Function perspective_lh_zo_general

pub fn perspective_lh_zo_general<T>(
    fov_y_radians: T,
    aspect_ratio: T,
    inv_n: T,
    inv_f: T,
) -> Mat4<T>
where T: Real + FloatConst + Debug,
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Generalized method to construct a perspective projection with x ∈ [-1,1], y ∈ [-1,1], z ∈ [0,1] given fov_y_radians, aspect_ratio, 1/n, and 1/f. Note that you pass in 1/n and 1/f, not n and f like you normally would for a perspective projection; this is done to enable uniform handling of both finite and infinite far planes.

The only requirements on n and f are: 1/n ≠ 1/f, and 0 ≤ 1/n * 1/f.

This ensures that the near and far plane are not identical (or else your projection would not cover any distance), and that they have the same sign (or else we cannot rely on clipping to properly fix your scene). This also ensures that at least one of 1/n and 1/f is not 0, and by construction it guarantees that neither n nor f are 0; these are required in order to make sense of the definition of near and far planes, and avoid collapsing all depths to a single point.

For “typical” projections (matching perspective_lh_no), you would satisfy the stronger requirements. We give the typical conditions for each bullet point, and then explain the consequences of not satisfying these conditions:

  • 1/n < 1/f (0 to 1 depth planes, meaning n = near and f = far; if f < n, depth planes go from 1 to 0, meaning f = near and n = far, aka “reverse depth”).

This is by far the most likely thing to want to change; inverted depth coordinates have far better accuracy for DirectX / Metal / WGPU-like APIs, when using floating point depth, while not being worse than the alternative (OpenGL-like depth, or when using fixed-point / integer depth). For maximum benefit, make sure you are using Depth32F, as on most platforms this is the only depth buffer size where floating point can be used.

It is a bit unintuitive to prove this, but it turns out that when using 1 to 0 depth planes, the point where the depth buffer has its worst precision is not at the far plane (as with 0 to 1 depth planes) nor at the near plane, as you might expect, but exactly at far/2 (the near plane setting does not affect the point of minimum accuracy at all!). However, don’t let this fool you into believing the point of worst precision has simply been moved around–for any fixed Δz that is the minimum amount of depth precision you want over the whole range, and any near plane, you can set the far plane farther (generally much much farther!) with reversed clip space than you can with standard clip space while still getting at least that much depth precision in the worst case. Nor is this a small worst-case; for many desirable near and far plane combinations, more than half the visible space will have completely unusable precision under 0 to 1 depth, while having much better than needed precision under 1 to 0 depth.

To compute the exact (at least “roughly exact”) worst-case accuracy for floating point depth and a given precision target Δz, for reverse clip planes (this can be computed for the non-reversed case too, but it’s painful and the values are horrible, so don’t bother), we compute (assuming a finite far plane–see below for details on the infinite case) the change in the integer representation of the mantissa at z=n/2:

e = floor(ln(near/(far - near))/ln(2))
db/dz = 2^(2-e) / ((1 / far - 1 / near) * (far)^2)

Then the maximum precision you can safely use to get a change in the integer representation of the mantissa (assuming 32-bit floating points) is around:

abs(2^(-23) / (db/dz)).

In particular, if your worst-case target accuracy over the depth range is Δz, you should be okay if:

abs(Δz * (db/dz)) * 2^(23) ≥ 1.

This only accounts for precision of the final floating-point value, so it’s possible that artifacts may be introduced elsewhere during the computation that reduce precision further; the most famous example of this is that OpenGL wipes out most of the precision gains by going from [-1,1] to [0,1] by letting

clip space depth = depth * 0.5 + 0.5

which results in huge precision errors by removing nearly all the floating point values with the most precision (those close to 0). Fortunately, most such artifacts are absent under the wgpu/DirectX/Metal depth clip space model, so with any luck remaining depth errors due to the perspective warp itself should be minimal.

  • 0 ≠ 1/far (finite far plane). When this is false, the far plane is at infinity; this removes the restriction of having a far plane at all, often with minimal reduction in accuracy for most values in the scene. In fact, in almost all cases with non-reversed depth planes, it improves accuracy over the finite case for the vast majority of the range; however, you should be using reversed depth planes, and if you are then there is a quite natural accuracy vs. distance tradeoff in the infinite case.

When using an infinite far plane, the worst-case accuracy is always at infinity, and gets progressively worse as you get farther away from the near plane. However, there is a second advantage that may not be immediately apparent: the perspective warp becomes much simpler, potentially removing artifacts! Specifically, in the 0 to 1 depth plane case, the assigned depth value (after perspective division) becomes:

depth = 1 - near/z

while in the 1 to 0 depth plane case (which you should be using), the equation is even simpler:

depth = near/z

In the 1 to 0 case, in particular, you can see that the depth value is linear in z in log space. This lets us compute, for any given target precision, a very simple worst-case upper bound on the maximum absolute z value for which that precision can be achieved (the upper bound is tight in some cases, but in others may be conservative):

db/dz ≥ 1/z

Plugging that into our old formula, we find that we attain the required precision at least in the range (again, this is for the 1 to 0 infinite case only!):

abs(z) ≤ Δz * 2^23

One thing you may notice is that this worst-case bound *does not depend on the near plane.*This means that (within reason) you can put the near plane as close as you like and still attain this bound. Of course, the bound is not completely tight, but it should not be off by more than a factor of 2 or so (informally proven, not made rigorous yet), so for most practical purposes you can set the near plane as low as you like in this case.

  • 0 < 1/near (positive near plane–best used when moving to left-handed spaces, as we normally do in OpenGL and DirectX). A use case for not doing this is that it allows moving from a left-handed space to a right-handed space in WGPU / DirectX / Metal coordinates; this means that if matrices were already set up for OpenGL using functions like look_at_rh that assume right-handed coordinates, we can simply switch these to look_at_lh and use a right-handed perspective projection with a negative near plane, to get correct rendering behavior. Details are out of scope for this comment.

Note that there is one final, very important thing that affects possible precision–the actual underlying precision of the floating point format at a particular value! As your z values go up, their precision will shrink, so if at all possible try to shrink your z values down to the lowest range in which they can be. Unfortunately, this cannot be part of the perspective projection itself, because by the time z gets to the projection it is usually too late for values to still be integers (or coarse-grained powers of 2). Instead, try to scale down x, y, and z as soon as possible before submitting them to the GPU, ideally by as large as possible of a power of 2 that works for your use case. Not only will this improve depth precision and recall, it will also help address other artifacts caused by values far from z (such as improperly rounded rotations, or improper line equations due to greedy meshing).

TODO: Consider passing fractions rather than 1/n and 1/f directly, even though the logic for why it should be okay to pass them directly is probably sound (they are both valid z values in the range, so gl_FragCoord.w will be assigned to this, meaning if they are imprecise enough then the whole calculation will be similarly imprecise).

TODO: Since it’s a bit confusing that n and f are not always near and far, and a negative near plane can (probably) be emulated with simple actions on the perspective matrix, consider removing this functionality and replacing our assertion with a single condition: (1/far) * (1/near) < (1/near)².