Enum veloren_common::terrain::sprite::SpriteKind

source ·
pub enum SpriteKind {
Show 286 variants Empty = 0, Ember = 65_536, SmokeDummy = 65_537, Bomb = 65_538, FireBlock = 65_539, HotSurface = 65_540, Stones2 = 65_541, CoatRack = 131_072, Bed = 131_073, Bench = 131_074, ChairSingle = 131_075, ChairDouble = 131_076, DrawerLarge = 131_077, DrawerMedium = 131_078, DrawerSmall = 131_079, TableSide = 131_080, TableDining = 131_081, TableDouble = 131_082, WardrobeSingle = 131_083, WardrobeDouble = 131_084, BookshelfArabic = 131_085, WallTableArabic = 131_086, TableArabicLarge = 131_087, TableArabicSmall = 131_088, CupboardArabic = 131_089, OvenArabic = 131_090, CushionArabic = 131_091, CanapeArabic = 131_092, Shelf = 131_093, Planter = 131_094, Pot = 131_095, BedMesa = 131_096, WallTableMesa = 131_097, MirrorMesa = 131_098, WardrobeSingleMesa = 131_099, WardrobeDoubleMesa = 131_100, CupboardMesa = 131_101, TableCoastalLarge = 131_102, BenchCoastal = 131_103, CraftingBench = 131_104, Forge = 131_105, Cauldron = 131_106, Anvil = 131_107, CookingPot = 131_108, SpinningWheel = 131_109, TanningRack = 131_110, Loom = 131_111, DismantlingBench = 131_112, RepairBench = 131_113, HangingBasket = 131_152, HangingSign = 131_153, ChristmasOrnament = 131_154, ChristmasWreath = 131_155, WallLampWizard = 131_156, WallLamp = 131_157, WallLampSmall = 131_158, WallSconce = 131_159, DungeonWallDecor = 131_160, WallLampMesa = 131_161, Tent = 131_168, Bedroll = 131_169, BedrollSnow = 131_170, BedrollPirate = 131_171, Sign = 131_172, Helm = 131_173, Scarecrow = 131_184, FountainArabic = 131_185, Hearth = 131_186, BarrelCactus = 196_608, RoundCactus = 196_609, ShortCactus = 196_610, MedFlatCactus = 196_611, ShortFlatCactus = 196_612, LargeCactus = 196_613, TallCactus = 196_614, BlueFlower = 196_624, PinkFlower = 196_625, PurpleFlower = 196_626, RedFlower = 196_627, WhiteFlower = 196_628, YellowFlower = 196_629, Sunflower = 196_630, Moonbell = 196_631, Pyrebloom = 196_632, LushFlower = 196_633, LanternFlower = 196_634, LongGrass = 196_640, MediumGrass = 196_641, ShortGrass = 196_642, Fern = 196_643, LargeGrass = 196_644, GrassSnow = 196_645, Reed = 196_646, GrassBlue = 196_647, SavannaGrass = 196_648, TallSavannaGrass = 196_649, RedSavannaGrass = 196_650, SavannaBush = 196_651, Welwitch = 196_652, LeafyPlant = 196_653, DeadBush = 196_654, JungleFern = 196_655, GrassBlueShort = 196_656, GrassBlueMedium = 196_657, GrassBlueLong = 196_658, CavernLillypadBlue = 196_659, EnsnaringVines = 196_660, LillyPads = 196_661, JungleLeafyPlant = 196_662, JungleRedGrass = 196_663, LanternPlant = 196_664, SporeReed = 196_665, DeadPlant = 196_666, Corn = 196_672, WheatYellow = 196_673, WheatGreen = 196_674, LingonBerry = 196_675, Blueberry = 196_676, Cabbage = 196_677, Pumpkin = 196_678, Carrot = 196_679, Tomato = 196_680, Radish = 196_681, Turnip = 196_682, Flax = 196_683, Mushroom = 196_684, CaveMushroom = 196_685, Cotton = 196_686, WildFlax = 196_687, SewerMushroom = 196_688, LushMushroom = 196_689, RockyMushroom = 196_690, GlowMushroom = 196_691, StonyCoral = 196_704, SoftCoral = 196_705, SeaweedTemperate = 196_706, SeaweedTropical = 196_707, GiantKelp = 196_708, BullKelp = 196_709, WavyAlgae = 