- plugin ๐
- impl_
concatenate_ ๐for_ wrapper - make_
vox_ ๐spec
- Armor
VoxSpec ๐ - Armor
VoxSpec ๐Map - Arthropod
Central ๐Spec - Arthropod
Central ๐SubSpec - Arthropod
Lateral ๐Spec - Arthropod
Lateral ๐SubSpec - Arthropod
Spec - Biped
Large ๐Central Spec - Biped
Large ๐Central SubSpec - Biped
Large ๐Lateral Spec - Biped
Large ๐Lateral SubSpec - Biped
Large ๐Main Spec - Biped
Large ๐Second Spec - Biped
Large Spec - Biped
Small ๐Armor Chest Spec - Biped
Small ๐Armor Foot Spec - Biped
Small ๐Armor Hand Spec - Biped
Small ๐Armor Head Spec - Biped
Small ๐Armor Pants Spec - Biped
Small ๐Armor Tail Spec - Biped
Small Spec - Biped
Small ๐Weapon Spec - Bird
Large ๐Central Spec - Bird
Large ๐Central SubSpec - Bird
Large ๐Lateral Spec - Bird
Large ๐Lateral SubSpec - Bird
Large Spec - Bird
Medium ๐Central Spec - Bird
Medium ๐Central SubSpec - Bird
Medium ๐Lateral Spec - Bird
Medium ๐Lateral SubSpec - Bird
Medium Spec - Crust
Central ๐VoxSpec - Crust
Lateral ๐VoxSpec - Crustacean
Central ๐Spec - Crustacean
Central ๐SubSpec - Crustacean
Lateral ๐Spec - Crustacean
Lateral ๐SubSpec - Crustacean
Spec - Dragon
Central ๐Spec - Dragon
Central ๐SubSpec - Dragon
Lateral ๐Spec - Dragon
Lateral ๐SubSpec - Dragon
Spec - Fish
Medium ๐Central Spec - Fish
Medium ๐Central SubSpec - Fish
Medium ๐Lateral Spec - Fish
Medium ๐Lateral SubSpec - Fish
Medium Spec - Fish
Small ๐Central Spec - Fish
Small ๐Central SubSpec - Fish
Small ๐Lateral Spec - Fish
Small ๐Lateral SubSpec - Fish
Small Spec - Golem
Central ๐Spec - Golem
Central ๐SubSpec - Golem
Lateral ๐Spec - Golem
Lateral ๐SubSpec - Golem
Spec - HumArmor
Back ๐Spec - HumArmor
Belt ๐Spec - HumArmor
Chest ๐Spec - HumArmor
Foot ๐Spec - HumArmor
Glider ๐Spec - HumArmor
Hand ๐Spec - HumArmor
Head ๐Spec - HumArmor
Lantern ๐Spec - HumArmor
Pants ๐Spec - HumArmor
Shoulder ๐Spec - HumArmor
Tabard ๐Spec - HumColor
Spec ๐ - Color information not found in voxels, for humanoids.
- HumHead
Spec ๐ - HumHead
SubSpec ๐ - HumMain
Weapon ๐Spec - HumSpec
- Item
Drop ๐Central Spec - Item
Drop Spec - Model
With ๐Optional Index - Object
Central ๐Spec - Object
Central ๐SubSpec - Object
Spec - Quadruped
LowCentral ๐Spec - Quadruped
LowCentral ๐SubSpec - Quadruped
LowLateral ๐Spec - Quadruped
LowLateral ๐SubSpec - Quadruped
LowSpec - Quadruped
Medium ๐Central Spec - Quadruped
Medium ๐Central SubSpec - Quadruped
Medium ๐Lateral Spec - Quadruped
Medium ๐Lateral SubSpec - Quadruped
Medium Spec - Quadruped
Small ๐Central Spec - Quadruped
Small ๐Central SubSpec - Quadruped
Small ๐Lateral Spec - Quadruped
Small ๐Lateral SubSpec - Quadruped
Small Spec - SidedA
Central ๐VoxSpec - SidedA
Lateral ๐VoxSpec - Sided
Armor ๐VoxSpec - SidedBLA
Central ๐VoxSpec - SidedBLA
Lateral ๐VoxSpec - SidedBL
Central ๐VoxSpec - SidedBL
Lateral ๐VoxSpec - SidedBM
Central ๐VoxSpec - SidedBM
Lateral ๐VoxSpec - SidedD
Central ๐VoxSpec - SidedD
Lateral ๐VoxSpec - SidedFM
Central ๐VoxSpec - SidedFM
Lateral ๐VoxSpec - SidedFS
Central ๐VoxSpec - SidedFS
Lateral ๐VoxSpec - SidedG
Central ๐VoxSpec - SidedG
Lateral ๐VoxSpec - Sided
Object ๐Central VoxSpec - SidedQL
Central ๐VoxSpec - SidedQL
Lateral ๐VoxSpec - SidedQM
Central ๐VoxSpec - SidedQM
Lateral ๐VoxSpec - SidedQS
Central ๐VoxSpec - SidedQS
Lateral ๐VoxSpec - SidedT
Central ๐VoxSpec - SidedT
Lateral ๐VoxSpec - Theropod
Central ๐Spec - Theropod
Central ๐SubSpec - Theropod
Lateral ๐Spec - Theropod
Lateral ๐SubSpec - Theropod
Spec - VoxMirror ๐
- VoxSimple ๐
- VoxSpec ๐
- Modular
Component ๐Spec
- Body
Spec - A set of reloadable specifications for a Body.
- graceful_
load_ ๐mat_ segment - graceful_
load_ ๐mat_ segment_ flipped - graceful_
load_ ๐segment - graceful_
load_ ๐segment_ flipped - graceful_
load_ ๐segment_ fullspec - graceful_
load_ ๐vox - graceful_
load_ ๐vox_ fullspec - load_
mesh - load_
segment ๐ - mesh_
hold ๐ - mesh_
ship_ ๐bone - recolor_
grey ๐ - segment_
center ๐