientChatCommand
- Client
Entity ๐Target Iter - An iterator over the variants of ClientEntityTarget
- TabComplete ๐
- complete
- complete_
command ๐ - complete_
player ๐ - complete_
site ๐ - handle_
clear ๐ - handle_
experimental_ ๐shader - handle_
help ๐ - handle_
mute ๐ - handle_
unmute ๐ - invalid_
command_ ๐message - nth_
word ๐ - preproccess_
command ๐ - run_
client_ ๐command - run_
command - Runs a command by either sending it to the server or processing it locally. Returns a String to be output to the chat.
Type Aliasesยง
- Command
Result ๐ - Represents the feedback shown to the user of a command, if any. Server commands give their feedback as an event, so in those cases this will always be Ok(None). An Err variant will be be displayed with the error icon and text color