196_710, SeaGrapes = 196_711, MermaidsFan = 196_712, SeaAnemone = 196_713, Seagrass = 196_714, RedAlgae = 196_715, Liana = 196_720, MycelBlue = 196_721, CeilingMushroom = 196_722, Mold = 196_723, Root = 196_724, CeilingLanternPlant = 196_725, CeilingLanternFlower = 196_726, CeilingJungleLeafyPlant = 196_727, Twigs = 262_144, Wood = 262_145, Bamboo = 262_146, Hardwood = 262_147, Ironwood = 262_148, Frostwood = 262_149, Eldwood = 262_150, Apple = 262_176, Coconut = 262_177, Stones = 262_178, Seashells = 262_179, Beehive = 262_180, Bowl = 262_181, PotionMinor = 262_182, PotionDummy = 262_183, VialEmpty = 262_184, Amethyst = 327_680, Ruby = 327_681, Sapphire = 327_682, Emerald = 327_683, Topaz = 327_684, Diamond = 327_685, Bloodstone = 327_686, Coal = 327_687, Cobalt = 327_688, Copper = 327_689, Iron = 327_690, Tin = 327_691, Silver = 327_692, Gold = 327_693, Velorite = 327_694, VeloriteFrag = 327_695, Mud = 327_696, Grave = 327_697, Door = 393_216, DoorDark = 393_217, DoorWide = 393_218, BoneKeyhole = 393_219, BoneKeyDoor = 393_220, Keyhole = 393_221, KeyDoor = 393_222, GlassKeyhole = 393_223, KeyholeBars = 393_224, HaniwaKeyDoor = 393_225, HaniwaKeyhole = 393_226, TerracottaKeyDoor = 393_227, TerracottaKeyhole = 393_228, SahaginKeyhole = 393_229, SahaginKeyDoor = 393_230, VampireKeyDoor = 393_231, VampireKeyhole = 393_232, MyrmidonKeyDoor = 393_233, MyrmidonKeyhole = 393_234, MinotaurKeyhole = 393_235, Window1 = 393_236, Window2 = 393_237, Window3 = 393_238, Window4 = 393_239, WitchWindow = 393_240, WindowArabic = 393_241, GlassBarrier = 393_248, SeaDecorBlock = 393_249, CliffDecorBlock = 393_250, MagicalBarrier = 393_251, OneWayWall = 393_252, SeaDecorWindowHor = 393_264, SeaDecorWindowVer = 393_265, DropGate = 393_266, DropGateBottom = 393_267, WoodBarricades = 393_268, Rope = 393_280, SeaDecorChain = 393_281, IronSpike = 393_282, DoorBars = 393_283, HaniwaTrap = 393_284, HaniwaTrapTriggered = 393_285, TerracottaStatue = 393_286, TerracottaBlock = 393_287, MetalChain = 393_288, FenceI = 393_296, FenceL = 393_297, FenceT = 393_298, FenceX = 393_299, FenceEnd = 393_300, Bones = 458_752, IceCrystal = 458_753, GlowIceCrystal = 458_754, CrystalHigh = 458_755, CrystalLow = 458_756, UnderwaterVent = 458_757, SeaUrchin = 458_758, IceSpike = 458_759, Orb = 458_760, EnsnaringWeb = 458_761, DiamondLight = 458_762, Gravestone = 458_768, Melon = 458_769, ForgeTools = 458_770, JugAndBowlArabic = 458_771, JugArabic = 458_772, DecorSetArabic = 458_773, SepareArabic = 458_774, Candle = 458_775, SmithingTable = 458_776, Forge0 = 458_777, GearWheel0 = 458_778, Quench0 = 458_779, SeaDecorEmblem = 458_780, SeaDecorPillar = 458_781, MagicalSeal = 458_782, JugAndCupsCoastal = 458_783, Lantern = 524_288, StreetLamp = 524_289, StreetLampTall = 524_290, SeashellLantern = 524_291, FireBowlGround = 524_292, MesaLantern = 524_293, Chest = 589_824, DungeonChest0 = 589_825, DungeonChest1 = 589_826, DungeonChest2 = 589_827, DungeonChest3 = 589_828, DungeonChest4 = 589_829, DungeonChest5 = 589_830, CoralChest = 589_831, HaniwaUrn = 589_832, TerracottaChest = 589_833, SahaginChest = 589_834, CommonLockedChest = 589_835, ChestBuried = 589_836, Crate = 589_837, Barrel = 589_838, CrateBlock = 589_839,



