Actual de/buff.
Buff can timeout after some time if time is Some. If time is None,
Buff will last indefinitely, until removed manually (by some action, like
Component holding all de/buffs that gets resolved each tick.
On each tick, remaining time of buffs get lowered and
buff effect of each buff is applied or not, depending on the BuffEffect
(specs system will decide based on BuffEffect, to simplify
implementation). TODO: Something like once flag for Buff to remove the
dependence on BuffEffect enum?
NOTE: Do not call Item::clone without consulting the core devs! It only
exists due to being required for message serialization at the moment, and
should not be used for any other purpose.
PID controllers (Proportional–integral–derivative controllers) are used for
automatically adapting nonlinear controls (like buoyancy for balloons)
and for damping out oscillations in control feedback loops (like vehicle
cruise control). PID controllers can monitor an error signal between a
setpoint and a process variable, and use that error to adjust a control
variable. A PID controller can only control one variable at a time.
Cache of Velocity (of last tick) * dt (of curent tick)
It’s updated and read in physics sys to speed up entity<->entity collisions
no need to send it via network
A group of skills that have been unlocked by a player. Each skill group has
independent exp and skill points which are used to unlock skills in that
skill group.
Contains all of a player’s skill groups and skills. Provides methods for
manipulating assigned skills and skill groups including unlocking skills,
refunding skills etc.
This component exists in order to fix a bug that caused entities
such as campfires to duplicate because the chunk was double-loaded.
Represents a skill that a player can unlock, that either grants them some
kind of active ability, or a passive effect etc. Obviously because this is
an enum it doesn’t describe what the skill actually -does-, this will be
handled by dedicated ECS systems.