Empty = 0


Ember = 65_536


SmokeDummy = 65_537


Bomb = 65_538


FireBlock = 65_539


HotSurface = 65_540


Stones2 = 65_541


CoatRack = 131_072


Bed = 131_073


Bench = 131_074


ChairSingle = 131_075


ChairDouble = 131_076


DrawerLarge = 131_077


DrawerMedium = 131_078


DrawerSmall = 131_079


TableSide = 131_080


TableDining = 131_081


TableDouble = 131_082


WardrobeSingle = 131_083


WardrobeDouble = 131_084


BookshelfArabic = 131_085


WallTableArabic = 131_086


TableArabicLarge = 131_087


TableArabicSmall = 131_088


CupboardArabic = 131_089


OvenArabic = 131_090


CushionArabic = 131_091


CanapeArabic = 131_092


Shelf = 131_093


Planter = 131_094


Pot = 131_095


BedMesa = 131_096


WallTableMesa = 131_097


MirrorMesa = 131_098


WardrobeSingleMesa = 131_099


WardrobeDoubleMesa = 131_100


CupboardMesa = 131_101


TableCoastalLarge = 131_102


BenchCoastal = 131_103


CraftingBench = 131_104


Forge = 131_105


Cauldron = 131_106


Anvil = 131_107


CookingPot = 131_108


SpinningWheel = 131_109


TanningRack = 131_110


Loom = 131_111


DismantlingBench = 131_112


RepairBench = 131_113


HangingBasket = 131_152


HangingSign = 131_153


ChristmasOrnament = 131_154


ChristmasWreath = 131_155


WallLampWizard = 131_156


WallLamp = 131_157


WallLampSmall = 131_158


WallSconce = 131_159


DungeonWallDecor = 131_160


WallLampMesa = 131_161


Tent = 131_168


Bedroll = 131_169


BedrollSnow = 131_170


BedrollPirate = 131_171


Sign = 131_172


Helm = 131_173


Scarecrow = 131_184


FountainArabic = 131_185


Hearth = 131_186


BarrelCactus = 196_608


RoundCactus = 196_609


ShortCactus = 196_610


MedFlatCactus = 196_611


ShortFlatCactus = 196_612


LargeCactus = 196_613


TallCactus = 196_614


BlueFlower = 196_624


PinkFlower = 196_625


PurpleFlower = 196_626


RedFlower = 196_627


WhiteFlower = 196_628


YellowFlower = 196_629


Sunflower = 196_630


Moonbell = 196_631


Pyrebloom = 196_632


LushFlower = 196_633


LanternFlower = 196_634


LongGrass = 196_640


MediumGrass = 196_641


ShortGrass = 196_642


Fern = 196_643


LargeGrass = 196_644


GrassSnow = 196_645


Reed = 196_646


GrassBlue = 196_647


SavannaGrass = 196_648


TallSavannaGrass = 196_649


RedSavannaGrass = 196_650


SavannaBush = 196_651


Welwitch = 196_652


LeafyPlant = 196_653


DeadBush = 196_654


JungleFern = 196_655


GrassBlueShort = 196_656


GrassBlueMedium = 196_657


GrassBlueLong = 196_658


CavernLillypadBlue = 196_659


EnsnaringVines = 196_660


LillyPads = 196_661


JungleLeafyPlant = 196_662


JungleRedGrass = 196_663


LanternPlant = 196_664


SporeReed = 196_665


DeadPlant = 196_666


Corn = 196_672


WheatYellow = 196_673


WheatGreen = 196_674


LingonBerry = 196_675


Blueberry = 196_676


Cabbage = 196_677


Pumpkin = 196_678


Carrot = 196_679


Tomato = 196_680


Radish = 196_681


Turnip = 196_682


Flax = 196_683


Mushroom = 196_684


CaveMushroom = 196_685


Cotton = 196_686


WildFlax = 196_687


SewerMushroom = 196_688


LushMushroom = 196_689


RockyMushroom = 196_690


GlowMushroom = 196_691


StonyCoral = 196_704


SoftCoral = 196_705


SeaweedTemperate = 196_706


SeaweedTropical = 196_707


GiantKelp = 196_708


BullKelp = 196_709


WavyAlgae = 196_710


SeaGrapes = 196_711


MermaidsFan = 196_712


SeaAnemone = 196_713


Seagrass = 196_714


RedAlgae = 196_715


Liana = 196_720


MycelBlue = 196_721


CeilingMushroom = 196_722


Mold = 196_723


Root = 196_724


CeilingLanternPlant = 196_725


CeilingLanternFlower = 196_726


CeilingJungleLeafyPlant = 196_727


Twigs = 262_144


Wood = 262_145


Bamboo = 262_146


Hardwood = 262_147


Ironwood = 262_148


Frostwood = 262_149


Eldwood = 262_150


Apple = 262_176


Coconut = 262_177


Stones = 262_178


Seashells = 262_179


Beehive = 262_180


Bowl = 262_181


PotionMinor = 262_182


PotionDummy = 262_183


VialEmpty = 262_184


Amethyst = 327_680


Ruby = 327_681


Sapphire = 327_682


Emerald = 327_683


Topaz = 327_684


Diamond = 327_685


Bloodstone = 327_686


Coal = 327_687


Cobalt = 327_688


Copper = 327_689


Iron = 327_690


Tin = 327_691


Silver = 327_692


Gold = 327_693


Velorite = 327_694


VeloriteFrag = 327_695


Mud = 327_696


Grave = 327_697


Door = 393_216


DoorDark = 393_217


DoorWide = 393_218


BoneKeyhole = 393_219


BoneKeyDoor = 393_220


Keyhole = 393_221


KeyDoor = 393_222


GlassKeyhole = 393_223


KeyholeBars = 393_224


HaniwaKeyDoor = 393_225


HaniwaKeyhole = 393_226


TerracottaKeyDoor = 393_227


TerracottaKeyhole = 393_228


SahaginKeyhole = 393_229


SahaginKeyDoor = 393_230


VampireKeyDoor = 393_231


VampireKeyhole = 393_232


MyrmidonKeyDoor = 393_233


MyrmidonKeyhole = 393_234


MinotaurKeyhole = 393_235


Window1 = 393_236


Window2 = 393_237


Window3 = 393_238


Window4 = 393_239


WitchWindow = 393_240


WindowArabic = 393_241


GlassBarrier = 393_248


SeaDecorBlock = 393_249


CliffDecorBlock = 393_250


MagicalBarrier = 393_251


OneWayWall = 393_252


SeaDecorWindowHor = 393_264


SeaDecorWindowVer = 393_265


DropGate = 393_266


DropGateBottom = 393_267


WoodBarricades = 393_268


Rope = 393_280


SeaDecorChain = 393_281


IronSpike = 393_282


DoorBars = 393_283


HaniwaTrap = 393_284


HaniwaTrapTriggered = 393_285


TerracottaStatue = 393_286


TerracottaBlock = 393_287


MetalChain = 393_288


FenceI = 393_296


FenceL = 393_297


FenceT = 393_298


FenceX = 393_299


FenceEnd = 393_300


Bones = 458_752


IceCrystal = 458_753


GlowIceCrystal = 458_754


CrystalHigh = 458_755


CrystalLow = 458_756


UnderwaterVent = 458_757


SeaUrchin = 458_758


IceSpike = 458_759


Orb = 458_760


EnsnaringWeb = 458_761


DiamondLight = 458_762


Gravestone = 458_768


Melon = 458_769


ForgeTools = 458_770


JugAndBowlArabic = 458_771


JugArabic = 458_772


DecorSetArabic = 458_773


SepareArabic = 458_774


Candle = 458_775


SmithingTable = 458_776


Forge0 = 458_777


GearWheel0 = 458_778


Quench0 = 458_779


SeaDecorEmblem = 458_780


SeaDecorPillar = 458_781


MagicalSeal = 458_782


JugAndCupsCoastal = 458_783


Lantern = 524_288


StreetLamp = 524_289


StreetLampTall = 524_290


SeashellLantern = 524_291


FireBowlGround = 524_292


MesaLantern = 524_293


Chest = 589_824


DungeonChest0 = 589_825


DungeonChest1 = 589_826


DungeonChest2 = 589_827


DungeonChest3 = 589_828


DungeonChest4 = 589_829


DungeonChest5 = 589_830


CoralChest = 589_831


HaniwaUrn = 589_832


TerracottaChest = 589_833


SahaginChest = 589_834


CommonLockedChest = 589_835


ChestBuried = 589_836


Crate = 589_837


Barrel = 589_838


CrateBlock = 589_839



impl SpriteKind


pub fn elim<'a, Elim, Context, S, Type>( &'a self, elim: Elim, context: Context, ) -> (Type, S)
where Elim: Typed<((&'a SpriteKind,), Context), Type, S>,


pub fn elim_case_pure<'a, Type>(&self, cases: &'a PureCases<Type>) -> &'a Type


pub fn elim_case_weak<'a, 'b, Type>( &'a self, cases: &'b ElimWeak<Self, Type>, ) -> &'b Type
where WeakHead<Pure<Type>, Type>: SynthTyped<(), Type>, &'b ElimWeak<Self, Type>: Typed<((&'a SpriteKind,), ()), &'b Type, ()>,


impl SpriteKind


pub const fn all() -> &'static [Self]


pub const fn category(&self) -> Category


pub(super) const fn from_block(block: Block) -> Option<Self>

Note that this function assumes that the category of self matches that of the block data, but does not validate this.


pub(super) fn to_initial_bytes(self) -> [u8; 3]


impl SpriteKind


pub fn solid_height(&self) -> Option<f32>


pub fn valid_collision_dir( &self, entity_aabb: Aabb<f32>, block_aabb: Aabb<f32>, move_dir: Vec3<f32>, parent: &Block, ) -> bool


pub fn collectible_id(&self) -> Option<Option<LootSpec<&'static str>>>

What loot table does collecting this sprite draw from? None = block cannot be collected Some(None) = block can be collected, but does not give back an item Some(Some(_)) = block can be collected and gives back an item


pub fn is_collectible(&self) -> bool

Can this sprite be picked up to yield an item without a tool?


pub fn is_container(&self) -> bool

Is the sprite a container that will emit a mystery item?


pub fn mount_offset(&self) -> Option<(Vec3<f32>, Vec3<f32>)>

Get the position and direction to mount this sprite if any.


pub fn is_mountable(&self) -> bool


pub fn is_controller(&self) -> bool


pub fn is_door(&self) -> bool


pub fn mine_tool(&self) -> Option<ToolKind>

Which tool (if any) is needed to collect this sprite?


pub fn required_mine_damage(&self) -> Option<u8>


pub fn mine_drop_interval(&self) -> u8

Defines how much damage it takes for a mined resource to possibly make an extra drop.


pub fn unlock_condition(&self, cfg: Option<SpriteCfg>) -> UnlockKind

Requires this item in the inventory to harvest, uses item_definition_id


pub fn content(&self, cfg: Option<SpriteCfg>) -> Option<Content>

Get the Content that this sprite is labelled with.


pub fn has_ori(&self) -> bool

Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for SpriteKind


fn clone(&self) -> SpriteKind

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for SpriteKind


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for SpriteKind


fn deserialize<__D>(__deserializer: __D) -> Result<Self, __D::Error>
where __D: Deserializer<'de>,

Deserialize this value from the given Serde deserializer. Read more

impl Display for SpriteKind


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl From<SpriteKind> for Option<SpriteInteractKind>


fn from(sprite_kind: SpriteKind) -> Self

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl FromPrimitive for SpriteKind


fn from_i64(n: i64) -> Option<Self>

Converts an i64 to return an optional value of this type. If the value cannot be represented by this type, then None is returned.

fn from_u64(n: u64) -> Option<Self>

Converts an u64 to return an optional value of this type. If the value cannot be represented by this type, then None is returned.

fn from_isize(n: isize) -> Option<Self>

Converts an isize to return an optional value of this type. If the value cannot be represented by this type, then None is returned.

fn from_i8(n: i8) -> Option<Self>

Converts an i8 to return an optional value of this type. If the value cannot be represented by this type, then None is returned.

fn from_i16(n: i16) -> Option<Self>

Converts an i16 to return an optional value of this type. If the value cannot be represented by this type, then None is returned.

fn from_i32(n: i32) -> Option<Self>

Converts an i32 to return an optional value of this type. If the value cannot be represented by this type, then None is returned.

fn from_i128(n: i128) -> Option<Self>

Converts an i128 to return an optional value of this type. If the value cannot be represented by this type, then None is returned. Read more

fn from_usize(n: usize) -> Option<Self>

Converts a usize to return an optional value of this type. If the value cannot be represented by this type, then None is returned.

fn from_u8(n: u8) -> Option<Self>

Converts an u8 to return an optional value of this type. If the value cannot be represented by this type, then None is returned.

fn from_u16(n: u16) -> Option<Self>

Converts an u16 to return an optional value of this type. If the value cannot be represented by this type, then None is returned.

fn from_u32(n: u32) -> Option<Self>

Converts an u32 to return an optional value of this type. If the value cannot be represented by this type, then None is returned.

fn from_u128(n: u128) -> Option<Self>

Converts an u128 to return an optional value of this type. If the value cannot be represented by this type, then None is returned. Read more

fn from_f32(n: f32) -> Option<Self>

Converts a f32 to return an optional value of this type. If the value cannot be represented by this type, then None is returned.

fn from_f64(n: f64) -> Option<Self>

Converts a f64 to return an optional value of this type. If the value cannot be represented by this type, then None is returned. Read more

impl Hash for SpriteKind


fn hash<__H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut __H)

Feeds this value into the given Hasher. Read more
1.3.0 · source§

fn hash_slice<H>(data: &[Self], state: &mut H)
where H: Hasher, Self: Sized,

Feeds a slice of this type into the given Hasher. Read more

impl IntoEnumIterator for SpriteKind


impl<Target> PackedElim for WeakHead<SpriteKind, Target>
where WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target>: SynthTyped<(), Target>,


type Empty = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Ember = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type SmokeDummy = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Bomb = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type FireBlock = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type HotSurface = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Stones2 = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type CoatRack = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Bed = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Bench = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type ChairSingle = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type ChairDouble = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type DrawerLarge = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type DrawerMedium = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type DrawerSmall = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type TableSide = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type TableDining = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type TableDouble = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type WardrobeSingle = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type WardrobeDouble = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type BookshelfArabic = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type WallTableArabic = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type TableArabicLarge = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type TableArabicSmall = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type CupboardArabic = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type OvenArabic = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type CushionArabic = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type CanapeArabic = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Shelf = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Planter = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Pot = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type BedMesa = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type WallTableMesa = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type MirrorMesa = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type WardrobeSingleMesa = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type WardrobeDoubleMesa = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type CupboardMesa = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type TableCoastalLarge = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type BenchCoastal = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type CraftingBench = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Forge = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Cauldron = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Anvil = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type CookingPot = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type SpinningWheel = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type TanningRack = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Loom = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type DismantlingBench = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type RepairBench = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type HangingBasket = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type HangingSign = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type ChristmasOrnament = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type ChristmasWreath = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type WallLampWizard = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type WallLamp = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type WallLampSmall = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type WallSconce = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type DungeonWallDecor = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type WallLampMesa = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Tent = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Bedroll = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type BedrollSnow = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type BedrollPirate = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Sign = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Helm = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Scarecrow = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type FountainArabic = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Hearth = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type BarrelCactus = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type RoundCactus = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type ShortCactus = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type MedFlatCactus = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type ShortFlatCactus = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type LargeCactus = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type TallCactus = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type BlueFlower = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type PinkFlower = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type PurpleFlower = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type RedFlower = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type WhiteFlower = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type YellowFlower = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Sunflower = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Moonbell = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Pyrebloom = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type LushFlower = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type LanternFlower = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type LongGrass = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type MediumGrass = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type ShortGrass = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Fern = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type LargeGrass = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type GrassSnow = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Reed = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type GrassBlue = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type SavannaGrass = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type TallSavannaGrass = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type RedSavannaGrass = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type SavannaBush = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Welwitch = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type LeafyPlant = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type DeadBush = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type JungleFern = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type GrassBlueShort = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type GrassBlueMedium = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type GrassBlueLong = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type CavernLillypadBlue = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type EnsnaringVines = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type LillyPads = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type JungleLeafyPlant = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type JungleRedGrass = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type LanternPlant = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type SporeReed = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type DeadPlant = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Corn = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type WheatYellow = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type WheatGreen = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type LingonBerry = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Blueberry = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Cabbage = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Pumpkin = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Carrot = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Tomato = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Radish = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Turnip = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Flax = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Mushroom = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type CaveMushroom = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Cotton = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type WildFlax = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type SewerMushroom = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type LushMushroom = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type RockyMushroom = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type GlowMushroom = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type StonyCoral = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type SoftCoral = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type SeaweedTemperate = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type SeaweedTropical = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type GiantKelp = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type BullKelp = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type WavyAlgae = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type SeaGrapes = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type MermaidsFan = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type SeaAnemone = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Seagrass = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type RedAlgae = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Liana = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type MycelBlue = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type CeilingMushroom = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Mold = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Root = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type CeilingLanternPlant = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type CeilingLanternFlower = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type CeilingJungleLeafyPlant = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Twigs = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Wood = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Bamboo = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Hardwood = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Ironwood = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Frostwood = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Eldwood = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Apple = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Coconut = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Stones = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Seashells = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Beehive = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Bowl = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type PotionMinor = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type PotionDummy = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type VialEmpty = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Amethyst = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Ruby = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Sapphire = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Emerald = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Topaz = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Diamond = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Bloodstone = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Coal = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Cobalt = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Copper = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Iron = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Tin = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Silver = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Gold = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Velorite = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type VeloriteFrag = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Mud = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Grave = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Door = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type DoorDark = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type DoorWide = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type BoneKeyhole = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type BoneKeyDoor = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Keyhole = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type KeyDoor = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type GlassKeyhole = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type KeyholeBars = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type HaniwaKeyDoor = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type HaniwaKeyhole = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type TerracottaKeyDoor = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type TerracottaKeyhole = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type SahaginKeyhole = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type SahaginKeyDoor = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type VampireKeyDoor = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type VampireKeyhole = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type MyrmidonKeyDoor = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type MyrmidonKeyhole = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type MinotaurKeyhole = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Window1 = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Window2 = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Window3 = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Window4 = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type WitchWindow = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type WindowArabic = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type GlassBarrier = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type SeaDecorBlock = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type CliffDecorBlock = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type MagicalBarrier = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type OneWayWall = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type SeaDecorWindowHor = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type SeaDecorWindowVer = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type DropGate = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type DropGateBottom = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type WoodBarricades = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Rope = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type SeaDecorChain = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type IronSpike = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type DoorBars = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type HaniwaTrap = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type HaniwaTrapTriggered = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type TerracottaStatue = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type TerracottaBlock = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type MetalChain = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type FenceI = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type FenceL = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type FenceT = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type FenceX = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type FenceEnd = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Bones = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type IceCrystal = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type GlowIceCrystal = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type CrystalHigh = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type CrystalLow = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type UnderwaterVent = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type SeaUrchin = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type IceSpike = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Orb = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type EnsnaringWeb = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type DiamondLight = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Gravestone = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Melon = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type ForgeTools = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type JugAndBowlArabic = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type JugArabic = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type DecorSetArabic = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type SepareArabic = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Candle = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type SmithingTable = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Forge0 = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type GearWheel0 = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Quench0 = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type SeaDecorEmblem = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type SeaDecorPillar = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type MagicalSeal = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type JugAndCupsCoastal = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Lantern = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type StreetLamp = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type StreetLampTall = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type SeashellLantern = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type FireBowlGround = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type MesaLantern = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Chest = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type DungeonChest0 = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type DungeonChest1 = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type DungeonChest2 = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type DungeonChest3 = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type DungeonChest4 = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type DungeonChest5 = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type CoralChest = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type HaniwaUrn = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type TerracottaChest = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type SahaginChest = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type CommonLockedChest = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type ChestBuried = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Crate = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type Barrel = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


type CrateBlock = <WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target> as SynthTyped<(), Target>>::Expr


impl PartialEq for SpriteKind


fn eq(&self, other: &SpriteKind) -> bool

This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl Serialize for SpriteKind


fn serialize<__S>(&self, __serializer: __S) -> Result<__S::Ok, __S::Error>
where __S: Serializer,

Serialize this value into the given Serde serializer. Read more

impl<Context, Target> SynthTyped<((SpriteKind,), Context), Target> for WeakHead<SpriteKind, Target>
where WeakHead<Pure<Target>, Target>: SynthTyped<(), Target>,


impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a str> for SpriteKind


type Error = ()

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(s: &'a str) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl Copy for SpriteKind


impl Eq for SpriteKind


impl StructuralPartialEq for SpriteKind

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> CallHasher for T
where T: Hash,


fn get_hash<H>(&self, hasher: H) -> u64
where H: Hasher,


impl<T> CloneToUninit for T
where T: Clone,


default unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut T)

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (clone_to_uninit)
Performs copy-assignment from self to dst. Read more

impl<T> CloneToUninit for T
where T: Copy,


unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut T)

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (clone_to_uninit)
Performs copy-assignment from self to dst. Read more

impl<C, M> ConvertSaveload<M> for C


type Data = C

(De)Serializable data representation for data type

type Error = Infallible

Error may occur during serialization or deserialization of component

fn convert_into<F>( &self, _: F, ) -> Result<<C as ConvertSaveload<M>>::Data, <C as ConvertSaveload<M>>::Error>
where F: FnMut(Entity) -> Option<M>,

Convert this data type into serializable form (Data) using entity to marker mapping function

fn convert_from<F>( data: <C as ConvertSaveload<M>>::Data, _: F, ) -> Result<C, <C as ConvertSaveload<M>>::Error>
where F: FnMut(M) -> Option<Entity>,

Convert this data from a deserializable form (Data) using entity to marker mapping function

impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Q
where Q: Eq + ?Sized, K: Borrow<Q> + ?Sized,


fn equivalent(&self, key: &K) -> bool

Checks if this value is equivalent to the given key. Read more

impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Q
where Q: Eq + ?Sized, K: Borrow<Q> + ?Sized,


fn equivalent(&self, key: &K) -> bool

Compare self to key and return true if they are equal.

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T> Instrument for T


fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the provided [Span], returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> IntoEither for T


fn into_either(self, into_left: bool) -> Either<Self, Self>

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left is true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

fn into_either_with<F>(self, into_left: F) -> Either<Self, Self>
where F: FnOnce(&Self) -> bool,

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left(&self) returns true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

impl<T> Pointable for T


const ALIGN: usize = _

The alignment of pointer.

type Init = T

The type for initializers.

unsafe fn init(init: <T as Pointable>::Init) -> usize

Initializes a with the given initializer. Read more

unsafe fn deref<'a>(ptr: usize) -> &'a T

Dereferences the given pointer. Read more

unsafe fn deref_mut<'a>(ptr: usize) -> &'a mut T

Mutably dereferences the given pointer. Read more

unsafe fn drop(ptr: usize)

Drops the object pointed to by the given pointer. Read more

impl<T> Same for T


type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<Context> SubContext<Context> for Context


fn sub_context(self) -> Context


impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T> ToString for T
where T: Display + ?Sized,


default fn to_string(&self) -> String

Converts the given value to a String. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T
where V: MultiLane<T>,


fn vzip(self) -> V


impl<T> WithSubscriber for T


fn with_subscriber<S>(self, subscriber: S) -> WithDispatch<Self>
where S: Into<Dispatch>,

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a [WithDispatch] wrapper. Read more

fn with_current_subscriber(self) -> WithDispatch<Self>

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a [WithDispatch] wrapper. Read more

impl<T> DeserializeOwned for T
where T: for<'de> Deserialize<'de>,


impl<T> Event for T
where T: Send + Sync + 'static,


impl<T> Resource for T
where T: Any + Send + Sync,


impl<T> Storable for T
where T: Send + Sync + 'static,